View Full Version : Should Disney have made a JF Sixth Ranger?

Jungle Fury Master
12/07/16, 12:35 PM
Not counting the Spirit Rangers of course.

12/07/16, 03:00 PM
I prefer 6th Rangers personally it still really bugs me that Dino Thunder didn't have a 6th Ranger even though there was ample opportunity to do so since they were already filming a lot of original footage to between with anyway between a lot of original scenes with Tommy fighting Zeltrax and of course the 2 White Rangers but I think it was a clever idea with them using the Spirit Rangers in Jungle Fury so I was fine with either Spirit Rangers or a single 6th Ranger the only question is they wouldn't have had any zords to pilot which they have never done before so what would you do in that case?

12/07/16, 07:00 PM
Disney was too cheap to do a Sixth Ranger. They had to smooch off Bandai to do the Spirit Rangers. And even then they were too cheap to hire actors. It was Omega Ranger all over again.

12/07/16, 07:10 PM
They should have just cast people for the Spirit Rangers.

Jungle Master
12/07/16, 07:12 PM
I think they had enough Rangers to worry about.

Captain Mutiny
12/07/16, 07:14 PM
I always thought of Jarrod as the Sixth Ranger.

Goldar's Revenge
12/07/16, 07:16 PM
The Spirit Rangers would been handled differently if the Writers Strike didn't happen in the middle of production.

12/07/16, 10:44 PM
Disney was too cheap to do a Sixth Ranger. They had to smooch off Bandai to do the Spirit Rangers. And even then they were too cheap to hire actors. It was Omega Ranger all over again.

that doesn't even work here either since making 3 suits and weapons for them is pretty expensive so what they did was more expensive compared to just going with a 6th Ranger and no other extra Rangers.

12/08/16, 08:08 AM
Yeah but that was Bandai. Disney was too cheap to do it themselves. Than cheaped out the next year when they could have used the Dino RPM Rangers.

Massive Ego
12/08/16, 08:11 AM
So they should have turned down Bandai's help to spend tons of money? I can't fault them flr not doing the special Rangers in RPM. They probably would have been Gem and Gemma's wacky cousins with our luck.

Space Nerd
12/08/16, 08:14 AM
Perhaps the Special Ranger suits can be thought of as RPM's MMPR team. Since they are an AU.

I think the Spirit Rangers would have been better with actual actors playing them in civilian form. If they did that , it replaces the need for a singular Sixth Ranger.

12/08/16, 10:55 AM
Yeah but that was Bandai. Disney was too cheap to do it themselves. Than cheaped out the next year when they could have used the Dino RPM Rangers.

so you think just because Bandai spent money on the suits that Disney didn't spend any? Suits rip and I highly doubt Bandai was going to pay to make extra suits if they were needed.

Disney didn't care about the series anymore as of RPM since they knew they were canceling the series no matter what happened with RPM so spending money on a series that was canceled would have made zero sense.

So they should have turned down Bandai's help to spend tons of money? I can't fault them flr not doing the special Rangers in RPM. They probably would have been Gem and Gemma's wacky cousins with our luck.

no doubt on both accounts. Bandai usually helped out anyway if there was something that they wanted in the show.

Shark Cycles, Battlizers, etc. Bandai likely even paid for the other cycles that were made for Power Rangers.

Goldar's Revenge
12/08/16, 12:32 PM
Saban Entertainment, Disney, and Saban Brands were and are businesses. it makes sense to work with stratagic partners like Toei and Bandai. In Bandai's case , they have an investment in PR to sell toys. So why not let them help you with costs when you can get it? Shooting original scenes is expensive. And if we didn't get help from Bandai the show would be forced to use even more Sentai Footage.

Inner Senshi
12/08/16, 12:33 PM
I don't really worry about the business side of things and the cost. I just enjoy the show. But I don't think Saban and Disney are cheap at all.

Usagi Reborn
12/08/16, 12:35 PM
It would have been hard to do a new team of Spirit Rangers. Since its you already had a team of newbie Rangers in the original three Rangers. It was too soon to give them proteges. That would work better if Jungle Fury had a second season.

VR Master
12/08/16, 12:37 PM
Why not just have the Masters become the Spirit Rangers?

Turbo Guy
12/08/16, 07:42 PM
Jungle Fury isn't my favorite. But I really loved Jungle Karma. It was fun having a Rangsr team use a pizza place as a hang out.

MMPR Forever
12/08/16, 07:44 PM
I was so mad when they didn't use the RPM Dinos. It would have been an opportunity to do MMPR nostalgia.

Phantom Stranger
12/08/16, 07:45 PM
I could see where the Dino Powers would be used after Venjix escapes from the old Morphers.

Adam White Tiger
12/08/16, 07:46 PM
I hated that ending. They shouldn't have left us hanging with Venjix's fate.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
12/08/16, 07:52 PM
Corinth was.doomed. Venjix was going to infected by Venjix from the inside. All the Hybrids would have been reactivated and those not assimulated would be killed. Its possible some civilians might have escaped. But Corinth would be come a Machine City.

