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Old 02/24/14, 07:45 PM   #3
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

At the Virtual Dungeon two Skugs, and Jeb are digitally inserted into some Metlader footage so that Grimlord, and his mutants can interrogate him, and one mutant later identified as Crabor can say he wants Jeb for a snack but Jeb just snarks at them, and Grimlord tells his mutants to tell Ryan they have Jeb.

Meanwhile the Troopers run into a police blockade, and get out, and one of the police has Jeb’s collar, and the police officers transform into Skugs to fight the Troopers.

First the Troopers punch, and kick the Skugs then JB kicks a Skugs then Kaitlin punches, and kicks another JB jumps on some barrels, and blocks his Skug’s punches,

Ryan punches, and kicks his Skug but it throws him off then Ryan’s Skug jumps on the barrels to attack JB but Ryan jumps, and leg swipes it off, and JB kicks his Skug off.

Then Ryan summersaults of the barrels because Kaitlin is being choked by her Skug so he kicks it’s arms off her, and Kaitlin kicks it but it jumps on the barrels so Ryan kicks it off.

At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord sees the Troopers defeating his Skugs so he orders the fight be taken to the Battle Grid.

Not much happens differently then the Professor says Troopers in between Battle Grid Alert, and Prepare for Battle Grid mode when he has them transform and we get what I like to call a shorty sequence where the portal sequence ends after we see the Troopers from the front.

Also when the Skugs show up instead of doing the VR Troopers thing Kaitlin just points at the Skugs, and them does a mid air summersault before she punches some skugs

Then we see all three Troopers at once punching and kicking Skugs then JB punches some Skugs before leg swiping another while Kaitlin is punching, and kicking some more Skugs.

Then Ryan punches some Skugs while JB punches, and kicks some Skugs, and kicks some Skugs into each other getting the obligatory “Skugs getting knocked into each other” shot once again.

Then Ryan punches, and flips over some more Skugs onto each other then we see some close ups of the Troopers’ legs as the land, and we get a shorter version of the return to reality part but without the screen going white.

Meanwhile at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord, and his minions are still interrogating Jeb who still refuses to cooperate so Toxoid uses negative effects to scan Jeb’s brain but finds nothing so after a bit where Toxoid compares Jeb’s brain to peanut, and Crabor says he likes peanuts Grimlord suggests using Jeb as bait for the Troopers.

At the lab JB tries to hack into Grimlord’s communications while the Professor has Ryan, and Kaitlin put on their visors, and shows them some Metalder footage of Grimlord’s minions confirming what I said from Battle Begins part 1 saying Grimlord’s main lieutenants are Decimator, Dark Heart, Zelton, and Toxoid, and the others he just creates.

At the Vritual Dungeon Grimlord has the digitally inserted Skugs take Jeb away from the Metalder footage, calls General Ivar who sends a kangaroo like mutant called Frogbot, and Grimlord assigns Crabor, and another mutant torpedo shaped mutant called Torpedobot as well.

Then at the harbor in Crossworld City the Skugs call the Troopers who drive over there while Grimlord’s mutants get ready for the trap.

Crabor brags about how Grimlord will make him a general for this but Dark Hear tells his to do his job, and another mutant tells them Torpedobot is watching which we see for ourselves.

The Troopers arrive at the harbor, and split up to find Jeb then Ryan runs into Crabor, and transforms.
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