View Full Version : Masters in the Final Fury

Super Cena
01/03/17, 03:13 PM
What was the deal with the Masters in the final battle of Jungle Fury? It was bizzare when they transformed into humanoid animals.

Calamity Kimberly
01/03/17, 04:07 PM
That was a little strange..

Diabolico Rising
01/04/17, 12:26 PM
It was very odd. Its one case where using the Sentai Footage was probably not a good idea. It came off as odd for Power Rangers audiences. Especially since it hadn't been done all season.

Massive Ego
01/04/17, 12:30 PM
The whole thing was stupid. It was just wrote in as an easy way to defeat Dai Shi. Kalish seasons loved to have final battles.where all the allies teamed up with the Rangers. And they preceded to copy Ninja Storm's finalie in the process. Which was lazy.

01/04/17, 12:52 PM
It was very odd. Its one case where using the Sentai Footage was probably not a good idea. It came off as odd for Power Rangers audiences. Especially since it hadn't been done all season.

you should really know what you're talking about before you say something like that because that animal Master footage that was shown in Jungle Fury wasn't even in Gekiranger.

Diabolico Rising
01/04/17, 05:05 PM
Damn that makes it even more wierd than. I guess that's why it looked so cheap. I wasn't trying to put down Gekiranger though..

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
01/04/17, 10:50 PM
Its what the Jungle Fury Rangers could have turned into if they didn't have morphers. It would have required years of training though. We saw an impure version of this when RJ was cursed and turned into a wolf. He just couldn't control it.

Sailor Moon Ranger
01/05/17, 10:26 PM
They should have just had the masters remain human looking.

Massive Ego
01/06/17, 10:58 PM
The Masters upstaged the Rangers. And made them look secondary. The three should have been the ones fighting Dai Shi..

Dark Specter's Revenge
01/06/17, 10:59 PM
Jungle Fury had way too many Rangers and Allies. The final battle was just a meh. And the way they defeated Dai Shi felt forced.

01/06/17, 11:01 PM
I actually liked that. I like it when there is a lot of Rangers and allies.

Pink Alien Ranger
01/06/17, 11:49 PM
That scene was pretty unintentionally funny. The costumes they used were bizarre. I am surprised they weren't Sentai Footage. Why did they go to the trouble to create something so ugly?

Ninja Storm Fan
01/07/17, 12:38 PM
That whole final battle just copied Ninja Storm. Just like the whole season. Its a shame it never lived up to Ninja Storm. It had potential but they squandered it and became a lame knock off. The Animal Masters scene was just bizzare I can't even explain it.

01/07/17, 01:01 PM
I was fine with it. It made sense and we have seen worse special effects in Power Rangers. Its funny how it fit right in with the Sentai Footage, even thought it was original .

01/07/17, 09:09 PM
That scene was pretty unintentionally funny. The costumes they used were bizarre. I am surprised they weren't Sentai Footage. Why did they go to the trouble to create something so ugly?

those animal Master costumes were from Gekiranger we just didn't see any Gekiranger footage of them so it's likely just a case of the Power Rangers creew wanting to use something that they were paying for.

01/07/17, 09:22 PM
Not surprising because Disney was cheap just like Saban has always been

Diabolico Rising
01/07/17, 09:26 PM
That must be why I thought it was Sentai Footage.

Goldar's Revenge
01/07/17, 09:31 PM
I don't think it has anything to do with being cheap. They just utilized the suits they had n

01/07/17, 10:41 PM
Not surprising because Disney was cheap just like Saban has always been

what does that have to do with being cheap? those were the same suits that Toei used so they are not cheap. Do you seriously think Toei just gives them their suits to use free of charge?

01/07/17, 11:40 PM
They could have made better ones themselves but they were too cheap to do so as usual.

Massive Ego
01/07/17, 11:41 PM
Even I can't blame them for using Sentai Suits when they can even if JF did suck but they weren't cheap just lacking in the creative end.

Goldar's Revenge
01/07/17, 11:44 PM
I know really. The whole idea is to use the Sentai Footage with the American Footage to be cost effective. Look the animal masters thing was odd but Disney was not cheap. They lost millions producing the show before they pulled the plug. Saban Entertainment spent more than you think as well plus production was more expensive in the states.

