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Drakeonis 04/19/10 08:47 PM

"Well in thanks for the meal it be my pleasure but pray tell what dopant should I be looking for"

He pulled his blue kabuto beetle phone and dialed a number

"hello, hi phillip-san, yeah I got a case"

Zarkenor 04/19/10 08:59 PM

" Well as I was saying, we have no clues on the new dopant or its abilities, though the victims of the dopant are severly beaten up, let's see," he said, he then took out a notebook,

" Let's see.......4th degree burns, broken tendons, a snapped spine, cracked ribbed, severe cut in the liver.......almost too many injuries I can put down,"

He then flipped through his pack, and pulled out a picture of a building, it had half of the rooms on the left blasted off, rubble and debris covering the rooms that were left, he said," I don't think that it was a terrorist attack, the rubble seems too neatly coordinated to be a bomb,"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/19/10 09:03 PM

Kio could barely stand it. He just loved showing off and since even the police didnt know he wanted to show off more. Still he kept quiet especialy when one of them mention Philip. He knew exactly who that was. But a couple things stuck out in his mind. One was the cuts, they would have to be precise weapons. the other was the blasts...what could have caused soo much damage but still keep it in a small area?

Kio kept on eating and sipping his drink.

Drakeonis 04/19/10 09:25 PM

"This dopant.. Philip- san"

"I heard I'll have to do some research but I think I know what it is

"alright thank you keep me posted"

Rennzeth 04/19/10 10:46 PM

Yuuji walked alone on the crowded streets and he looked around. Wearing a cloak and a mask around his mouth gave him some suspicious looks. he bumped into a crowd of teenagers as he walked past. Being a 16 year old boy wasn't very helpful while he tried to concentrate on getting more memories, in fact, adults were asking him if he was lost most of the time.

"Where's my next victim?"

Yuuji thought to himself as he tried to think of how he will extract a perfect, unharmed memory while obliterating his opponent.

Zarkenor 04/19/10 10:52 PM

"Alright now that that's settled," Lost said, he took out his bird disk from his pocket.

"Since I don't actually have a one-way phone like you guys, here's my disk, throw it up into the air and it will tell me where you are, then if you need me, I'll be right on my way," he said, handing two of his disks to Drake and Kio

Lost stood up, he took his bag and rode his bike away to the police station, wondering what he should do next to gather more clues.....

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/19/10 11:34 PM

Kio smirked to himself knowing these guys were going to get into alot of trouble. He finished his meal and was about to stand when fang tugged his pants leg letting him know danger was near.

This cant be good...something is getting fang riled up. He thought to himself.

Drakeonis 04/20/10 06:25 PM

Drake got up from his chair and his leg felt hot he reached into his pocket and touched the heat memory any normal person touching it right now would have burned their hand off

"somethings feels wrong" he grabbed his jacket and fedora and left and got onto his bike

"I better be ready" he started his bike and rode off on his drive he noticed a kid wearing a cloak and mask

"you okay kid?"

Rennzeth 04/20/10 06:36 PM

"What do you want?"

Yuuji stared at Drake as his head turned quickly to see if he was being followed. It was inconvinient that a human went up to him, he was about to search out for his next prey.

"Just because I'm a barely a teen doesn't mean I can't walk around can I? Now if you would please mind your own buisness...."

Yuuji started to walk away, but then felt a strong pulse coming from somewhere near him, a Gaia Memory.

Drakeonis 04/20/10 07:18 PM

"Woah calm down kid geez" drake heard nearby screaming

"what!? Another dopant, stay here kid"

drake ran torwards the screaming and pulled out his heat memory

Zarkenor 04/20/10 09:13 PM

Lost, with his enhanced hearing from his previous life, heard a scream, from which to him was at least 14 blocks away,

"Aw, I just came from that direction too.....," he sighed, but then slightly grinned, "Ah, what's the point of going back on ground? I'll come from the air!"

He rode his bike through a shopping building, though avoiding everyone on the way, he raced to the top of the roof.

Drakeonis 04/20/10 09:27 PM

when drake arrived on the scene he saw a teenager who appered to be a few years younger than him sitting in the middle of a circle formed of men in black tuxedos each holding a memory in their hands. Drake glared at them intensely and no one said a word

"men wearing black tuxedos this is the neo-museums doing" he thought stiil not speaking he pushed the button on the heat memory


kid you shouldn't be hanging around these guys hive me the memory and I'm sure the police will be leniant" keeping his memory at the ready

the teenager chuckled "and give up all this power,are you insane let me show you the power" he jabbed the memory into his arm and the tuxedo men inserted theirs


Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/20/10 09:38 PM

Kio saw the police cars racing towards downtown so he got up, paid, and left the building. Keeping hidden he watched as the Heat rider fought against members of the museum including someone with the violence memory. "Well isnt this a treat. Lets see if he can handle this on his own."

