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View Full Version : Question About Lost Galaxy Premiere

Ranger Eagle
05/16/20, 11:01 PM
The premiere was awesome and reminded me of a lot of old school science fiction. The death of Mike was Epic and Leo got a good introduction. The Quasar Saber angle made things into an exciting quest.. I do have one question though..

I never understood how those security guards expected Leo to find a passport on a such a short notice. They had to know he couldn't find one.

05/16/20, 11:56 PM
I think they were just telling him not to bother to come back without a passport. They knew he wouldn't be able to get one. They were just telling him not to try again.

Super Cena
05/16/20, 11:57 PM
Was the city in the premiere supposed to be Angel Grove?

Captain Mutiny
05/17/20, 12:00 AM
Most likely . It looked like we saw the damage from Countdown To Destruction.

Time Force Traitor
05/17/20, 12:11 AM
The guards didn't really care about him having time to get one or not. They just didn't want to see him again without one.

Super Cena
05/17/20, 12:13 AM
Seems odd the old woman would have been going on the journey. Isn't this a mission for the young?.

VR Master
05/17/20, 12:14 AM
She must have been an expert in her field.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
05/17/20, 12:23 AM
Terra Venture was run by a fascist organisation founded based on the principles of Zordon. So they harassed Leo. Who no doubt should have been part or the mission. He was too much of a loose canon for GSA.

05/17/20, 12:55 AM
Seems odd the old woman would have been going on the journey. Isn't this a mission for the young?.

Is Bulk and the Professor young? They both had passports and allegedly so did Skull

Cassie Zhane
05/17/20, 09:21 AM
They needed experienced people so the young colonists could have their wisdom.

Chaos Ranger
05/17/20, 06:26 PM
She was rich and the GSA wanted her money.

Train Ranger
05/17/20, 06:51 PM
The guards probably had to stop a lot of unauthorized visitors. They probably didn't even remember Leo from all the other times he tried to sneak back in. The guards were just trying to get rid of him. They probably weren't allowed to be too aggressive so they just told Leo to get a new oassport..

Ranger Eagle
05/17/20, 06:52 PM
True, they wouldn't want to get in trouble by being too rough with him. I think Leo claimed he forgot his passport and thats why the guard mentioned it.

Karone White Tiger
05/18/20, 12:40 AM
They were just doing their jobs and keeping people with no passports away. Leo likely tried to sneak in multiple times..

Mesagog Lives
05/18/20, 07:37 PM
I don't think those guards were too bright. I am more confused with how Leo never got arrested for being a stowaway.

Chaos Ranger
05/18/20, 07:39 PM
Most likely, the Rangers used the Megaship to hack GSA's files to give Leo a reason to be hear. Leo was even able to sign up with the GSA with these fake credentials.

Kimberly Cares
05/18/20, 09:14 PM
I thought the premiere didn't feel like Power Rangers. It felt like a science fiction series.

Massive Ego
05/18/20, 09:43 PM
I don't think the guards really cared beyond keeping out people with no passports. I also agree that it wasn't Leo's first try. They were really telling him not to try again unless he somehow got a pass. Which was impossible at that point.

Ranger Black
05/19/20, 08:33 PM
I thought the premiere didn't feel like Power Rangers. It felt like a science fiction series.

It was an awesome premiere. It really felt like a whole new world. Its right up there with Time Force and RPM's premieres.

Space Nerd
05/19/20, 08:35 PM
Its too bad they couldn't have the Space Rangers make a cameo to explain why they weren't going to be in it and bridge the gap. But its not a hugs deal. They made up for it in the team up.

Noble Leo
05/20/20, 12:27 AM
It would be interesting to see just how it was decided who should be invited to join Terra Venture.

Tommy's Dragonzord
05/21/20, 10:20 PM
There is no way Leo could get a passport and the guards new it.

05/21/20, 10:30 PM
I don't think those guards were too bright. I am more confused with how Leo never got arrested for being a stowaway.

Most likely, the Rangers used the Megaship to hack GSA's files to give Leo a reason to be hear. Leo was even able to sign up with the GSA with these fake credentials.

They really didn’t seem to question much.
How did both Maya and Leo both get the okay to be on the colony without passports? Damon didn’t have one either and how did they handle Karone? They didn’t even question her or the sudden disappearance of Kendrix yet they wondered about Mike and his disappearance but the High Councilor pretty much waived it off saying what happened didn’t matter as long as he was safe and sound

Blastr Zack
05/22/20, 04:44 PM
I thought it was crazy when the councillor just waived off Stanton's question.

Piccolo's Legacy
05/22/20, 11:59 PM
They really didn’t seem to question much.
How did both Maya and Leo both get the okay to be on the colony without passports? Damon didn’t have one either and how did they handle Karone? They didn’t even question her or the sudden disappearance of Kendrix yet they wondered about Mike and his disappearance but the High Councilor pretty much waived it off saying what happened didn’t matter as long as he was safe and sound

Its funny how there answer to the hard questions were just waived off. I wonder If thats why they just dropped the secret ids for Lightspeed? It didn't really matter in Time Force. Outside of Mr. Collins learning Wes was Red Ranger.

Lord Leo
05/23/20, 04:32 PM
They must of known he was Lord Leo . Who had this annoying habit of magically being able to do things. And hogging the spotlight of course.