Humanity would have a future though. As Dillion and Summer's descedents would inter mingle with other drifters to build a new city. That would no doubt have to defend itself from Machine controlled Corinth. This is probably when the RPM Dino Team would be formed.

Ranger Master
12/08/16, 08:11 PM
That's very likely what was going to happen. They couldn't outright show it on a Saturday morning block. So they just inferred it.

Uncle Steve
12/08/16, 08:40 PM
As bland as the Spirit Rangers were, I don't think we needed a Sixth Ranger. There would have just been too much confusion.

Green Saba
12/08/16, 09:27 PM
It would have been very cool to have a Sixth Ranger. Especially since RJ and Dom were not really strong enough personalities for the roles.

Vypra's Monster
12/19/16, 04:48 PM
I don't think so. RJ and Dom were good enough , even if they weren't great characters. Plus you had the Spirit Rangers. And arguably Jarrod and Camille in the end.

Time Force Traitor
12/20/16, 12:56 PM
I would have liked to have seen a Sixth Ranger instead of the Spirits. He or she could have used all the zords the Spirit Rangers represented.

Superhero Galaxy
12/20/16, 01:29 PM
I would have had Jarrod get free from Dai Shit earlier and join the Rangers. His darker character would have been a good contrast to the others.

Lion Tamer Org
12/20/16, 02:09 PM
It would have been an interesting idea. I don't know how realistic it would have been. Not with Bandai already paying for the Spirit Rangers.

Vypra's Monster
12/21/16, 07:59 AM
Corinth was.doomed. Venjix was going to infected by Venjix from the inside. All the Hybrids would have been reactivated and those not assimulated would be killed. Its possible some civilians might have escaped. But Corinth would be come a Machine City.

Humanity would have a future though. As Dillion and Summer's descedents would inter mingle with other drifters to build a new city. That would no doubt have to defend itself from Machine controlled Corinth. This is probably when the RPM Dino Team would be formed.

I don't see it getting that bad. Venjix could have came back though once they tried to use the powers..And they would need new powers and possibly new Rangers.

MMPR Forever
12/21/16, 08:00 AM
This is one of the reasons why I didn't like RPM . They left it open for Venjix to come back. Evil should always be defeated. The whole season was just too dark but thats another story.

12/21/16, 08:02 AM
I was disapointed that they left that open. Especially knowing the show was cancelled and there was no chance of follow up. Its not like any new season would anyway with the way the show has been produced.

Captain Codfish
12/21/16, 08:04 AM
The idea is that evil never truely dies and you will always need good to stop it. It doesn't mean Venjix will win or even come back right away. Just that he is still a threat. He could come back generations later for all we know.

Inner Senshi
12/21/16, 08:05 AM
I am with MMPR. PR always should have a happy ending. Even though I still like RPM ,just like I like every season.

Massive Ego
12/21/16, 08:06 AM
I admire your ability to stay positive why watching garbage. I mean that as a compliment. Also I liked the ending there. It was the only good part of Judd's RPM. Even if Eddie's ending was so much better.

Inner Senshi
12/21/16, 08:07 AM
Well its not Garbage to me. I don't think I would have liked "Ranger Black".

Hexagon Ranger
12/21/16, 12:27 PM
"Ranger Black " would have been awesome! It would have been Hexagon NS level good.

Sailor Moon Ranger
12/21/16, 12:49 PM
I think the Spirit Rangers were good enough.

"Ranger Black" would have been an horrible idea. I also wouldn't have left that cliffhanger with Venjix in the real episode.

Samurai Mentor
12/21/16, 06:45 PM
I think it would have been too much. They already had enough characters, not to mention Rangers. Its not worth going to the time and trouble of making a new Ranger.

Rita's Pita
12/21/16, 09:15 PM
I think RJ and Dom were good enough. They were both fun.

Delta Max
12/22/16, 11:58 AM
They just needed to give the Spirit Rangers actual identities and characters. They ahould have learned their lesson from Omega Ranger.

Kameron Poe
12/22/16, 09:27 PM
Put me in the camp of them just developing the Spirit Rangers more.

Goldar's Revenge
12/23/16, 11:17 PM
Bandai was not never going to pay for this..They already paid for the Spirit Rangers. Unfortuntatly the original plans were heavily toned down due to the writers strike.

Red Lightstar Ranger
12/23/16, 11:44 PM
I think they needed to make the characters they had more interesting. It was hard to care about them. What were they thinking with Theo being so obnoxious?

Revenge of the UAE
12/24/16, 03:12 PM
Jungle Fury had too many clowns as Rangers. I don't think a Six Ranger should have saved them. It was a lost season. Its pretty bad when the only redeeming auLity of the season is your main villain. Who shouldn't be more interested then your main characters.

12/24/16, 07:06 PM
Perhaps a Triforfian who could take separate Ranger forms? Thus explaining the Spirit Rangers.