Drakeonis 04/20/10 10:13 PM

" I gave you a chance kid,henshin" he transformed into heat and charged into the hoard of masqurade dopants he rapidly started punching the dopants his fist blazing

"out of my way" he pulled out his kabuto phone and inseted his heat memory into a slot on it's back

HEAT MAXIMUM DRIVE!! The kabuto phone on fire charged into the group taking down multiple dopants

Zarkenor 04/20/10 11:56 PM

At the top of the roof about 100 meters away from where Heat is, Lost dismounted 狙撃兵 地帯.
He took out the Trigger memory and the Driver.



Transforming into Trigger, he switched his gun to Focus mode, he then shot two bullets, hitting the Violent Memory user in the chest and stomach.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/21/10 12:10 AM

Kio watched, seeing the shots hit the violence dopant and heat using his beetle for an attack. "My these guys are pretty good. Well i doubt they will need me."

Unfortunetly fang kept tugging his leg. It dawned on kio that these were the reason it was upset.

"What could be upsetting you fang?"

Drakeonis 04/21/10 12:17 AM

After the kabuto phone finished clearing a path it deactivated and fell into drakes hands he saw the violence dopant get hit by the bullets he turned around and couldn't see any one but figured it was lost he gave a thumbs up in the direction of the bullets and ran back at violence he shot a stream of fire at violence until it wasn't visible

"how do ya like that ha ha" in ball mode the violence dlopant emergedfrom the flames and rammed into drake knocking him into a nearby wall


Zarkenor 04/22/10 07:11 PM

Lost quickly positioned himself for another shot, but saw that Drake already started fighting, so no further assistance is needed as he thought.

"Hmm looks like Drake got the Violence Memory from here on out," he said cheerily.

Lost then adjusted his view and prepared for a Memory Break for the remaining Masquerade users. He adjusted his stance, and took aim and inserted the Trigger Memory into the Gun Driver's 2nd slot.

Maximum Drive! Trigger Focus!

1 huge shot blasted out from Lost's gun, and split into 15 as they rained down and struck the weakened Masqurade users that Drake took down, breaking each of their memories.

Drakeonis 04/22/10 09:15 PM

No one hits me into a building drake ran at violience who still in ball mode flung itself at him. Drake dogdged to the side and hurled a few fireballs at the dopant

"hmm, I think I got an idea"

drake placed his hands on the ground and tansfered as much heat into the ground as possible causing the tar to melt he quicklydried it back up trapping the dopant in place

"alright kid last chance you ready to fold"

Rennzeth 04/22/10 09:20 PM


Yuuji was pressed the memory from afar from everyone's view. He placed the memory into his hand, then walked up to the building silently.

"Maybe you should back off and let me handle him."

Yuuji's voiced changed into a deeper one, he held out his palm, revealing a blanket of ice charging at Drake and the dopant.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/22/10 10:27 PM

Kio saw the weather dopant and gasped. Instantl, while he was still hidden, fang attacked the Yuuji, hitting him a couple times before it returned to him. Quickly he made his driver appear, pressed fang, then put it in place. He transformed into his rider form and walked out of hiding towards Yuuji.

"Hold it right there. If you plan to interrupt their fight i would advise against it."

Drakeonis 04/22/10 10:34 PM

Drake turned around to see the fang rider and the weather dopant in a staredown but didn't noitice the blast of ice coming torwards him freezing him solid and the ground around the violence dopant who broke free from drakes trap

" who's trapped now you bastard" he jumped turned into a ball and tried to smash drake to pieces

A large inferno erupted from drake engulfing the violence dopant and knocking it back

"god, I hate being frozen"

Rennzeth 04/22/10 10:52 PM

"That's my prey, don't get in my way...."

Yuuji ignored Kio andd started to walk towards the violence dopant, placing one hand into the air.

"Hey, give me your memory now before I have to use force worm. Don't get in my way rider....."

Lightning and a gust of wind started to surround Yuuji, bloodlust filled the air...

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/22/10 10:57 PM

Kio blinked and called out to the other rider. "Hey better memory break that one now! This guy is after his memory...if thats the case then we cant let him have it."

He turned back to Yuuji. "I said back off. Dont make me get serious here." He placed his hand close the fang's horn, ready to tap it if he needs it.

Rennzeth 04/22/10 11:06 PM

Yuuji continued to ignore Kio as he walked over to the Violence Dopant, punching it in the stomach. Fire came out of his fist, smashing into the dopant's stomach.

"If you give me your memory, you'll live, if not, I'll just break every bone in your body until you cry for mercy."

Yuuji started to form a cyclone, and then threw it at the dopant. He then made a wall of ice behind him, blocking the rider that tried to stop him.

Zarkenor 04/22/10 11:21 PM

" Crud, looks like a new foe has appeared, well better help them," he said

Lost loaded the Trigger Memory into the Normal slot and pushed the button.

Maximum Drive! Trigger!

