View Full Version : Did anyone think that the Space Rangers were coming back for LR?

12/05/16, 12:31 PM
Based on the original promo I actually was thinking he Galaxy Rangers were coming back to Earth. But the Space Rangers made sense too. Especially with the fact they had to return to Earth.

Space Seasons
12/05/16, 12:32 PM
Yeah...I was pretty disappointed. I was thinking the Space Rangers were coming back with a new Megaship. Galaxy did seem like a possibility. But given the Space Rangers surprised us in the team up, it didn't seem far fetched for them to come back for a full season.

12/05/16, 12:35 PM
I was pretty disapointed too. First when I saw the later promos with footage with the cast and the show itself. I really wanted the show to pick up after LG or even have something to do with Space. It effected my enjoyment of LR at the time. Once I got over that I gained a new apreciation for the season in reruns. Just like Turbo's second half seems better in hindsight. Losing ojr favorite Rangers so dramatically was still in its beginning stages.

Lord Leo
12/05/16, 12:38 PM
I was just glad to see Lord Leo gone. I don't think I could have taken another season with him hogging the spotlight. Which he would have done given the Sentai footage and what we saw from Carter. But as to the ops idea about Space..I am hoping to that. Since Andros wasn't a tool like Lord Leo.

Massive Ego
12/05/16, 12:40 PM
As much as I hate Fan Fic nonsense. This is actually an interesting what if. Having Space or Galaxy continue here would have been awesome. Lightspeed ended up being pretty good though.

Dark Specter's Revenge
12/05/16, 12:43 PM
This would have been great either way. But I think they missed an opportunity of following up on the Space Ranger slls mysterious mission mentioned in the previous team up. Lightspeed ended up being prettt bland and the characters just weren't as fun. Continuing Space into Lightspeed would have kept things good for at least another season.

No Green Spandex
12/05/16, 12:44 PM
You just said I would have been great either way?

Dark Specter's Revenge
12/05/16, 12:45 PM
I meant continuing Space or Galaxy. Even though I would choose Space over the other. Lightspeed on the other hand was pretty medicore.

Diabolico Rising
12/05/16, 12:48 PM
I am going to have to disagree here. For one reason that I think Lightspeed was a great season like it was. It is my favorite to go a step futher. I think the cast was perfect and gave Power Rangers what it needed. The show couldn't stay in Space Forever. It was time for a season that had a completely separate storyline from the earlier seasons. Space and Galaxy completed their stories. Space actually completed the stories starting in MMPR, Zeo, and Turbo as well. Lightspeed was the best senario at the time and I wouldn't trade it for any reworking.

Massive Ego
12/05/16, 02:26 PM
Oh I think its a fact that Space and Galaxy were better than Lightspeed.Lightspeed was still pretty good though. Certianly light years beyond the crap we have been getting since the Disney days.

Inner Senshi
12/05/16, 02:27 PM
Thats just your opinion though. I love every season equally!

Massive Ego
12/05/16, 02:29 PM
Everyone has the rjght to there opinions. But I hold my opinion higher than other. Since I am the number 1 fan. My opinions are more like facts. But everyone is entitled to believe what they want. I will continue to point out when they are wrong.

No Green Spandex
12/05/16, 02:32 PM
And once again we disagree . I knew my recent agreement with you wouldn't last long.

Massive Ego
12/05/16, 02:34 PM
To be honest I really don't worry about what other people think. I have no control over it.

12/05/16, 03:41 PM
No, its was time for new Rangers. At least Kelsey and Joel were fun characters. Dana even got funny towards the end. She was great in, "In The Limelight."

Doctor Dana
12/05/16, 03:49 PM
That episode was actually pretty bad. But it is a guilty pleasure lf mine. As it was a pretty fun Dana episode. That really challenge Alison MacInnis to protray Dana in avery different way. Even if the episode really made no sense no matched the tone of the rest of the season.

12/05/16, 03:50 PM
The episode was one of my favorites of the season. It was just so fun. I don't think it was bad at all.

White Tiger Fan
12/05/16, 03:52 PM
Its funny because its actualy one of Lynn's favorite episodes. Based on an interview he did years ago in Funaroverse.

Captain Codfish
12/05/16, 03:53 PM
I was pretty surprised when I saw that at the time. But Judd seems like a guy that likes good character episodes.

MMPR Supreme
12/05/16, 03:56 PM
Its an episode that would have fit in well with MMPR. Thats probably why its one of the few Lightspeed Rescue episodes I really like.

MMPR Forever
12/05/16, 03:58 PM
It actually was pretty good. I wish post MMPR PR had more episodes like this. Than I might care more about post MMPR PR. Which this seems bland overall to me.

Space Hero
12/06/16, 11:36 PM
I thought they were coming back to Earth too. I was majorly disappointed when that turned out not to be the case.

But I think it was a mistake to return the Earth as well. As the show had evolved well beyond those days. They should have kept the show in Space and devolved to the old formula.

Lightspeed Rescue should have been a Space Season. Maybe the Space Rangers do return to Earth and upgrade to Lightspeed. With a reason to go right back into Space. It would have been so awesome. Do Time Force as a spinoff the next year and go back to the MMPR formula in a separate show. But in the mean time continue the Space Seasons as there own thing. Even if you had to get Toei to produce Space Sentai to get footage after Lightspeed.