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Old 10/11/14, 10:54 PM   #2
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Default Re: Who should be the big bad in the new PR Movie

I don't really know about He-Man but it's hard for me to answer that.
I personally think they should do what I thought they should have done in the show.

Start off with Rita, Goldar, Finster, Squatt and Baboo.

After being defeated countless of times which will be reduced to just a few monsters for movie purposes Rita activates her Green Ranger but for a twist she already has him in her army and he is already under her spell.

Once the Green Ranger's spell is broken, Rita decides she needs a new minion so she revives Goldar's girlfriend/wife; Scorpina.

After a bunch more defeats the Rangers defeat Rita and capture her along with Squatt and Baboo but Goldar, Scorpina and Finster manage to escape.

Goldar takes over in Rita's place and then after a bunch more defeats Zedd returns to take over and Zordon brings in new zords to defeat him.
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