He shot blast full of power towards Yuuji and then ran back towards his machine to grab something.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/22/10 11:25 PM

Kio blinked as a blast from out of no were hit Yuuji. He smiled realizing it was an ally and laughed a little. "Well check this out...we have a sniper on our side. Just back up now Pal...and if am guessing right you have one of the more powerfull memories...dont know wich but i can figure it out soon enough." He taped fang once. Arm Fang

The blade on his arm formed and he struck the ice wall a couple times and it shattered. "Final warning."

Rennzeth 04/22/10 11:30 PM


Yuuji touched his arm then looked at the Violence dopant. He closed his eyes, feeling the searing pain, but that wasn't enough to stop him. He walked over to it, engulfing his arm with lightning.

"You got a few seconds left.........5........4....."

Yuuji stomped his feet, creating an ice dome around violence and himself, placing his arms behind his back.

Zarkenor 04/22/10 11:33 PM

Lost ran back to the cliff of the tower, realizing that his attack had almost no effect on the new Dopant, he was shocked.

"What!?! That should've worked!" he scoffed, he then saw the ice dome form and switched his gun to focus mode, and shot 4 powered shots to destroy the dome, but all of the shots bounced off harmlessly off the ice dome.

"Rats, that thing's harder than I thought," he said, then ran back to his machine once more for a new tactic.

Drakeonis 04/22/10 11:35 PM

Drake inserted te heat memory into the maximum slot
Heat Maximum Drive!!

Drake jumped and preformed his wild flame finisher on the ice dome attempting to break through or at least melt it though it had no effect

"damn it"

he balled his hand into a fist and it caught on fire he began punching the dome multiply times

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/22/10 11:40 PM

Kio laughed and crosed his arms over his chest. "Its your choice..surrender and hand over your memory or face three Kamen riders. Your choice."

Once again Kio placed his hand near fang's horn ready to do his memory break.

Zarkenor 04/22/10 11:43 PM

Lost quickly switched his ride to 狙撃兵 地帯 Mode, it transformed into a giant sniper rifle as he mounted it and himself against a A/C.

"Alright, this should probably do it," he said, he then inserted the Trigger Memory into the slot.

狙撃兵 地帯......FIRE!

A huge blast of energy shot from the rifle, it streamed towards the dome and crashed against it, but it only cracked the outside.


Rennzeth 04/22/10 11:44 PM

Yuuji noticed sounds of someone trying to punch his ice dome, he smirked and then placed his hand over the violence dopant's neck.

"Give me your memory!"

Yuuji tightened his grip and started to send eletric shocks throughout the dopant's body. He then punched it, smashing it against the wall.

"You're not even called a human anymore, pathetic."

Placing his foot against it's chest, he started to produce lightning, this time he sent it all into his fist.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/22/10 11:48 PM

Kio saw the blast that hit the dome and smiled at the crack. "Perfect. I may be able to use that." He taped fang three times.

Fang...maximum drive.

The blade formed on Kio's leg and he jumped into the air and did his fang strider on the crack. He then landed and looked thinking it did nothing until...the crack started spreading out through out the dome. Any second the stress from the cracks would make it shatter. "And thats why i am the man."

Zarkenor 04/22/10 11:49 PM

" If we don't open the dome fast, the person inside will probably be a goner," Lost said

He charged up another shot, then shot another beam towards the dome, it cracked the dome even further, leaving only a shell left.

"One more good hit....."

Drakeonis 04/22/10 11:52 PM

Drake admring the many cracks across the dome

"nice man,my turn"

drake used his fire fist to shatter the dome and shot a few fire balls a t yuuji

"alright he's open let's get him"

Rennzeth 04/22/10 11:54 PM

"Too late!"

Yuuji cried out through the hollow dome. He held the violence memory in his hand, he was drunk with laughter. He shattered the dome himself, revealing the corpse of a teenager on the floor, dead. Yuuji took the full hit of the fire balls, but didn't care of the burning pain, he finally obtained another memory.

"Making him submit his memory to me wasn't easy, but he had the right mind to."

Yuuji's face became calm, walking past Kio, walking out of the building.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/22/10 11:56 PM

Kio once again taped fang once, making the blade form on his arm once more.

Arm fang

"You bastard! I wont stand for you just killing the poor boy. No matter what he did he didnt deserve to die. Come back here!"

Zarkenor 04/22/10 11:59 PM

Lost then changed his gun to focus once more, then shot 4 strikes to trap Yuuji in a explosion. Smoke blasted out everywhere as he tried his eye for the next piece of movement.

Rennzeth 04/23/10 12:01 AM


Yuuji stepped up a few steps, and then started to walk out of the building some more. He didn't mind the smoke, all he needed to do was to get out of there.

"If........y-you......guys think that....you can....stop me..."

Yuuji felt the slash on the back, he produced wind, and then produced red lightning.


Storm clouds began to appear, mist began to cover the streets, lightning began to strike down.

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