View Full Version : Why did Specter take so long?

01/09/17, 04:47 PM
Why did Specter wait thousands of years to conquer the galaxy?

Hexagon Ranger
01/09/17, 06:02 PM
There was all kinds of gamesmanship from both sides. Zordon was thought to be dewd but the UAE wasn't strong enough to take out the forces of good in a fair fight. Both sides were busikding each others forces in a cold war and minor skirmishes. Thats why the members of the UAE were allowed to act on their own so much. It allowed from plausible deniability from.the UAE.

Its likely the forces of good operated like this as well. Once Zordon was discovered to be alive , Specter decided to actively attack the forces of good. Once a Eltar fell and Zordon was in his grasp .....Specter had everything he needed to win the war. Once he drained Zordon of his powers no one could stop him..Of course the Space Rangers and Zordon had answer to that.

No Green Spandex
01/09/17, 06:23 PM
Thousands of years is nothing when you can live for several melleniums or who knows how long. Both Zordon and Specter didn die naturally.

Digimon Ranger
01/09/17, 08:59 PM
It is odd that he wouldn't attack the galaxy with Zordon presumably gone. Most of the Galaxy should have been conquered by then.

01/09/17, 09:12 PM
When you dealing with a lot of life forms on each side that can live practically forever, its not that much of a stretch for a Cold War to last as long as the PRU's did.

Ninja Kat
01/09/17, 09:30 PM
The forces of good weren't so easy to defeat.

Quasar Saber
01/09/17, 09:41 PM
There were very many battles fought. Lets keep in mind that Earth was mostly on the outskirts of the conflict. It was just a small planet Zedd and Rita were trying to conquer. The old school forces of good probably did face a lot of damage from the UAE.

Forever Pink
01/09/17, 09:54 PM
I agree , most of the Galaxy was probably devastated or at war. We just didn't see it. Specter and Astronema just tried to take over what was left over in "Countdown To Destruction".

Jen's Revenge
01/09/17, 10:39 PM
That's right we never saw the core member worlds. We only saw the fringe worlds like Earth.

Destiny Defeated
01/09/17, 10:51 PM
I think both sides probably had there victories and losses. This went on for thousands of years and saw the tides turn multiple times. Leaving the universe pretty chaotic. Earth was pretty lucky it stayed on the sidelines while Rita was trapped. But with Zordon MIA to the rest of the Galaxy Earth wasn't very valuable. Most people didn't know it had so many aritifacts. Most that did were trapped like Rita.

Darth Malik
01/09/17, 11:05 PM
His plan to allow his minions to divide an conquer much of the known galaxy worked perfectly. He brought everyone together at just the right time. With the idea of capturing Zordon and using his power to completely decimate good. Luckily Andros was there to shatter Zordon's Tube and neutralize the UAE once and for all.

Kameron Poe
01/10/17, 12:56 PM
Conquering the galaxy sounds complicated and I doubt its easy. Especially when both sides have people living thousands of years.

Gold Ranger In Danger
01/11/17, 12:21 PM
Its actually pretty clever that we never really see the heart of the galaxy or the conflict. Until the war comes to Earth. Just like how the original Star Wars always took place on fringe worlds. To avoid having to spend millions of dollars on big sets for the main parts of the galaxy.

Time Force Rules
01/11/17, 07:07 PM
The early seasons have a messed up storyline. Really the only season to have a good storyline was Time Force.

A Gia To Remember
01/13/17, 09:53 PM
I guess both sides were so powerful it took Specter thousands of years before he could try to conquer all of it.

Troopers Supreme
01/14/17, 12:29 PM
I think they went way too liberal with the timeline ane how long people could live.

Lothor's Revenge
01/15/17, 04:40 PM
This was pretty unbelieve to me as well. Specter gets overrated to me. He wasn't around very much and had little personality. As bland as Astronema could be, she had much more personality than Specter. He also went down in a very lame way.

01/16/17, 12:45 PM
I think his appeal is in how he wasn't over used. So he came off as this scary figure. Especially when all the other major villains were scared of him. Specter didn't even get taken down by the Rangers. It was pure luck by Darkconda lf being at the right place at the right time.

Digimon Ranger
01/16/17, 12:52 PM
He seemed pretty scary. I was surprised Darkconda was able to take him down so easily.

Mystic Magic
01/16/17, 07:34 PM
Anyone ever notice how similar The Master looks to Dark Specter ?

01/16/17, 07:41 PM
We don't know how much damage was done on all the major worlds. The tide probably changed tides alot.

Roman Ranger
01/17/17, 11:29 PM
He could have done a lot that we didn't see. A lot could have happened while Earth was left aone. Since Zordon was dead and know one knew about the artifacts still there apparently.