View Full Version : Wes and Jen was a bad couple

Wesley Smallings
01/02/17, 09:58 PM
Not only did they waste are time by not having them get together in the end. They were just a bad fit. It was unbelievable for Jen to just fall so head over heels for Wes. I don't care how cold she could be to him. She should never have fell for Wes. It was bad enough she let Wes lead her team. Which was even more unbelievable.

Jen should have remained with Alex. She loved him very much, as did he. It made no sense for her to abandon him for Wes after she found out he survived Ransik's attack. The whole reason she went back in time was to avenge Alex. Who she loved deeply . I can't see her falling for someone like Wes. I don't care how much he looked like Alex. Jen wouldn't even have let Wes be part of the team if they wrote things correctly.

Alex was the only one who saw threw Wes' charade and why he shouldn't be leading the Rangers. He also pointed out how undisciplined the Rangers became listening to Wes. And it totally went over his head. Alex's big mistake was supposedly believing in Wes in the end and letting him continue to lead his fiance's team/. When he knew he himself was a more qualified leader. Jen was too and he just let Wes continue to lead. It was just very strange and made no sense.

Alex was the real victim. As he loved Jen and lost her because of his injury. He did everything to protect the future and still loved Jen. He was even willing to let Wes lead the team to make her happy and preserve the future. Even if him thinking that was bad writing. Alex was punished in the end by losing Jen to the fraud that was Wes.

Captain Codfish
01/02/17, 10:04 PM
I agree Alex got the short end of the stick. But Wes and Jen were a good couple. Its not like Jen just accepted Wes. She was extra cold to him at first . She also made him prove himself before he joined the team full time. Jen couldn't even admit her feelings for him until the end. Jen and Wes didn't get together because it made the love story mean more. It happens a lot in drama.

Delta Black
01/02/17, 10:06 PM
Alex only got involved because he was jealous of Wes. He should have known the Time Force Rangers would be able to defeat Doomtron. Wes and Jen were perfect for each other. Jen wasn't the person she was at the beginning of Time Force.

Inner Senshi
01/02/17, 10:25 PM
I always thought they should end up together. Jen was too cold sometimes though.

01/02/17, 10:26 PM
Alex was also mean and not very likeable. But neither was Jen. Wes could do a lot better.

01/03/17, 12:45 AM
Jen and Wes are among my favorite couples. It was sad they didn't get together for good. But I understand why they did it storywise.

Goldar's Revenge
01/03/17, 12:46 AM
Judd Lynn hate d that they couldn't be together since the whole season was supposed to be about making your own destiny.

Sentai Is Forever
01/03/17, 12:47 AM
Well there counterparts don't get to be together in the Sentai. So it makes sense they didn't get together.

Rita's Pita
01/06/17, 11:06 PM
Time Force was far too emo amd serious. Jen and Wes just weren't fun enough. They didn't seem right for each other either.

Cassidy Casablancas
01/06/17, 11:08 PM
Jen and Wes were just terrible. Jen was way too strict and self important. Wes was too irresponsible and just didn't feel worthy of being a Ranger. The couple did nothing for me. And they just wasted their time since they didn't get together.

Massive Ego
01/06/17, 11:11 PM
They were a great couple. The best couple the show has ever had actually. Both were also great characters. Time Force was such an amazing season. Its a shame the show fell off a cliff just a few years later. RPM almost recpatured the essence or Time Force until the second half.

Pink Alien Ranger
01/06/17, 11:41 PM
They were actually pretty good together. The big mistake was not having them get together. It made no sense since the whole season built to it. And the series was ending so its not like you had to worry about anything past the team up. I am glad they got to have a moment in the team up. Jen was pretty bad ass too.

01/07/17, 08:30 PM
I think there love story was very strong. It was sad that they didn't get to be together. But somet thats love in fiction.

True Blue
01/08/17, 10:05 AM
Definitely a bad couple. They had no real chemistry and it was unbelievable Jen would leave Alex for Wes. Alex got screwed big time.

01/08/17, 05:57 PM
Wes and Jen were a great couple. They were so amazing together and their romance was well written. It was narrative excellence that they didnt get to be together. A lot of litature features romances where the couple can't be together. Its hard but makes.the story better.

Morphing Master
01/09/17, 04:10 PM
I think the Time Force team stayed behind after Wild Force and joined rhe Silver Gaurdians. Allowing Wes and Jen to finally enter into a relationship.

01/09/17, 04:53 PM
They were a good couple . They just couldn't be together due to being from different eras.

No Green Spandex
01/09/17, 06:25 PM
They were a good couple. And they deserved to be together. I can see why they decided ir made it more dramatic to keep them apart.

Digimon Ranger
01/09/17, 09:03 PM
They seemed to fit well together to me. I don't get why they ended up having to split apart though.

01/09/17, 09:08 PM
They couldn't be together. They could change each others own futures but not mess with the time-stream for their own benefit.

Captain Codfish
01/09/17, 09:22 PM
I agree the story-line made the love story more dramatic and the way it ended. Sometimes love can be beautiful and painful at the same time.

01/11/17, 07:20 PM
I think they were pretty good together actually.

A Gia To Remember
01/13/17, 11:58 AM
They did seem to have there ups and downs. There far from my favorites. But I think they deserved to be together.