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Old 12/05/11, 08:04 AM   #6
Comic Relief
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Default Re: The RPM /Samurai Team up

Originally Posted by MattEmily View Post
Yeah, it was an interesting idea and it was a decent episode however I'm very disappointed that the other 6 RPM Rangers weren't there. Yeah... sure... Scott was there as Ranger Red but you never really saw him at all. It was just some actor voicing him so that they didn't have to worry about finding a time for Eka to be there. Yes, I do believe the person credited for doing Scott's voice in the teamup is indeed Eka himself.

Also I wasn't happy with the whole alternate dimension thing. Why didn't they do a wormhole or time hole thing? You don't even have to say what year RPM is set in. You can just have the Narrator say "In a future year, the world was tormented by machines that conquered the world except for 1 last domed city."

Not to mention there's also the fact with the whole out of order thing. Jayden with Super Mode. Ranger Red with his Shark Attack Mode. The Sharkzord and the Samurai Shark Megazord. Also you can see Antonio holding his Lanternzord in 1 scene.
As KRD said, RPM is set in another dimension. The fact that none of the previous KNOWN Ranger teams are mentioned, kind of confirms that. Safe for Jungle Fury Rangers because of Jungle Karma Pizza sign.. I guess a version of te JF Rangers that we saw in PRJF might have been around before the whole Venjix stuff took place in the RPM dimension. There's no mention of... for example Tommy, Alpha(s), Zordon... even the Morphing Grid is named differently (Bio Field). I guess a version of the Andrew's Ranger team existed, due to the brief appereance of the Red Ranger helmet from season which I'm not going to name...

Besides, the time thing has been done to death already... First in S2 where Zedd changes everyone to kids or when Kimberly ends up in the Wild West, than in S3 when Master Vile reverts the time on Earth and the Rangers are sent trough time to find the Zeo sub-crystals, than in Time Force (Ransik, Q-Rex), Wild Force (Reinfrocements), Ninja Storm (Cam), SPD (History, Wormhole) and MF (Dark Wish)... Before, the different universes stuff hasen't been done in PR before (safe for Zordon warning his Rangers "Don't do that or watch out that or you'll end up stuck in another dimension forever" at least a million times), so introducing the alternate dimension concept in Power Rangers was a very brilliant move for the writers...

Also, having RPM set in the same PRU as the other seasons would involve some massive Ranger genocide, and I don't think that's good for a show likePR is... ;

P.S.: This team-up is clearly set during some episodes of the upcoming "Super Samurai" "season" (i.e. PRS, part II)...
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