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-   -   Dragon Knight Episode #38: "For Ventara and Earth Part I" (powerrangersonline.com/showthread.php?t=704)

PrimoPiccolo 12/26/09 04:11 AM

Dragon Knight Episode #38: "For Ventara and Earth Part I"
Time to fix Adam's mess. Good thing Advent Master's still got an ace up his sleeve, or Link Vent, in this case. Deus ex Machina to the rescue!

Too bad Eubulon's magic doesn't extend to finishing the series on The CW...

PRangerX 12/26/09 09:40 PM

But it could be worse. At least the ending is on 4kid tv's website. And is avaialble via download for those that have trouble with the flash player ( like me). Who knows, maybe someday those last two episodes will air ( its not like low rated series don't ever pop up on cable for reruns).

I don't have a problem with the Link Vent. But I will save that discussion for another thread, since I don't want to spoil part 2.

It was cool seeing the Six Kamen Rider's come together as a team. Finally with Adam really on their side. I am glad they also gave Trent and Maya something important to do. There were plenty of funny diolouge with jokes people watching all year would get. I loved the drama of the teleportation beams going up.

It did seem kind or rushed for Adam to suddenly be accepted. But once the Advent Master and Len realized Xaviax tricked Adam again.....It was easier to accept Adam back. Adam did refuse to Vent Len. And most importantly, they needed him to take Xaviax down.

PrimoPiccolo 12/27/09 03:57 AM

See? That finale was the kind of thing I've wanted from Dragon Knight the entire season.

Advent Master has a task of his own, and sends his Riders on theirs. Maya and Trent were useful in a way that no Rider could have been. Chance finally develops a personality. And of course, there was action galore, which is the one thing the Adness team did very well throughout the series. They even used mirrors offensively! Loved it.

mbozzo 12/27/09 09:21 PM

The first part of 'For Ventura And Earth' was a good episode. I can't believe that Xaviav's base is on Ventura. I thought it was on Xaviax's home world. You learn some new thing almost every day. :o

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