View Full Version : New Tralier! Power Rangers Movie

01/19/17, 12:45 PM
The new Trailer for the Power Rangers Movie has been released.



Captain Codfish
01/19/17, 12:55 PM
This definitely should make the people worried about dark and gritty happy.

01/19/17, 12:57 PM
I must confess this trailer has me feeling better. It is more fun and MMPR like than the awful first one.

MMPR Forever
01/19/17, 01:00 PM
I'm going to have to agree. Could it be they are actually trying to be true to MMPR afterall? Much better than the crappy first trailer. I hope the new tralier is more indicative of the new movie.

Goldar's Revenge
01/19/17, 01:01 PM
The designs are still all wrong. But the new trailer does make me feel better. We shall soon see.

Adam White Tiger
01/19/17, 01:02 PM
The new Zack should have been Adam but thats just me.

Overdrive Omega
01/19/17, 07:45 PM
The Trailer makes it hard to really get a read on the movie

Ninja Storm Fan
01/19/17, 08:01 PM
I'm just not feeling it. But I only really like Ninja Storm. I wish they would do an Ninja Storm Movie. It would do much better.

Ginger Snap
01/19/17, 08:18 PM
Well I think its pretty cool. But I don't know as much as you guys.

Captain Mutiny
01/21/17, 05:50 PM
It still isnt out of the woods until we actually see it. Can't knock he film too bad yet either.

No Space Spandex
01/21/17, 05:51 PM
I had my misgivings during the first trailer. But this last one was much better. it had more character momments and seenlmed to proview a film with more heart

Bratty Katty
01/23/17, 05:21 PM
I've seen people everywhere praise this trailer. But it just comes off as more awfulness to me.This film is going to be a mesh. Some people think this trailer is better but I think its worse..Actually far worse one, since the last one at least left a lot more to be seen.

Zordon's Heroes
01/23/17, 05:24 PM
I think both trailers were great! I am anticpating this movie more than any movie since The Force Awakens.

Mega Mission
01/24/17, 08:36 PM
Alpha 5 reminds me of Tensou!

Massive Ego
01/24/17, 08:39 PM
The new Trailer shows the people complaining that the movie won't be as dark as people think. I for one am very excited about this movie and have been since the first trailer. It looks like a very good film. And a possible rebirth for the franchise after years of terrible seasons.

MMPR Forever
01/24/17, 08:40 PM
I'm not glad they are respecting MMPR in this new trailer. It gives me a little hope for the new film. I wouldn't say I am excited. But not as nervous.

Movie Ranger
01/24/17, 08:44 PM
The movie looks better and better. I can't wait!

Smarty Pants Rose
01/24/17, 08:46 PM
I do like the new characterizations we saw. It was really hard to get a read on the teaser trailer. I do wish this trailer showed us just a bit more.

Captain Codfish
01/24/17, 08:49 PM
That's dangerous too though. You don't want to give up too much of a film in the trailers. And its usually a bad sign if massive plot revelations are put in the trailer.

Zeo Mega
01/24/17, 08:56 PM
I'm waiting to see what I think of the film. Trailers can be deceiving both ways. I can't judge a movie just based off a few.

Sometimes scenes in the trailer don't even make the fi;m A lot of the scenes in Rogue One's trailer were cut from the actual film.

Ninja Brody
01/24/17, 08:58 PM
I can't get into the new film yet. I am all about Ninja Steel. Maybe I will care closer to the release date.