01/08/17, 12:54 PM
They could have made better ones themselves but they were too cheap to do so as usual.

as usual you never make any sense. Yes they could have made better ones but why would they? Disney DID NOT care about Power Rangers they kept on trying to end it whenever they could. Wild Force was supposed to be the end but they were convinced to keep producing it. I don't even think Jungle Fury was supposed to be made but I think Jetix UK gave them some funds for it. Why would a company spend a huge amount of money on a show that they do not care about and want to end? that makes zero sense for a business to do that ZERO SENSE.

Even I can't blame them for using Sentai Suits when they can even if JF did suck but they weren't cheap just lacking in the creative end.

exactly it makes sense to use the Sentai suits whenever they can in order to keep costs down it's just those particular costumes weren't at all good looking.

I know really. The whole idea is to use the Sentai Footage with the American Footage to be cost effective. Look the animal masters thing was odd but Disney was not cheap. They lost millions producing the show before they pulled the plug. Saban Entertainment spent more than you think as well plus production was more expensive in the states.

exactly even Saban Brands spends a lot of money probably not as much as they did when Saban Entertainment was around but I'm sure they still spend a lot.

Producing a show is not cheap even when you're licensing a product from another country.
You still pay for the cast and crew.
You need to get permits and possibly pay for any damages that you do to the area.
and in the case of Power Rangers they also need to pay for the footage and also for the suits that come with it.
They also need to pay for anything else such as when they might want to create a new suit. Monster suits are generally about $20k to make so they are not cheap.
You need to pay for all of the necessary equipment as well.

Massive Ego
01/08/17, 05:37 PM
Aparently he wouldn't be able to run a business without spending lots of money.

Ninja Storm Fan
01/08/17, 05:40 PM
They were just trying to hard..But no matter how hard they tried they could.never be as good as the NS finale.

Morphing Master
01/09/17, 04:18 PM
I don't have a problem with it. It gave us an example of what a power source can do to people when it is not connected to the grid.

Hexagon Ranger
01/09/17, 06:03 PM
I agree with the Masters being the peak of the Pau Zhai Powers without a grid tap. RJ had a friend connected with Hexagon that got him that grid tap.

Captain Codfish
01/09/17, 09:24 PM
It was definitely odd looking.

No Green Spandex
01/09/17, 09:27 PM
Someone get those masters a Grid Tap! Those costumes were pretty hideous.

Ninja Kat
01/09/17, 09:28 PM
They were pretty ugly. It didn't ruin the episode for me. But I do agree Ninja Storm's finale was better.

Crazy Ranger
01/09/17, 10:11 PM
It was just to show them channeling there highest power level. Which made sense since they were going against Dai Shi.

Jen's Revenge
01/09/17, 10:45 PM
The finale had bigger issues. With it coming off as kind of forced and rushed. Not to mention the whole NS finale rehash.

Destiny Defeated
01/09/17, 10:56 PM
Jungle Fury is pretty lacking. I will say Dai Shi is interesting. Too bad they never really were clear about how much of his actions were influenced by Jarrod.

Kameron Poe
01/10/17, 12:52 PM
It was like a Fury convention. Pretty bad and just wierd.

01/11/17, 07:17 PM
I always thought the Masters were an unnecessary addition to Jungle Fury.The Spirit Rangers should have had a different origin as well.

Call Titanus
01/12/17, 12:22 PM
Jungle Fury was just strange like that sometimes. It sas actually pretty fun though. And is the best Disney season. Neo Saban does it betters with Samurai.

I Love Lothor
01/12/17, 12:25 PM
I really liked the characters. They had fun personalities and you could relate to them. It was cool how they worked in a Pizza Shop. The series as a whole was like Ninja Storm. I just wish Dai Shi was more funny like Lothor.

01/13/17, 09:57 PM
Disney was too cheap to create Ranger Costumes for them.

Massive Ego
01/13/17, 09:58 PM
Bandai already created the Spirit Rangers. It had nothing tondo with being cheap. It was just poor creative.

Jungle Master
01/13/17, 09:59 PM
I thought they were pretty cool..It was different and it was cool to see what the Masters could do without morphers.

Massive Ego
01/13/17, 10:01 PM
Jungle Fury had way too many Rangers and Allies. The final battle was just a meh. And the way they defeated Dai Shi felt forced.

It didn't help that they copied the finalie from Ninja Storm which was lame enough the first time.

Ranger Master
01/13/17, 10:04 PM
Its likely that the masters throughout history were able to take this form. Its most likely how the Overlords, Phantom Beasts and Dai Shi himself began. They were Phi Zuai Masters that went bad and got stuck in their evil forms. Daj Shi eventually became an energy being that could take a host to recharge.