View Full Version : International Appeal

Bandai Guy
01/23/17, 04:02 PM
Some movies fail in the US but make a lot of money overseas. In some cases sequels are still even made because of this. Does Saban's Power Ranger's Film have a chance at having this kind of international appeal? Which could potentially save it if isn't successful in the US.

A Gia To Remember
01/23/17, 04:04 PM
Power Rangers has a lot of intentional appeal. So I think it will do good overseas.

01/23/17, 04:14 PM
This is an interesting angle. There is a possibility this happens. Its hard to predict though. Just like how its hard to say how the film will gross in the US.

Bratty Katty
01/23/17, 05:14 PM
I don't think anyone really cares about the movie. Its been poorly promoted and looks awful. Internationak audiences don't care about Power Rangers outside of the hardcores.

Zordon's Heroes
01/23/17, 05:25 PM
I think Power Rangers has more international appeal than you think. Its been exported to other countries for years.

Kimberly Cares
01/23/17, 06:56 PM
I never thought of this but its possible.

SPD Emergency
01/23/17, 10:53 PM
This is probably the best case scenario. I don't feel any buzz for the movie domestically. I hope something happens to make it a success.

RJ Wolf Ranger
01/23/17, 11:15 PM
Power Rangers is a worldwide phenomenon . I would be surprised if it doesn't do well internationally. And we can't say it will fail domestically either. How do we know whats going to happen?

Sentai Is Forever
01/24/17, 04:23 PM
Of course it can't rival Sentai in Japan. Which would be more popular worldewide if Toei didn't rely on American Sentai to do the exporting for them.

Ranger Sentai
01/24/17, 04:24 PM
Now I wish the show did get cancelled for good so Toei could export dubbed Sentai.

Power Rangers Forever
01/24/17, 04:25 PM
Good luck with that. If it was that easy, Toei would have exported it themselves a long time ago. The partnership with Power Rangers s works for both parties. Make no wuesrion about it.

MMPR Forever
01/24/17, 04:26 PM
The MMPR Theme has world wide acclaim. I just hope all these people aren't disappointed if the new movie isn't true to MMPR.

Digimon Ranger
01/24/17, 07:43 PM
For some reason American Entertainment.tends to be very exportable around the world.

Ninja Storm Fan
01/24/17, 07:48 PM
I think international audienced like Ninja Storm more. Everything else is just another tv show to them.

Goldar's Revenge
01/24/17, 08:12 PM
Ninja Storm is not a brand itself. Power Rangers is and always will be the dominate brand out of any incarnation that is not MMPR.

Sentai Envy
01/24/17, 08:29 PM
Sorry American Sentai fans. Super Sentai is hands down the more popular brand overseas. Especially since it originates overseas. American Sentai is just a lazy way of exporting it to the west. Its a shame Toei doesn't just take over itself and replace AS with SS.

Smarty Pants Rose
01/24/17, 09:10 PM
Sentai has more appeal in the East where it can be exported to eastern nations. Power Rangers works better in the West since it appeals to the western culture a bit more.

01/24/17, 09:13 PM
It wouldn't be surprising if the movie is boosted by international box office numbers. This seems like a franchise that is actually perfect for this.

Inner Senshi
01/25/17, 05:07 PM
I think Power Rangers is popular everywhere. Not sure about Super Sentai.

Hailey Ziktor
01/25/17, 10:15 PM
I wonder if the movie would do well in the East. China is a big movie market. I am not sure how into Toku they are in that country though.

MMPR Supreme
01/25/17, 10:35 PM
MMPR is big everywhere. All the other seasons aren't. But that won't matter for the movie.