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Old 07/29/08, 03:37 PM   #156
Ranger In Training
Join Date: 06/08/08
Posts: 57
Default Jungle Fury Feedback: Arise the Crystal Eyes


- RJ's explanation of the Crystal Eyes was expositonrytastic. It's nice to finalling get to know what the Crystal Eyes are after, er, "building" up to them.
- Hey, Dai Shi kicked Grizzaka out. There's a slight hope of Dai Shi being taken seriously.
- So, Camille does the crossowords? How do they get the news paper?
- So Casey figures out Jenning's animal spirit is a Dolphin? Now I wonder what a Dolphin Spirit zord would look like. Nice that they explain a little about the animal spirits.
- Yeah, Casey, walking up to someone and demanding that you give them their work looks pretty stupid. Now, if you had been morph....
- Ugh, did they really need to waste our time walking the Rangers fight Rin Shis?
- Why was Casey trying to keep Dai Shi from going after Jellica instead of running after her himself? Does it really matter who revives the Phantom Beast?
- I've-I've got to ask this again, what exactly is Zokato power? All Grizzaka and Dai Shi do is scream it and get covered in a bad cloud and, according to RttN, give you the ability to fly.
- You know, I wonder why Casey didn't try pulling out the Strike Rider on Grizzaka?
- ..... So, instead of utilizing teamwork to take down the Grizzaka, Casey demands Dominic’s morpher, and combines his weapon with it to take down Grizzaka? Amd Casey's answer is "I didn't know until now." That ridiculous. And "The rhino power made all the difference." But Dominic had been in this fight the entire time. Also, shouldn't have Dominic demorphed after he gave Casey his morpher?
- "Rhino Steel Warrior Mode", I hope that's the official name.
- So they combine all the zords and just call say "Stampede!"? Why not call it the Jungle Master Ultrazord or something?
- God, Grizzaka was such a Morticon clone in this episode.
- So, the Rangers have the other five eyes and Jellica only keeps the three she already had? Well, this seem pointless.

Not much can be said about this episode. Fran and Flit basically make a cameo and apparently, Flit afraid of Dai Shi. 3/5.
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