View Full Version : Was anyone disappointed that TJ got demoted?

Turbo Guy
12/22/16, 06:31 PM
It was a bummer when he got demoted to Blue in Space.

MMPR Forever
12/22/16, 08:08 PM
TJ pails in comparison to Jason and Tommy. Even if I like Tommy as Sixth Ranger better.

Green With Envy
12/22/16, 08:42 PM
I think it was for the best that Andros was Red during Space. TJ didn't know a lot about Space. And he still had a leadership role on the team anyway.

Kameron Poe
12/22/16, 09:24 PM
It always felt like TJ was still leader in a way. As Andros valued his imput.And he did keep the teens together.

Green Scorpion Ranger
12/22/16, 09:44 PM
I don't.think the Slace Rangers had an official command structure. It was more that it was Andros' ship and he was already Red.

Lord Vrak
12/22/16, 10:00 PM
I actually liked Andros better. Plus it was his story that year.

Turbo Guy
12/23/16, 11:43 AM
TJ was the best Ranger. He was also the leader in my favorite season. I didn't like Space as much. But it would have been better if TJ were still Red.

Kimberly Hart
12/23/16, 11:50 AM
It was because he got the Turbo Zords destroyed. Not to mention the rescue zords.

Lord Vrak
12/23/16, 11:53 AM
He had no choice, they were facing an unstoppable monster who would have destoryed the Earth if they left him. TJ made the right call.

No Green Spandex
12/23/16, 11:55 AM
He wasn't dumb enough to face Six Monsters at once like Tommy. I think TJ's team were just put in a bad situation.

Inner Senshi
12/23/16, 08:39 PM
I don't think ot was very fair to TJ. Andros was pretty good when he was in charge though. Except when he was being a loner.

Red Lightstar Ranger
12/23/16, 11:42 PM
TJ ended up being a great Blue Ranger. He even seemed to still lead the team at times. He was usually the voice of logic. A lot of times he was more wise than Andros.

Galaxy Forever
12/24/16, 12:04 AM
Andros and TJ were more like Co-leaders.

12/24/16, 12:01 PM
It was basically like a merger of two teams. Someone had to lead. TJ was only demoted by default not because he was incompetent.

Kimberly Cares
12/24/16, 12:22 PM
TJ was a big step down from Tommy. I hated the cast change at the time. I think Andros was a much better successor to Tommy. Even if Space isn't one of my favorites.

No Space Spandex
12/25/16, 11:49 AM
Another reason to not like Space.

Space Hero
12/25/16, 12:05 PM
It made more sense for Space to be led by Andros. Since he knew more about Space. Not to mention that it was his ship and powers.

Cassidy Casablancas
12/26/16, 09:49 PM
TJ wasn't a good leader. Someone like Adam should havee stayed on to lead the newbies until they were ready.

Trakeena's Revenge
12/27/16, 02:08 PM
I don't think the Power Rangers really have official ranks. TJ and Co joined Andros on his ship, so it was natural for him to lead.

12/28/16, 12:39 AM
Andros was the mentor and field commander. TJ was the leader.

12/28/16, 12:56 AM
I give them credit for not just having TJ fade into the background . They remembered TJ was the leader in Turbo . He comtinued to be written as a good leader.

Chloe Sullivan
12/28/16, 12:00 PM
I was very disappointed as TJ was one of my favorites. Even mkre so than Tommy. I dont think Andros was very likeable.

Calamity Kimberly
12/28/16, 07:43 PM
I think Andros and TJ were the Co-Leaders. There was no mentor to formally demote TJ.

Tommy Hater
12/29/16, 12:19 PM
Unlike Tommy, TJ was the bigger man and stepped aside for the betterment of the team.