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Old 02/27/06, 08:49 PM   #8
Shadow Ranger
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Default Re: Guest Posted is now restricted

Originally Posted by Horace
Originally Posted by JDFF4L
Originally Posted by PRangerX
Guest posting is now restricted in every forum except board comments. This means you will have to register an account to post outside of board comments. Registering is free and easy. So there shouldn't be a problem. I am keeping Board Comments open so visitors can have a vioce. As long as it doesn't become a problem it will stay that way. I feel this will help the board me more organized.
i still think you are wrong about doing this. but i'm not gonna argue. i'll just go back to RangerMania since they allow guest posting!


p.s. you just lost a member, me, because you turned off the guest posting.
Oh wow....we lost one member it the end of the world! lol You are being a drama queen. Maybe this place will be better off with you gone. All you seem to do is stir things up. Now, if you want to behave and not fuss all the time. Then please stay. And, thank you Vader for remaining calm. I'm off.

<l<>l<>l> We are watching.
hey now, i'm just saying i think it's stupid. is it wrong to voice my opinon, last time i checked, the constitution said i could. i'm just saying that stuff and i'm not gonna log on. and it is techincally emma's board. it has her name on it and she calls it hers. i think i would say it's emma's board. i have yet to see this thing say PRangerX Forums. i know i'm a fricken drama queen. you gotta be when people don't do their jobs and ban people when there is proof of bashing and stalking other people! gosh, learn people. i'm an admin at 2 forums and it runs more smoothy than this cuz we do our jobs. i am the most officiant admin around and ya know what, people thank me for keeping the forums clean.