View Full Version : Why didn't the Animarium Worriers have morphers?

Blue Ranger Gone Bad
12/14/16, 12:39 PM
It makes no sense for the ancient worriers to not be Power Rangers but the worriers of the present are.

Goldar's Revenge
12/14/16, 10:15 PM
The Animarium Worriers didn't have a grid tap. Somehow Shalya was able to get one for the Rangers. Its possible the powers too the form of contemporary heroes. They could have connected to the Grid on its own.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
12/14/16, 10:19 PM
The Animarium Worriers wound up fighting for Zordon. They died in the battle against Rita. Zprdon's other soldiers buried them. Zordon and Alpha created morphers to connect their powers to the grid. But they were useless until the Wild Zords chose new champions. Which wasn't going to happen untik Orgs came back. So Zordon sent the powers back to rest with the Sleeping Princess.

Starlight Supreme
12/14/16, 10:21 PM
The Wild Zords could connect to the grid on their own. Look at how Merrick's Zords gave him a morpher. The ability to connect just wasn't present in ancient times for some reason.It could be that they didn't learn how yet..

Titanium Black
12/14/16, 10:24 PM
I think Animus probably played a role. Even if he did it from that dark dimension he was stuck in.

Delta Max
12/14/16, 10:26 PM
Something obviously happened in between ancient times and todays.

Gold Ranger In Danger
12/14/16, 10:30 PM
I wonder if the first holder's of the power coins were worriers instead of Rangers too? I am talking Pre Wild West Rangers.

12/16/16, 12:05 PM
This confused me at the time. But giving all the teams that have ancient worriers, I's like to think there is a way to connect a power source to the grid itself. Somehow Shayla or Animus found a way to connect the Animal Crystals to the Morphing Grid.

A Gia To Remember
12/16/16, 06:51 PM
Maybe they were still Power Rangers and just had different costumes?

12/16/16, 06:54 PM
Saban was too cheap to shoot more Ranger Footage with the Ancients.

Gosei Gold
12/16/16, 09:57 PM
Powers evovle...The Animarium Power evovled into Wild Force.

Ranger Master
12/16/16, 09:59 PM
Zordon had the Animal Crystals connected to the Grid sometime before he Wild Force Rangers were recruited.

Quasar Saber
12/16/16, 10:00 PM
I think Taylor told Shayla about the Power Rangers. Shayla found a way to tap into the grid for the new Worriers.

12/16/16, 10:04 PM
Taylor was a member of Hexagon. Once she found Shayla she was able to use her connections to get Morphers made from the Animal Crystal Powers. Tommy probably over saw this himself. Just like he gave them the Jungle Blaster.

Chaos Ranger
12/18/16, 06:07 PM
Zordon would have made sure that the powers behind the Animarium would owe him. So he gave them Ranger Powers . Even though the ancient powers actually were pretty close to the Rangers power wise.

Thunder Megazord
12/18/16, 06:10 PM
Was Taylor evil since she was part of Hexagon?

Chaos Ranger
12/18/16, 06:11 PM
I would say so. Anyone associated with that group was. Just less evil than Zordon's people.

12/18/16, 06:17 PM
Thats ridiculous! Tommy and Zordon were tottally good. Any group they associated with would be too. I agree about SPD.being corrupt but I don't think either were part of that group.

Adam White Tiger
12/19/16, 11:03 AM
I think the powers just got connected afterwards.

Wild Force Megazord
12/19/16, 02:43 PM
This is a terrible plothole. I don't think it can be explained away. And its an inconsistency that has been done anlot since then. They really need to get on the ball there.

SPD Emergency
12/19/16, 02:51 PM
I don't see how its inconsistant. We have seen ancient powers get connected to the grid. Sometimes we see powers already connected to the grid. But in Wild Force's case we saw the powers used in the past without a grid tap. Other times man made powers can directly connect to the grid. Like we see in Lightspeed, Time Force, SPD, and Overdrive.

Green Nightwolf Koragg
12/19/16, 03:15 PM
It is kind of odd how some ancient teams were Rangers and others weren't. And strange how some teams have external powers connected to the grid later...While others are made made and powered by the grid itself.

