View Full Version : Trent will never be Tommy

MMPR Forever
12/11/16, 08:37 PM
DinoThunder seemed to be trying to make Trent into the new Tommy. They failed majorly. Trent never felt like much of a threat. And as a good guy was pretty lacking. He didn't have the larger than life personality of Tommy.

12/11/16, 08:38 PM
DinoThunder should have took place at Angel Grove High with a new generation of teenagers. They should not have totally copyed the MMPR Rangers but been similar.

No Green Spandex
12/11/16, 08:39 PM
Or you could just pop in a dvd of MMPR and watch that instead.

Usagi Reborn
12/11/16, 08:41 PM
Really you two are slaves to MMPR. Especially MMPR Forever. No offense but its hard to take you seriously when you gush over MMPR.

Inner Senshi
12/11/16, 08:42 PM
I think Trent was great! He wasn't Tommy but he was great in his own way.

Outer Sailor
12/11/16, 08:51 PM
I don't think that was the plan. Trent was supposed to be his own character. They had the real thing , why copy?

Sentai Is Forever
12/11/16, 09:14 PM
We don't need a Tommy in Semtai. And niether does American Sentai anymore.

Ranger Sentai
12/11/16, 09:15 PM
I'm starting to like Braui better now that I have been watching a lot of Zyuranger..

Itzy Bitzy Carter
12/11/16, 09:22 PM
I don't think any one character should dominate the show. Tommy was fine for his time though.

Changeman Returns
12/11/16, 09:24 PM
Thats why I like Sentai. No one really dominates.

Smarty Pants Rose
12/11/16, 09:30 PM
I don't want Trent to be Tommy. I want him to be Trent.

Super Zeo Ranger
12/11/16, 11:53 PM
Trent is pretty cool in his own right. I don't care if he is like Tommy or not.

Mitchell's Navy
12/12/16, 06:09 PM
I don't think many people claim he is. It would have been a mistake to try and make Trent another Tommy.

Super Rad
12/12/16, 06:13 PM
Trent was just a disappointing character. Its too bad they couldn't do something closer to Abrakiller. I know they couldn't do it exactly like Sentai, I would just like a darker character than we got.

Zordon's Legacy
12/12/16, 06:33 PM
You can't ignore the similarities. Evil Ranger who turns good and joins the team. There are obviously a lot of differences. I certainly wouldn't say Trent was ever the next Tommy. Cam had a chance to be but only being around a year isn't enough.

Tommy Hater
12/23/16, 12:05 PM
Really, Trent is so much better than Tommy. Since he doesn't hog the spotlight. Trent is who Tommy should have been.

No Green Spandex
12/23/16, 12:06 PM
I agree post White Ranger return. Tommy actually holds up real well as Green Ranger. Yes, I know my name is No Green Spandex.

White Spandex Rules
12/23/16, 12:08 PM
I think Trent was good for who he was. But Tommy is an all time great. I liked him even more as White. But really I don't compare the two characters to each other. Not just because they were both under evil spells. Does that mean the Thunder Rangers are like Tommy?

Starlight Starbrite
12/23/16, 12:12 PM
I don't think Trent was written to be a new Tommy. The only similarity is the evil Ranger thing..And even that was done differently . It also lasted a lot longer.

Goldar's Revenge
12/23/16, 11:24 PM
The early arch with Trent clearly was meant to play off of "Green With Evil". His character became a toned down version of Abrekiller afterwards. But once Disney changed plans Trent became his own character.

12/24/16, 07:14 PM
I don't think he should be. They should be there own characters.