View Full Version : Why does Wild Force get so much crap?

Wild Force Rider
01/17/17, 01:36 PM
It was a great season. It brought the fun back to Power Rangers. And still had some seriousness for people The Rangers all had great characters and I feel the acting is underrated. Wild Force has the best villains too. Again the please everyone. Since Master org is serious and scary While Jindrax and Toxica were funny. Shayla was a fun mentor that was different. Merrick had a unique origin and contrasted with the more lighthearted Rangers. Wild Force also had a good storyline with a good message. Protecting the envorinment and letting go of your past.

Massive Ego
01/17/17, 01:40 PM
I think it gets too much flak too. Some of the flaws that have been there since NS started to creep in. But it was still up to par with the original Saban Years. Probably because MMPR Productions was still there.

01/17/17, 01:41 PM
It wasn't horrible. But it wasn't the greatest either. I don't think the characters were all that strong though.

Inner Senshi
01/17/17, 01:42 PM
I loved Wild Force...My favorite episode is the one with the Deer and that wonderful song.

Disney Ranger
01/17/17, 01:44 PM
Yes, that song was very Disney..I don't like Wild Force as much as the other Disney seasons. But thats because they were just in there first year and didn't make as many changes.

White Tiger Fan
01/17/17, 01:48 PM
That song was horrible! Amit apologized for that song. I do agree that Wold Force was a really good season. Amit did a great job with what he had to work with.

Space Hero
01/17/17, 01:55 PM
Wild Force itself was Terrible. There characters acted like children. Shayla was a terrible mentor who felt like she was on something half the time. Jindrax and Toxica were terrible vilkains. Master Org was was one of the few good things about it but his actor delivered his lines terribly. Just like the rest of the actors on the show.

The environment thing was overpushed. Kite was an annoying kid that ended up being a condescending "god". The finale nade zero sense and felt like the Rangers won because of a carebear stare. Don't even get me started about that awful song! Not to mention the "Never Give Up" stuff.It made.you wish Danny and Max would give up.

The only other positive were the team ups. And nothing to do with the season itself.

Ninja Storm Fan
01/17/17, 01:56 PM
The only thing I liked about it was Jindrax and Toxica. The rest of it was boring. Of course I would say that about every season. I wasn't emotionally invested in the teams ups. Of course Ninja Storm ended up being light years better just a year later.

Disney Ranger
01/17/17, 01:58 PM
Agreed with Ninja Storm. It brought things to a whole new level. One that hadn't been seen since MMPR. But I think DT-JF wa ls awesome too!

I Love Lothor
01/17/17, 01:59 PM
Wild Force itself was Terrible. There characters acted like children. Shayla was a terrible mentor who felt like she was on something half the time. Jindrax and Toxica were terrible vilkains. Master Org was was one of the few good things about it but his actor delivered his lines terribly. Just like the rest of the actors on the show.

The environment thing was overpushed. Kite was an annoying kid that ended up being a condescending "god". The finale nade zero sense and felt like the Rangers won because of a carebear stare. Don't even get me started about that awful song! Not to mention the "Never Give Up" stuff.It made.you wish Danny and Max would give up.

The only other positive were the team ups. And nothing to do with the season itself.

Master Org doesn't hold a candle to Lothor. But I hate super serious villains.

Dark Specter's Revenge
01/17/17, 02:07 PM
Wild Force tried to bring back the fun of MMPR and the feel of Space/Galaxy. And it failed on both counts.

Sentai Is Forever
01/17/17, 03:01 PM
I like that it was heavily Super Sentai. It went even further than Time Force. Which was pretty close to Timeranger. Wild Force was Gaoranger in a lot of ways. Some of the original stuff wasn't good. .But there wasn't too much of that.

Sentai Snob
01/17/17, 03:02 PM
Wild Force is a Sentai Snobs dream!

Ranger Sentai
01/17/17, 03:04 PM
I agree. I have a much better appreciation of Wild Force since I heavily watched Gaoranger. Not tha Gaoranger isn't still better.

Time Force Rules
01/17/17, 07:48 PM
It was a huge step down from Time Force. I can't stress what a bad follow up it was. Of course all seasons palle in comparison to Time Force.

Goldar's Revenge
01/17/17, 08:33 PM
Wild Force was mostly good. Some of the acting and characters were a little off at times. But overall I thought it was very good. I was very entertained.

Hailey Hartford
01/17/17, 08:38 PM
It was honestly my least favorite season mainly because of how cutesy and lovesick Alyssa was over Cole. She behav not enough like a serious young adult and Power Ranger.

Ninja Kat
01/17/17, 09:05 PM
Was thwwre supposed to be a thing between Cole and Alyssa? I always assumed they were just friends?

Blue Ranger Gone Bad
01/17/17, 09:06 PM
I think she is talking about how she always worried about him. She did seem to be over the top in general. She did often act like a child. Its funny since she became a teacher.

Rita's Pita
01/17/17, 09:08 PM
I kind of liked that about her though. It made her like everyone's big sister. Now that it has been mentions, I think Cole and Alyssa would have made a good couple.

Cameron Sensei
01/17/17, 09:09 PM
There was always something off about Wild Force. All the Rangers acted like children when you think about it. Except Merrick, who was much more serious.

Massive Ego
01/17/17, 09:12 PM
Thats because of his background. Cole had an excuse because of his background. Some others could be annoying at times. But I don't think they were that bad.

I should note Taylor is another exception. She acted like an adult just as mucb as Merrick. Even more than Shalya most of the time.

Yellow Fan Forever
01/17/17, 09:14 PM
Yuo Taylor definitely didn't act like a kid.Sometimes she was too serious. I actually liked Alyssa better.

Inner Senshi
01/17/17, 09:19 PM
Taylor was too mean. Especially in the beginning to Cole.

Sailor Chaos
01/17/17, 09:21 PM
The problem was Wild Force just didn't.have nany characters to root for. Time Force had Wes, Jen, and Eric.

Zordon's Legacy
01/17/17, 11:47 PM
It just wasn't that good. It felt like they were just biding there time to finish up. Other than that there was too much focus on important Sentai Plots and they had the actors act strangely.

01/17/17, 11:59 PM
I always thought it was underrated. I enjoyed a lot of it actually. There were some things I thought weren't takey seriously enough. But overalll it had a good storyline.

Time Force Traitor
01/18/17, 12:30 PM
It was just hard to get used to after how great Time Force was.

Wild Force Rider
01/18/17, 12:31 PM
I felt it was a relief. Since Time Force was hard to get into most of the time.

Dark Specter's Revenge
01/18/17, 12:33 PM
I feel like both seasons relied too much on the Sentai and strayed from being true Power Rangers seasons. The show has never rebounded despite a few different strategies.

Lightspeed Zeo
01/18/17, 12:35 PM
They should have really kept Lightspeed going for three seasons instead. Carter already traveled in time. And the Orgs would fit as another faction of demons.

Chef Mia
01/18/17, 12:39 PM
I think both seasons were boring. At least Wild Force had Jindrax and Toxica to make things funny. They really were the new Bulk and Skull.