View Full Version : SPD should have been a Space season

Space Seasons
12/07/16, 12:37 PM
I thought they were finally going back into Space and was dissapointed when SPD was another Earth Series. SPD should have had a Space Theme. It would have been perfect.

12/07/16, 03:15 PM
that would've been difficult considering all of the Dekaranger footage was on Earth and they only had one mecha that was capable of flight.

Ashley Andros
12/07/16, 06:39 PM
They were able to turn Megaranger into a Space Series and it was not a Space Sentai.

Astro Delta
12/07/16, 06:42 PM
Look at what they did with Gingaman. It waa a nature Sentai that got made into a Space Season. It was a lot harder than adapting even Megaranger into Space. I am all for making SPD a Space Season. At least it had some space travel.

Space Hero
12/07/16, 06:47 PM
I think all seasons should be a Space Season so I agree here.

Dark Specter's Revenge
12/07/16, 06:50 PM
I would have been all for it. It would have been something different and I am a fan of Space Seasons as well. I know every season can't be a Space. My problem with the post Space era is how the show devovled. Leading up to Space the show always seemed to grow and evovle. After Galaxy it regressed. And only got worse with Disney and Neo Saban. RPM had a chance to love up to the older seasoms but fell apart. I am hopeing the new movie finally gets the job done.

A Gia To Remember
12/07/16, 06:51 PM
I think having too many Space Seasons would get boring. I like the fun Earth based series better.

Lightspeed Zeo
12/07/16, 06:53 PM
Lightspeed Rescue wasn't a Space Season and it ended up being one of the best. Being a Space Season wouldn't have made SPD any better.

MMPR Forever
12/07/16, 06:55 PM
Deffinitly not. The Space Seasons were too far away from the MMPR formula. SPD was bad enough with all the future overdramatic crap. It didn't need to get worse as a Space Season.

12/07/16, 10:48 PM
They were able to turn Megaranger into a Space Series and it was not a Space Sentai.

yes but that worked since the mecha were either docked in space or on the Moon and they were able to use a model of the Megaship in order to film it so that it would look like it was traveling.

Look at what they did with Gingaman. It waa a nature Sentai that got made into a Space Season. It was a lot harder than adapting even Megaranger into Space. I am all for making SPD a Space Season. At least it had some space travel.

yes and it was rather conflicting because of it since how on Earth did the Lights of Orion even get on a traveling space colony anyway? and how would the villains even figure that out anyway? it wasn't a regular city like it was in Gingaman.

I think having too many Space Seasons would get boring. I like the fun Earth based series better.

I completely agree. Space seasons are good to have but it's good to have Earth-based ones as well.

VR Master
12/08/16, 12:39 PM
It would have been tough. Since you didn't have the stock Zord Footage in Space like Megaranger. If anything SPD could have taken place on another planet. Eltar would have made sense.

Terra Venture
12/08/16, 12:40 PM
I think SPD shoukd have taken place on Mirinoi.

Delta Black
12/08/16, 08:51 PM
I just wish the Rangers were more likeable. I don't think it needed to be a Space Season. More Space Travel would have been fun though.