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MattEmily 02/27/21 12:59 PM

Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
Here’s the discussion thread for this morning’s new episode

PRangerX 02/27/21 01:08 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
Its interesting how they are slowly building up the villains. Since Void Knight added Mucus to his forces and debuted his base. I was expecting him to turn the Sporaic's egg into another soldier but it makes sense it is some type of fuel for his machine.

It is Kind of odd that episode one went out of the way to make it clear Power Rangers are well known ...And the Park Ranger suddenly doesn't believe in aliens. . Ollie and Amiella didn't even think it was wierd when Void Knight suddenly appeared in episode 1. I do see where he wouldn't trust Amiela. At least it was pretty clear that the town wasn't shocked to see Rangers. Plus a monster attack would have shown the threat was real.

The comedy didn't do much for me. But I know thats for the target audience. And the Fart joke was in the Sentai. It is odd Hartford is still making Robots after what happened with Mack. But I get it was supposed to be a fun continuity nod.

I like the dynamic between the team. The Red Ranger is a good leader/mentor. I like that Ollie and Amiela are slowly learning how to be Rangers. Especially with them being thrown into the toles so quickly. Zyoto wondering about Dinosuars was funny.

Ollie's mom is a good character but it does seem odd to have her around if she isn't part of the Ranger Stuff. Its going to be annoying having Ollie having to constantly hide being a Ranger. Then again its only episode 2.

The new Zord looked cool.

Massive Ego 02/27/21 01:10 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
The comedy was terrible! The episode was a major step down for me. I really hope their not going back to the tone of the crappy Disney/Neo Saban Seasons. Beast Morphers was so good. I do like the new Red Ranger. Hopefully things get better.

PRangerX 02/27/21 01:12 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
I forgot to mention that the return of teleporting was really cool. It reminds me of the old days. Its surprising it took so long for PR to bring it back.

Usagi Reborn 02/27/21 01:13 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
Way too much comedy for me. The interactions between the Rangers and the Zord Battle are the only things that saved it for me..

Inner Senshi 02/27/21 01:14 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
I thought Mucus was very funny. She is already my favourite villian. I am glad she wasn't just a monster or the day.

Red Spandex Forever 02/27/21 01:15 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
Funny that the Rangers didn't think to warn the city morphed in the beginning. Did they really think people would take them seriously unmorphed?

Green Alien Ranger 02/27/21 01:18 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
The Ranger had no reason to trust Amiela. She clearly had run ins with her before and it seems a lot of conspirscy theoriests trespass at Dinohenge. He also had no reason to trust Ollie and his Mom. He had no idea who Zayto was.

Green With Envy 02/27/21 01:19 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
The comedy didn't work. The character and Rangery stuff was really good though.

Ranger Storm 02/27/21 01:20 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
I loved the comedy! I want to see more of that! I loved J-Borg and Mucus.

Kaitlin Steele 02/27/21 04:30 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
Amiela kind or reminds me of Kaitlyn from VR Troopers.

Gold Ranger In Danger 02/27/21 04:36 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
I really like the way Zayto leads the team. He is serious when he needs to be. But he is also patient with the new Rangers.

Void Knight was a little better this week. He seemed underwhelming last week.

J-Borg is going to be annoying if she is around all year.

Why did the Rangers think people were just going to believe their stories. They ahould have showed up Morphed in the beginning. They would have been taking a lot more seriously then a bunch of kids who tresspassed at Dinohenge. .

The fart joke was ridiculous. Really Sentai?

Massive Ego 02/27/21 04:39 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
I don't care if it was in Sentai. They shouldn't have used it.

I Love Lothor 02/27/21 04:41 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
I loved Mucus. She is so funny! I am so glad she is going to be around all season.

Massive Ego 02/27/21 04:43 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
I thought she was insufferable. Really,bad guy comic relief is so lame!

MMPR Forever 02/27/21 04:43 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
The episode felt very MMPRish,which I liked.

Superstatler 02/27/21 04:44 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
Its pretty clear this is going to be a season that aims low which isn't a bad thing as long as the story ends up working.

Alpha Red 02/27/21 04:53 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
Honestly, its pointless to really quibble with the comedy. Its pretty clear thsts what the show is now. We are not getting the kind of storytelling we got during the first Zordon Saban Era ever again. Its not what they want. The show has more or less been written this way since Ninja Storn. If you want more mature storylines its going to come from the comics and movies.
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Galaxy Forever 02/27/21 04:55 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
Thats sadly true. Beast Morphers gave us hope though. I guess the best we can hope for is the odd season that gives us RPM or Beast Morphers like story telling.

mbozzo 02/27/21 09:35 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
'Sporix Unleased' is a fine episode. The rangers fought their first giant monster and we see our first zords. I can't wait for the next episode. :D

Mesagog Lives 02/28/21 10:06 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
I did think it was odd that they thought the people were going to take their word for it in their civilian forms. They know the Park Ranger already distrusted the Yellow Ranger.

I like that we are getting the villains slowly building a lair and small army. I am interesting to see what Void Knight is creating.

Its funny that they put up the Dinohenge defences now. Shouldn't they have done that 65 million years ago?

PRangerX 02/28/21 10:09 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
Its possible the defenses were up and just happened to go down around the time of the premiere. Thats why Void Knight was able to sense the energy at that time. Perhaps Ollie's mom did as well. But that just might be a stretch. But at the same time its the best explanation I can come up with.

Dustin Dude 03/01/21 10:32 AM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
I like Warden Garcia. His pessimistic snark amuses me.

JungleFury Cat 08/28/21 04:30 PM

Re: Sporix Unleashed Episode Discussion
I don't like their deceptive fictitious timeline(saying "millions of years" when it should be thousands), but other than that this episode was okay for me.
Ollie leaving his mom alone in a place where she was not allowed to be was bad, but I've seen worse. I didn't find anything funny, but didn't mind the introduction of J-borg at all. Originally, I wasn't expecting J-borg to be in another episode.

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