View Full Version : Did Jarrod really go back in time?

Jungle Fury Master
12/07/16, 12:32 PM
Did Carnisouar really take Jarrod back in time and change his past? Or was it all an allusion?

12/07/16, 03:01 PM
I believe it was truly time travel.

VR Master
12/08/16, 12:45 PM
I think he really did. Which makes it pretty dark. Since we saw a family lose their house.

Captain Codfish
12/08/16, 12:46 PM
It was all in Jarrod/Dai Shi's mind. It was just a training senario that altered Jarrod's memories to make Dai Shi's evil more powerful.

No Green Spandex
12/08/16, 12:47 PM
I think he really did. Which makes it pretty dark. Since we saw a family lose their house.

The cheating on test part kind of stands out as lame though.

Usagi Reborn
12/08/16, 12:49 PM
It would be fun to think of a Jungle Fury Season 2. Where Jarrod is the Sixth Ranger.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
12/08/16, 08:31 PM
It was just a mental exercise of illusions. But it actually made Jarrod's human side stronger. Since it connected him to his compassion. This was done so Dai Shi would lose power. Carnisaur wanted Dai Shi to fail since he wasn't going to follow a human host either. Also he wanted the power to go to the Overlords.

Inner Senshi
12/08/16, 08:33 PM
They said it was Time Travel, so there is no reason to believe otherwise.

Uncle Steve
12/08/16, 08:41 PM
I see no reason to assume Carnisaur lied to Jarrod/Dai Shi about the time travel.

Kimberly Hart
12/08/16, 09:07 PM
It was way too sad. I hope it was a illusion and not time travel. But its hard to say.

Kimberly Hart
12/08/16, 09:11 PM
I think they really did go back in time. . Carnisuar couldn't risk changing too much. He didn't want to change Jarrod freeing Dai Shi.

Lightspeed Omega
12/09/16, 11:17 PM
It seemed odd for Carnisaur to have this kind of power.

Gosei Gold
12/10/16, 08:06 AM
Yeah, he just waved his magic wand and changed Jarrod's history. And if he did have that kind of power , why didn't he alter history so his side won the Beast War.

12/12/16, 12:10 AM
I think it was time travel. Carnisuar only had the power to change some events in Jarrod's life not anything more major than that.

Super Rad
12/12/16, 12:06 PM
The whole episode was just confusing and poorly handled. And only the making young Jarrod beat up his bullies in anger is a suitable way to make Jarrod more evil. A family losing there house is bad but it doesn't make Jarrod a bad ass villain. Cheating on a test is laughable.

Time Arrow
12/12/16, 12:18 PM
Perhaps, Wes could hook up Jarrod with Time Force. So he can put history right.

Massive Ego
12/12/16, 12:19 PM
Because Time Force cares about people cheating on tests.

Diabolico Rising
12/12/16, 06:01 PM
But then you risk changing Jungle Fury history if you interfere with Carnisaur.