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Old 05/28/12, 06:34 PM   #5
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 05/28/12
Posts: 16
Default Re: Dan Southworth, Quantum Ranger Eric Myers, has a new series!

Oh, Dan does ALL sorts of things--allow me to gush for a moment:

He choreographs, rigs, and performs stunts--EVERYTHING you saw Eric do was actually Dan--he didn't need a stuntman. He's had extensive training as a gymnast, acrobat, and martial artist so very little is beyond him. He continues to do mo cap (motion capture) and voice-over work for many, many video games (he was Vergil in Devil May Cry 3) and tv shows/films.

As he's talked about in several interviews, he played multiple Rangers in the touring Power Ranger Stuntshow and he worked on the TV show as a stuntman before he secured the part of Eric in Time Force.

If you have any specific questions about his work, please let me know!
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