Lion Tamer Org
12/20/16, 02:19 PM
A lot of it doesn't add up. Shayla had no time to meet Zordon or anyone associated with Hexagon. Animus was still stuck in limbo and not reborn as Kite yet.

Summer Is Rich
12/20/16, 05:16 PM
The powers were connected to the grid after the ancient war. We just didn't see it on screen. There is plenty of time the Wild Force Rangers were active that we don't see. And yes I know that Taylor gets the powers right away in a flashback. But how do we know the powers weren't connected to the grid before her first battle?

Samurai Mentor
12/21/16, 06:58 PM
I think they still connected to the Grid. The costumes were just different for some reason. It is odd they didn't call them Rangers.

Delta Max
12/22/16, 12:01 PM
I think they should have had all Rangers after Space not be Power Rangers. The Wild Force team would be Wild Force Rangers. That way Power Rangers would only come from Zordon. But they didn't go that route.

Kameron Poe
12/22/16, 09:26 PM
The world changed. The heroes of the.day were Power Rangers. So the powers took that form.

Red Lightstar Ranger
12/23/16, 11:38 PM
I always assumed the morphers and the animal powers were two separate Powers. The Rangers just possessed both. Tommy giving the power to Shayla makes sense.

Revenge of the UAE
12/24/16, 03:22 PM
The writers made a big mistake. They should have had the ancients be Rangers. I don't know why this mistake was repeated in Mystic Force by a different team of writers no less.

10/24/17, 01:25 PM
Saban was too cheap to shoot more Ranger Footage with the Ancients.

Saban had nothing to do with Wild Force the series was produced by their own production company like always but the series would've been owned by Disney at that point in time on top of which being cheap has nothing to do with it either it was a Jonathan Tzachor mandate that he wanted things to be basically as they were in Gaoranger.

10/24/17, 05:43 PM
Don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that. i guess I think of Wild Force a Saban Series. But Disney was just as cheap as Saban has been.

10/24/17, 05:45 PM
Ranger teams started to have ancient warriors proceeding them that didn't have powers. Thats why I was surprised when Samurai had past Ranger teams instead of warriors.

Eric Loves Taylor
10/24/17, 05:50 PM
i always figured they coule morph but were just never shown. So people wouldn't confused them with our team.

10/24/17, 07:06 PM
But Disney was just as cheap as Saban has been.

nope Saban was actually cheaper Disney actually needlessly re-shot things because of their own different standards and the later they got into the run of their own produced seasons the more they would've re-shot due to Disney issuing a mandate that they didn't want to see as much violence.

Disney Ranger
10/24/17, 08:19 PM
Disney put a lot of money into the franchise. They did the best Job put of anyone since MMPR. Saban did great with MMPR. But Disney beats him. Although the Neo Saban season are better than RPM.

MMPR Forever
10/24/17, 08:21 PM
I was very disappointed in Disney. I thought they were going to do great things with this show but they did a subpar job. Neo Saban didn't do much better until the recent Ninja Steel. Which isn't MMPR level great, but a very good spin off of PR.

Jen's Revenge
10/27/17, 11:12 PM
The idea clearly was that the ancient warriors were not Rangers but had similar powers to the Wild Force Team. Somehow Shayla and Taylor got access to Ranger powers.

10/28/17, 04:44 PM
perhaps something happened that allowed Animus or something to grant the primary zords the ability to tap into the grid.

10/28/17, 05:35 PM
I would say thats the likely answer.

10/28/17, 06:45 PM
since they were likely hoping that Animus would be their savior but when Master Org became too powerful for him that hope was lost which forced Merrick to make pretty much almost the ultimate sacrifice of going into Nayzor's den in order to use the powers of the cursed wolf mask of Zen-Aku the interesting thing is that the mask did something else in Gaoranger since it was just presumed it would boost his power it was never outright stated like it was in Power Rangers but in Gaoranger it was also stated that the mask is what gave the 3 zords the power to combine.

Byron Stinger
10/28/17, 08:12 PM
That would have been an interesting angle to keep in Wild Force. And a clear reason why the mask made the combination more powerful. Since the combination would have been the power up.

Captain Codfish
10/28/17, 08:58 PM
The zord theory is a good idea. They could have found a way to connect to the grid. Or Animus did from his dimension. Just for another angle to that theory.