View Full Version : Eltar

No Green Spandex
03/06/15, 10:19 PM
Is it a planet like Earth? Are there floating heads everywhere? Or are the people there organic. Anything else? Discuss....

Captain Codfish
03/07/15, 09:16 PM
Most likely a highly advanced race that is the capital of the allies of good. I think they are mostly are an organic race but probably have some floatiing heads like Zordon. Since its probably a method of carrying on the spirit after the physical body is lost that Eltarians and Inquirians know.

03/08/15, 02:04 PM
We have no way of knowing. They are never going to show Eltar on the show. If they have they would have back when Zordon was around.

Lightspeed Zeo
03/08/15, 02:06 PM
I suspect it was destoryed during Specter's invasion. If there is anything left the civilization will have to completely rebuild.

Terra Venture
03/08/15, 11:00 PM
I would expect a highly advanced civilization that was eons beyond where Earth is. Maybe like Mellenium City without the apocalypse surrounding it.

03/08/15, 11:54 PM
you know this is a good question but I'd like to think it's similar to Earth otherwise why would Zordon wind up on Earth?

Most likely a highly advanced race that is the capital of the allies of good. I think they are mostly are an organic race but probably have some floatiing heads like Zordon. Since its probably a method of carrying on the spirit after the physical body is lost that Eltarians and Inquirians know.

I don't believe Eltarians and Inquirians share the same thing since Dimitria (as far as we're aware of) still had her physical body she just chose to appear like she was a spirit. Zordon (as far as we're aware of) however did presumably lose his body.

03/09/15, 12:56 AM
But we don't really have any evidence to suggest that she still had a body in Turbo.

03/09/15, 01:23 AM
But we don't really have any evidence to suggest that she still had a body in Turbo.

true but she did appear outside of the Plasma Tube which did tell us that she did not need it for communication purposes like Zordon previously did when he was trapped in the time warp.

Chef Mia
03/09/15, 07:32 PM
I'm confused? Wasn't Zordon always trapped in a time warp? Until Andros's shattered the tube? Hat happened to Zordon's body anyway. We saw it in the MMPR movie but never saw it again.

03/09/15, 07:41 PM
I'm confused? Wasn't Zordon always trapped in a time warp? Until Andros's shattered the tube? Hat happened to Zordon's body anyway. We saw it in the MMPR movie but never saw it again.

the movie doesn't count since while it's canon it's not in continuity with the series and no Zordon wasn't always in the time warp. Lerigot had freed him from it with his magic at the beginning of Turbo and then when Dark Specter had captured Zordon he was placed in a different kind of tube where all of Zordon's physical essence was at.
In the series it's presumed that Zordon lost his body at some point perhaps even while in the time warp.

Green Alien Ranger
03/09/15, 07:51 PM
But if that fan film was made canon....So could the movie. I think the movie is in continuity , there are just plotholes why things look different.

Inner Senshi
03/09/15, 07:55 PM
I never undersood why the first movie didn't count either. Everything should count. There is no reason why it doesn't fit..

Chef Mia
03/09/15, 07:58 PM
I still think Zordon was in his timewarp the whole time. Lerigot just moved his connection to the real world to Eltar.

03/09/15, 08:26 PM
Matts right. The movie is not in continunity. Its been known for 15 years or so. Perhaps That version of Zordon was not stuck in the same type of time warp as Zordon.

Its assumed that Zordon's body was destroyed when Rita trapped him in the demension. Lerigot read him and his physical essense went to Eltar. Where he was captured and confined to a tube by Specter. But he was never stuck in another time warp.

true but she did appear outside of the Plasma Tube which did tell us that she did not need it for communication purposes like Zordon previously did when he was trapped in the time warp.

She seemed to be in the same state Zordon was in once he was freed from the time warp.

03/09/15, 08:31 PM
But if that fan film was made canon....So could the movie. I think the movie is in continuity , there are just plotholes why things look different.
but that fan film is not canon. the movie is not in continuity considering the whole Ninja Powers, Tengus/Tengas and Ninjazords intros.

I never undersood why the first movie didn't count either. Everything should count. There is no reason why it doesn't fit..
Because it doesn't fit. That was a 20th Century Fox film that had no ties to the show in fact in the beginning they wanted absolutely nothing to do with anyone at all from the actual show. It was meant to be written to not fit with the show... that and the writers didn't even pay attention to the show so they didn't understand everything. They didn't even comprehend the fact that the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are supposed to have secret identities... there are stills of them having the actors in the suits with the helmets basically opened. Basically that movie was one big pile of mess production-wise so much so that it caused the scrapping of multiple episodes of Season 2 as well as caused them to shoot a few of the actual episodes there as well.

I still think Zordon was in his timewarp the whole time. Lerigot just moved his connection to the real world to Eltar.

give me a break. He was not in the time warp once Lerigot freed him and he did not move his connection... if you actually understood what "freedom" meant then you would comprehend that Lerigot was FREEING him from his prison.

Zordon: "There is no easy way to tell you this, Rangers."
Adam: "Tell us what?"
Zordon: "Lerigot has returned to give me my freedom. I will soon return to my home planet to rejoin my own family. I realize this is difficult, Rangers but the time has come to bid farewell."
Zordon would have NEVER been able to be destroyed by Andros if he was still in his time warp since those Plasma Tubes were nothing more than a communication channel.

Massive Ego
03/09/15, 08:34 PM
Zordon was a liar I wouldn't believe anything he said. He probably could have left the time warp anytime he wanted.

03/09/15, 08:36 PM
Zordon was a liar I wouldn't believe anything he said. He probably could have left the time waro anytime he wanted.

no he was never a liar you're just one of those with a massive ego that likes to troll.

Sentai Snob
03/09/15, 09:02 PM
Massive Ego makes a lot of sense. I don't agree with all his opinions. But I really think he isn't a troll. Massive should really think of becoming a Sentai fan. Than he will at least be able to enjoy pr for sentai. Esspecially when Tzachor comes back and gets pr back on track.

03/09/15, 09:29 PM
Massive Ego makes a lot of sense. I don't agree with all his opinions. But I really think he isn't a troll. Massive should really think of becoming a Sentai fan. Than he will at least be able to enjoy pr for sentai. Esspecially when Tzachor comes back and gets pr back on track.

the only thing he's good at is trolling. I never want Tzachor back ever again. He should work on Sentai if he's so in love with it that he wants Power Rangers to be like it. Power Rangers should NOT EVER BE AN AMERICAN VERSION OF SENTAI!!!! NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!