View Full Version : Would it have been cool to have Ryan in Time Force?

Time Force Traitor
12/25/16, 08:47 PM
There was a rumor back in the day that Ryan almost came back for Time Force. What would you think of that?

Titanium Black
12/26/16, 09:01 AM
I think it would have been cool..You could have had Ryan have Time Shadow . Plus Eric wasn't really on the team until the Wild Force Team Up.

12/26/16, 01:26 PM
I think it would have been overkill. A separate episode with him outside of the team up would have been fine. But having Seven Rangers would have been overkill. And would have hurt Eric's development.

Goldar's Revenge
12/26/16, 01:29 PM
It would have been an interesting opertunity to change things up from Timeranger and address the Ryan living Ghost Issue. . Alex could stay dead in this version to keep his sacrifice. Ryan could be behind Time Force. As a living ghost he could be said to live forever. Future Ryan would recruit past Ryan to help the TF team with Shadow Zord.

Quantum Hunter
12/26/16, 01:30 PM
Or Alex could just recruit Ryan himself. Since Eric went AWOL.

Lightspeed Zeo
12/26/16, 01:31 PM
I would have loved this since Lightspeed was so good. It would have made Time Force a lot better. Plus we never got as much of Ryan as we could have in Lightspeed. Time Shadow would be an even better zord than Max Solar Zord.

Delta Black
12/26/16, 01:34 PM
I'm all for it if done right. Even though Lightspeed was pretty medicore. But that was more due to poor execution and character development. Ryan's big problem was not being around as much. Plus we never got a good transition of him from his Daibolico raised life to living in the modern world as a member of Lightspeed.

12/26/16, 06:18 PM
He would have been so much better than Eric. Who aas jusr plan rude.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
12/26/16, 06:52 PM
They could have had Hexagon send Ryan. I think he did end up working for them like Carter.Ryan was too guilty for his past not to risk helping Hexagon.

Gia the Fiend
12/26/16, 09:03 PM
It would have looked good if Ryan joined on. It would have matched up perfectly with Time Shadow. Plus having more time with Ryan would have been great. Just like we got more time with Karone as a good guy in Lost Galaxy.

12/26/16, 09:19 PM
It would have been more realistic if they had the original 52 episode run. I don't think there was a lot of time to fit in another major character. Even if we already knew who Ryan was.

Dayu's Tears
12/26/16, 09:30 PM
Maybe he could have been hired to work for Biolabs or part of some Lightspeed Cooperation with Biolabs. Which would have put him on Biolabs side yet not necessarily a Silver Guardian.

Mesagog Lives
12/27/16, 10:26 AM
Time Force was too disjointed as it is. Adding another major character would just make things worse.

Jungle Fury Master
12/27/16, 10:40 AM
Ryan wouldn't really make sense in that setting. The only way I could see it working would be if Ryan replaced Wes from the start and the Time Force team worked with whoever was left of Lightspeed.

Trakeena's Revenge
12/27/16, 02:08 PM
It could have worked. Ryan wouldn't have had to be in every episode. He could have stuck around after the team up. It would have made things more interesting. Since there were a lot of fillers leading up to the finale anyway.

Gold Ranger In Danger
12/27/16, 02:18 PM
I do wish he got more time in the team up. It realky needed a second part .

Summer Is Rich
01/02/17, 09:03 PM
If they had a good story for him I am all for it.

Smarty Pants Rose
01/02/17, 09:15 PM
I don't see it working. Since there would have been too many Rangers.

Wesley Smallings
01/02/17, 09:51 PM
Ryan was just a poorly conceived character that never really fit into Lightspeed. Shoving him into Time Force would have really been a bad idea. It would have overshadowed the TF Rangers. Who already had to deal with being overshadowed by Wes.

Lord Zedd
01/02/17, 10:33 PM
Seven Rangers is too much. As we have seen in several seasons since SPD.

Goldar's Revenge
01/02/17, 10:36 PM
It would have been a nice way to give the character the screen time he didn't get in Lightspeed. And would have helped Time Force get away from Timeranger.