View Full Version : A Problem the New Movie Franchise Might Have

SPD Emergency
01/25/17, 01:11 PM
Superhero movies tend to only go a few films before rebooting. So you won't really get a chance to tell the full story you want to tell. I would hate to see this happens for LR. Since there is so much story to exploit.

Diabolico Rising
01/25/17, 04:56 PM
We don't want another Spiderman situation on our hands.

Inner Senshi
01/25/17, 04:57 PM
I hate it when they do constant reboots. They ruined Spiderman.

01/25/17, 04:59 PM
This is another reason I am against the movie being a reboot. Once you start rebooting it becomes easy to reboot again when things go bad. . And you just water things down.

Captain Codfish
01/25/17, 05:01 PM
Lets see if its successful first. If it is than there won't be a another reboot right away.

SPD Emergency
01/25/17, 05:03 PM
That could very well happen. But with movies these days you have one or two successful movies and then one flop....Forcing you to start over and reboot before you even finished the first story.

Goldar's Revenge
01/25/17, 05:04 PM
Its more likely we get a soft reboot if this thing fails.

Lightspeed Rescue
01/25/17, 09:22 PM
I think Dana probably had med school training. She just had to quit to focus on Lightspeed and raise more funds.

01/25/17, 09:35 PM
Reboots can be a pain in the but when franchises are rebooting mid movie series. It also creates market confusion. I hope the new film series avoids this.

Bandai Guy
01/25/17, 09:53 PM
I don't think they will do another movie right away if this movie fails. It would be years before we would get another one.

Bratty Katty
01/25/17, 09:57 PM
Reboots are so lame when they are done too soon.

Hailey Ziktor
01/25/17, 10:13 PM
Too many reboots are never good. Reboots should only be franchises that have been gone a long time. One reboot is fine for Power Rangers. Because its the first film since the 90s.

Digimon Ranger
01/25/17, 10:39 PM
I think they could get at least three or four films in before they have to reboot again or take anl break.

01/26/17, 07:10 PM
There not going into this planning on rebooting again right away. They want this to be a huge success to spawn a franchise.

Saban Fan
01/26/17, 07:14 PM
Spiderman had problems because marvel didn't own the film rights. In this case Saban does. And wilk guide the franchise right just oike Marvel is doing now that Sony partnered with them. Haim Saban is a creative genius and knows the fanchise better than anyone.

Itzy Bitzy Carter
01/28/17, 12:48 PM
I don't think we would get another reboot for 10 or 15 years.

Kelly Power
01/28/17, 07:10 PM
It would be a shame to see them reboot so soon. Its happened wirh other franchises. So I can see being worried.

Time Force Traitor
01/29/17, 06:51 AM
I just hope they can eventually can spin offs like Time Force but that seems years away.if they never go that route.

Jen's Revenge
01/29/17, 07:01 AM
Same here. I would much rather good spinoffs than a second reboot.

Space Hero
01/29/17, 01:46 PM
If they reboot without doing a Space Movie they are crazy. Especially since that would almost be a soft reboot anyway.

MMPR Forever
01/29/17, 02:06 PM
Doing a Space Season or any other season besides MMPR woud be a mistake. Even if the new movie fails to live up to MMPR, at least they choose the right incarnation to adapt.