View Full Version : Continue Space into Galaxy.

Space Seasons
11/30/16, 08:43 PM
I like Lost Galaxy too. But just for fun , come up with a PRIS Season 2 in place of Galaxy.

12/01/16, 12:02 AM
I thought maybe the Space Rangers would end up getting lost in Space when I first heard Lost Galaxy ( at that point I thought PR ended with Space). But it was more wishful thinking on my part. Even though the yearly cast changes weren't a thing I think part of me wondered if the Galaxy Rangers would be brand new. A big part of me still hoped the Space Rangers would return. I ended up liking Galaxy in the long run. This is still a fun topic.

Sentai Is Forever
12/01/16, 12:05 AM
Just forget about the Space stuff and make it like Gingamen. Sorry I just don't feel the need to make the Sentai Footage into something it isn't. Continuing Space would have been a bad decision. At least Galaxy's producers were smart enough to change casts like Sentai did for the new year. It set the tone for some great Sentai adapting in the following seasons.

Astro Delta
12/01/16, 12:07 AM
Power Rangers Lost in Space actually sounds pretty good. It would give us more of the type of episodes we saw when the Rangers were exploring planets in deep space.

Destiny Defeated
12/01/16, 12:07 AM
Just doing a season of the Space Rangers exploring different worlds would actually work well. They wouldn't need to be lost at all really.

12/01/16, 12:08 AM
Wouldn't have been any crazier than turning a nature Sentai into a season about Rangers defending a Space Colony.

12/01/16, 12:10 AM
You could have just had the Space Rangers protect Terra Venture. Perhaps Andros "dies" and Karone becomes Galaxy Red.

12/01/16, 12:14 AM
Its actually possible you just end Space on a cliffhanger that leads into a second season of Space or a new incarnation with the same cast. Which is pretty much what they did before than anyway.

A Gia To Remember
12/01/16, 09:03 PM
Maybe they were worried the show wouldn't be renewed?

Goldar's Revenge
12/01/16, 09:05 PM
They already knew Lost Galaxy was coming by the time Countdown was filmed. So there was actually no danger of cancellation by that point. Despite how some fans remember thinking C2D might be the last episode.

12/01/16, 09:06 PM
I remember those days early on...I always worried about Power Rangers ending on one of those cliffhangers they used to do. It was early on and I had no reason to think PR was definitely going to be around. At the time most Kids shows only lasted a few years. Of course C2D had a lot of closure so at least you could have considered that a proper series finale.

MMPR Forever
12/01/16, 09:09 PM
I would have had the Space Rangers rebuild the Command Center and bring back the Dino Powers. Than they could have just been typical teens fighting evil again. I would have used Trakeena as the villain. But make her Zedd and Rita's daughter. She would act just like Rita.

Kimmy Repulsa
12/01/16, 09:10 PM
I like those ideas. But I would have Kim and Jason go bad. Kim would become Kimmy Repulsa and Jason would become like Lord Zedd.

12/01/16, 09:11 PM
Kimberly and Jason would never turn evil. If anything the main villain would be Katherine. She would be just as evil as Rita was.

Quasar Saber
12/01/16, 09:15 PM
Actually Jason and Kim are destined to go bad. Jason has already gone punk. Despite the reconciliation in "Forever Red" , the relationship has and will continue to get worse. Jason will become a great threat to Tommy. And has already clashed with him in the Hexagon Wars. His turn to the dark side could have already happened.

Kimberly is going to become what Zedd wanted her to be in season 2. Years of being away from Tommy and her friends have made her bigger. She had her mother's poor relationship skills to model after. Kim will (and probably already has a long time ago) eventually act out and go over to the dark side. I wouldn't be surprised if she does become Kimmy Repulsa.

Of course Tommy's faction will be far from pure and pretty heinous themselves at times. But they will call themselves good. While Jason and Kim will be fully evil. This conflict will go on 10,000 years.

Ranger Master
12/01/16, 09:16 PM
Yes, I could see a lot of that happening. And the rest of the universe will suffer. Just like it did in the battle between Zordon and Specter.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
12/01/16, 09:18 PM
Tommy and Jason ending up like Zedd and Zordon would make a lot of sense.

Galaxy Forever
12/05/16, 02:15 PM
I think thats pretty far fetched. Jason and Kim are still on the side of the Rangers. Even if they aren't active anym more. Which they very well still could be.

Space was really good. But Galaxy was even better. I wouldn't want to sacrifice Galaxy for more Space. I'm sorry but I choose Galaxy over Space if given the choice.

Massive Ego
12/05/16, 02:19 PM
The idea of Jason and Kim going bad has no basis in reality. Just because Jason and Tommy grew apart for a time doesn't mean some peoples fan fic level ideas should be taken seriously.

I wouldn't want to give up Space or Galaxy. As tempted as it would to have more of each. I think both were amazing. And out the two best seasons.

No Green Spandex
12/05/16, 02:21 PM
It seems pretty far fetched I will agree with you there.

12/05/16, 02:23 PM
If Saban wasn't two cheap to produce Space an/or Galaxy as spin offs ( while he continued adapting Sentai in the original show) , you wouldn't have to sacrifice either for more of the other.

Massive Ego
12/05/16, 02:24 PM
While that would have been nice, I don't think Saban had that kind of money. Again you seem pretty aggressive with the idea of other people spending there money.

12/05/16, 03:39 PM
Those seasons were too serious. Lightspeed at least had some funny episodes. Space and Galaxy had too fuel. But the show really didn't start to become fun again until Wild Force.

Ninja Storm Fan
12/05/16, 06:41 PM
I saw some of Lightspeed. its just as boring and serious as the other series from that time.

Captain Codfish
12/06/16, 12:01 PM
I like the more serious seasons. Not that it means you shouldn't have some humor.

Space Hero
12/06/16, 11:29 PM
I liked both seasons very much. I would have loved a second season of each. Really there when the show really started to evovle into something else. I feel it was a mistake not to keep the space themes going. It was time to either continue the show as a Space Series or do a Space spin off .