View Full Version : Saban Buys Power Rangers/ New Episodes set to air on Nick in 2011

04/30/14, 09:54 PM
Well this says it all Saban has re-aquired Power Rangers. He has cut a deal to air it on Nickolodean and Nicktoons. We are going to get 20 new episodes in 2011. As well as the reruns ( which will air on the same networks). Jonathon Tzachor is set to helm the series once again. As reported by the Holywood Reporter and various other outlets.

This is just so awesome. Saban has Power Rangers back and it has a new home. Nick is a great fit for PR. Much better then ABC Kids. Now Power Rangers is going to be the focal point of Saban Brands ( his new company) goals instead of in the background with Disney. We should be in for a fun ride.

Here is my article on the subject


04/30/14, 09:55 PM
This is great news. The Power rangers are still relevent today, and who knows that more then Saban?