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Old 10/15/09, 10:12 PM   #10
Power Ranger
Join Date: 08/15/09
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Default Conclusion

Mike Donovan saw him came from the sky on a robotic sting ray. He saw him get off the robot and saw the robot create a gap in the sky. He saw the robot go though the gap and closed it. Then, he saw the warrior morph into a normal human male. He went out of hindingf and aim a gun at the new arrivial. "I don't know who you are, but you better not be working for these lizard," warned Mike Donovan. "I'm on your side. I just escape from them," defended Chris. "What is your name?" asked Donovan. "My name is Chris, and I'm on your side," said Chris. Mike looked at Chris. He seemed like a ally. He lower his gun. "I'm going to take a chance on you. My name is Mike Donovan," said the rebel, who gave out his right hand. Chris took it. He didn't know it, but he has just started on a new mission. Then, Chris followed Mike donovan to the hideout of the Los Angeles Resistance.

Inside the Mothership, that night, Beth looked out the window of the common room. She was worried about Kamen Rider Sting. Then, her bother, a blond male named Nick came in. "I've heard about what has happen earlier," said Nick. "The first of the champions from hypertime have arrived. If he isn't stopped soon, other champions from hypertime might arrived and threaten our mission," worried Beth. "That will not happen if I can help it," boasted Nick. "It might not end as you want it to. The future of our universe have not been written yet," said Beth, as she left the common room, leaving Nick alone with his thoughts. The end, for now.
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