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Old 01/07/11, 09:22 PM   #2
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Yeah that was one of my favorite things about the show is that the more I actually watched the Japanese shows the more I realised that it was actually close to the source material they just found clever ways to do it without having to always use the footage from it.

In fact it seemed like they took a story element from one show, and applied it to footage from the other, or simply took a plot from one show but used a different monster from another episode of that same show.

Like Dark Heart his footage comes from Metalder but his story seems more like that of Dr. Bio from Spielban.

Both are the hero's father who was kidnapped by the evil empire because of his brilliance, and turned into one of it's main minions while his knowledge was used to help the empire.

Then something happens were they stop being a minion, and then the empire just starts using their mind to help the empire, and make monsters.

Then finally the hero is able to restore them, and free them once, and for all.

Then again that's what I would do if I worked on a VRT website.

I would have the character bio, some pictures, say what episode they first showed up in, and the last one all that stuff but in addition to what their footage basis was I would also have a possible story/character basis.
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