View Full Version : Special Wedding Episode

Kimberly Cares
01/17/17, 08:56 PM
Wouldn't it be cool if they had JDF and AJJ guest star so they could do a special wedding episode?

01/17/17, 08:58 PM
This would be great. Even though I think they would already be married. I am willing for canon to say differently if we get to see them married.

MMPR Forever
01/17/17, 08:59 PM
What a good throw back to MMPR and everyone's favorite couple. I would be very interested in somethin like this. The first episode I sould be excited for since the failed Zeo Experiment.

Ninja Kat
01/17/17, 09:00 PM
"Season to Remember" shows us that Tommy marrieds Kat. So it would have to be a wedding with Tommy and Kat.

Goldar's Revenge
01/17/17, 09:36 PM
This is very unlikely to happen. I doubt they bring back old characters just to get married. And getting JDF and AJJ back isn't easy. I also believe Tommy is going to marry Kat. But who knows if Sutherland wants to come back. I doubt they have Tommy and Kat marry in screen either.

Rita's Pita
01/17/17, 09:38 PM
I think Tommy and Kim make more sense together . And our the more popular couple. I would love to see them get married after all these years.

Captain Codfish
01/17/17, 09:40 PM
Kat and Tommy get married. Its in continuity and has been for years. Tommy and Kim both move on and our probably still friends. Its not in the cast and crews MO to just bring old characters back for a publicty stunt like this. Not unless they are doing a special team up. It wouldn't be for a wedding.

Yellow Fan Forever
01/17/17, 09:45 PM
I would love to see some type of wedding though. Not counting a villain wedding like Rita and Zedd

Usagi Reborn
01/17/17, 09:47 PM
A wedding between Kat and Tommy would be cool but not likely to happen on screen.

Changeman Returns
01/17/17, 09:48 PM
Its best not to deviate from the Sentai..

Power Rangers Forever
01/17/17, 09:49 PM
This really has nothing to do with Sentai though.

MMPR Forever
01/17/17, 09:51 PM
Thats right , this is tying up a loose end from MMPR. Something a lot of fans would love to see.

Sentai Envy
01/17/17, 09:52 PM
Everything is about Sentai. MMPR is a distant memory anyway. No one cares abour it. Not even most American Sentai fans..

Roman Ranger
01/17/17, 11:25 PM
Power Rangers isn't going to do all that just to have a wedding between two characters who haven't been around for hears. Super Megaforce not withstanding.

Overdrive Omega
01/17/17, 11:31 PM
Its more likely we would see newer characters get married. But they would need to be older Rangers.

Zordon's Legacy
01/17/17, 11:52 PM
I think Tommy moved on from both relationships and ended up with neither..Remember they were still very young in MMPR-Turbo. Its unlikely teens that age will meet he person they settle down with until they are at least a bit older.

01/18/17, 12:01 AM
I think Kat and Tommy still do wind up together at some point. If they aren't together now. I have always routed for them. Which is why I was glad to seem the end of "Season To Remember".

Ginger Snap
01/18/17, 12:07 AM
Weddings are usualky pretty fun. So why not?

Kimberly Hart
01/18/17, 12:12 AM
It would be great for the ratings. Since those always seem to bring tv shows good ratings. It would benfun for the fans too.

Calamity Kimberly
01/18/17, 12:14 AM
"The Wedding" was a great episode. So I would love to see one for the good side. It would be very different , but could be just as entertaining.

Khan's Wrath
01/18/17, 12:17 AM
I really don't see a need for it. Just let the fans decide what happened in their own minds. We all in our hearts who Tommy is with or not with.

Hailey Hartford
01/18/17, 08:52 AM
Truth is I don't think he actually married either one considering by Dino Thunder Tommy is still a bachelor and NOT with Kat. Kim as far as we know is still with Jason(check Turbo).

01/18/17, 09:04 AM
no that wouldn't be cool since based on the Zeo special he marries Kat.

Also we really have no clue what his love life in Dino Thunder was like - it's possible he could've been dating someone but at the end of the day we just don't know but either way it was still possible for him to marry Kat.

Hailey Hartford
01/18/17, 10:05 AM
Then where is she in Dino Thunder? Not there! He didn't marry her or Kimberly.

01/18/17, 11:35 AM
just because she's absent in Dino Thunder means nothing.

1. He could have moved away since he got a job in Reefside and she still had a job and didn't want to leave it or was unable to leave it.
2. She could've been in another country and been unable to come.

01/18/17, 12:19 PM
Tommy is actually younger than JDF really is. At the time of DinoThunder he actually wasn't all that old. So he had plenty of time to still get married. Tommy and Kat looked very old in the Zeo future.

Hailey Ziktor
01/18/17, 12:20 PM
I'm with Hartford. Tommy was never married on the show. And as the years go by it makes it highly unlikely that Kat and Tommy wind up married. The future is never set in stone.

Forever Jason
01/18/17, 12:21 PM
I don't think Jason and Kimberly were supposed to be together in Turbo. They were just really good friends coming to visit their old friends.

RJ Wolf Ranger
01/18/17, 12:23 PM
I think they were actually together. Jason must have got together with Kimberly after breaking up with Emily. I think Jason and Kim broke up before "Forever Red"

Mesagog Lives
01/18/17, 12:25 PM
I think Hailey and Tommy end up together after DinoThunder. They had great chemistry together.

Power Rangers Forever
01/18/17, 12:29 PM
I really think there is no honest answer here. It what ever you think regarding who is still with who. . Even with Zeo's Christmas episode , so mucb has happened...So its hard to day if Tommy and Kat are definitely get married. But given we never saw Tommy married, its hard to say they definitely won't marry Kat. So its realky up for us all to decide. Unless something on the show contradicts our own ideas later on. But that unlikely.

01/18/17, 12:54 PM
I think Hailey and Tommy end up together after DinoThunder. They had great chemistry together.

regardless of chemistry Hailey had no romantic interest in him since she was supposed to be a lesbian. This was supposed to be "confirmed" in the finale but Disney wanted another Kira Ford performance instead.

Hailey Ziktor
01/18/17, 05:11 PM
Who said that?

01/18/17, 09:57 PM
as far as I'm aware of it came from Doug himself.

01/18/17, 10:22 PM
Interesting... I didn't think Power Rangers would deal with social issues like that. Especially back then. Good for them, even if they didn end up going that route in the final draft.

Hailey Ziktor
01/18/17, 10:24 PM
Hailey being gay was never onscreen, so I still think Tomny and Hailey end up together.