View Full Version : Power Rangers (Super) Samurai - "Samurai Forever" Episode Discussion

12/07/12, 11:18 AM
Here's the thread discussion for tomorrow's new episode and the Samurai/Super Samurai series finalé.

The last episode ended with Dayu's extreme misery allowing Master Xandred to fully restore himself and allow him to enter back into the Human World.

Will the Rangers be able to stop him or will he win the war?

12/09/12, 12:41 PM
'Samurai Forever' is a good way to end the series. We haven't seen the last of the Samurai Rangers. They'll be back in the team up with the Megaforce Rangers in season 1 of Megaforce, and the Megaforce Rangers will morph into doubles of the Samurai Rangers in season 2. ;)

I also like the part where Skull picked up Spike. That laugh from Bulk was very funny. :rolling:

12/09/12, 02:56 PM
The episode was pretty good especially with them finally using Shogun Mode outside of a zord cockpit. It was nice seeing Xandred finally being destroyed as well.

I also liked the reasons they gave for Shogun Mode being used outside of the cockpit and also for the Rangers demorphing while in their cockpits.

It was disappointing Lauren left but oh well.

It was great seeing Skull's return even if it was brief.

However at this point we have no idea what will be going on for Megaforce. Sure, we can assume Samurai will be brought back for a teamup with Megaforce but that's all it is, an assumption.