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Old 02/24/08, 01:46 AM   #7
Ranger In Training
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Originally Posted by PrimoPiccolo View Post
I'm talking about the actual suited-up Red Rangers, not the leader characters. In every one of the last four seasons, the Red Ranger morphs by himself. It's beyond boring now.
I can see your point, but, again, I don't think that's Kalish's fault.

Originally Posted by christphern View Post
Well, the red ranger coming in last is probably more because of how the Sentai footage goes than any desire from Kalish to bring red in last. In Dekaranger Ban was brought in last (I think that was DekaRed's name). In Magiranger, Kai got his powers last in the forest fight. And, in Gekiranger, Jan henshined last, and was brought into the team last. I think that Kalish is trying to make the footage make sense with the storylines by bringing red in last, or as an outsider, since a good portion of the early Sentai eps tend to revolve around the first group adapting to the inclusion of their newest member.
I will further expand that, though, to mention that in all of the above examples, not just Gekiranger, all of the red rangers henshined separately, and not as part of the team. Boukenger, in the last 4 Sentai series, was the only exception.

Besides, in any case, it's more of a writer thing than a producer thing.

The reference I made to the history of PR having the same pattern was to show that it's not exactly something new. It's been around since fairly early on (well, when they started changing teams, anyway).


Dekaranger: Ban's first Henshin -
Magiranger: first Henshiin - (couldn't find Kai's, but, you can see they Henshin without him, as he didn't have his powers yet. Like Nick, he comes in to the fight when Wolzard is kicking the others' butts)
Gekiranger: Jan's first Henshin -

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