View Full Version : How did Leo stay on Terra Venture?

Super Cena
11/30/16, 08:27 PM
The crew of Terra Venture shouldn't have just forgot they had a stowaway. And there is no way Leo could keep up his ruse forever. He would have had no way of proven who he was without given it away that he broke in. He is even able to join GSA, which shouldn't have been possible n

Inner Senshi
11/30/16, 09:01 PM
People are just more friendly and understanging in the PRU.

No Green Spandex
11/30/16, 09:02 PM
If thats true ...Than identity theft security must suck in the PRU.

11/30/16, 09:26 PM
The crew of Terra Venture shouldn't have just forgot they had a stowaway. And there is no way Leo could keep up his ruse forever. He would have had no way of proven who he was without given it away that he broke in. He is even able to join GSA, which shouldn't have been possible n

what could they do with him anyway? yes Leo was a stowaway but once Terra Venture lifted off it was pointless to worry about stowaways as we saw with a little kid named Matthew who had done the very same thing. They didn't have the means to take Matthew back home so he was going to be stuck on the colony.

Super Cena
12/01/16, 08:50 PM
But they wouldn't have let Leo go scott free. He should have been punished.

Ranger Master
12/01/16, 08:53 PM
There was an underground element of Terra Venture that was connected to Zordon's old network. They covered for the Rangers. The Head Chancellor was part of it. Thats why she let Mike come back no questions asked. In any case, this group knew who the Rangers were. They protected Leo. Notice how the Chancellor seemed to know Damon was a Ranger and just didn't say it?

Lord Leo
12/01/16, 09:02 PM
Lord Leo knew no bounds. And the scary part this wasn't the only thing the character just got away with. Remember when he joined the GSA and made Kai look bad? Only to end up just quitting because he thought it was too much work? But the producers apparently felt so good about the character that they made him this larger than life hero that always saved the day. When in reality he was really a slacker that just got lucky. Its amazing that they over pushed him so much, knowing that.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
12/01/16, 09:20 PM
There was definitely an unseen force working behind the scenes that knew about the Rangers. It makes sense for them to be connected to the Rangers. I am not sure if Hexagon was strong enough or even around to pull that off. Its possible they could have joined up with Hexagon later once contact between Mirinoi and Earth became common place. Which seemed like the case in Lightspeed.

White Tiger Fan
12/01/16, 09:22 PM
I think Tommy started working on Hexagon after he left in Turbo. Zordon gave him the mission secretly. So Hexagon was born from Zordon's own connections. Its very possible Hexagon was very powerful come Lost Galaxy. Since Tommy just reworked Zordon's own power base. Even before Zordon himself sacrificed himself.

Galaxy Forever
12/01/16, 09:46 PM
I always thought it was weird too. I really liked Leo though. I don't agree with him being a bad character. He didn't hog the spotlight. LG was his series.

Delta Black
12/01/16, 09:47 PM
But Power Rangers is a show about a team. The Red Ranger shouldn't get quite that much focus. I don't hate Leo but he was definitely over exposed

Sentai Is Forever
12/02/16, 11:52 AM
But in Sentai the Red Rangers are usualky more important. So you can't blame American Sentai for doing the same thing.

Sentai Envy
12/02/16, 11:53 AM
American Sentai fans can't handle it when Japenese elements are incorporated for some reason.

Power Rangers Forever
12/02/16, 12:01 PM
Its not that. We just want a season where all the characters are given a chance to shine.

No Green Spandex
12/02/16, 12:02 PM
MMPR was very fair to everyone in the beginning . Until Tommy came in and hogged the spotlight.

Tommy Hater
12/02/16, 12:04 PM
I hated Tommy. I don't know why anyone thought it was a good idea to add his character. The show didn't need a Green Ranger. It was doing just fine without him. He really ruined the quality of the series. Leo wasn't much better.

Massive Ego
12/05/16, 12:59 PM
Terra Venture had lousy security. But I can forgive the writers not resolving this plot. Since LG was so awesome!

12/05/16, 01:01 PM
It really was the last great season the franchise as ever had. Everything since has been average at best but mostly medicore. I tend to think Leo's attempt to join the GSA was actually part of his punishment. Even if it did seem too lenient. Given.n he was allowed to freely quit when not much time had passed.

Dark Specter's Revenge
12/05/16, 01:01 PM
It really was the last great season the franchise as ever had. Everything since has been average at best but mostly medicore. I tend to think Leo's attempt to join the GSA was actually part of his punishment. Even if it did seem too lenient. Given.n he was allowed to freely quit when not much time had passed.

Quasar Saber
12/05/16, 01:05 PM
I think Leo used his brother's name. Mike was probably allowed to bring a guest and didn't want to risk Leo's life. This is part of why Leo wanted to be on Terra Venture so badly. Somehow Leo was able to prove Mike chose him to be there and that Terra Venture messed up. Kendrix probably helped him...As well as doing something to get Damon a job. Kai would have been against all this but wouldn't have much choice. Somehow Kendrix and Leo also came up with some vague reason for Mike having to leave the ship. Leo wasn't ready to admit he was truely dead.

Yellow Fan Forever
12/05/16, 01:06 PM
They would have had to come up with a reason for Maya being there. And later Karone. Also an excuse for Kendrix's absense would have been needed.

Galaxy Supreme
12/05/16, 01:09 PM
Its worth noting the kid stowaway didn't get it that much trouble himself.. They just got him a job. Of course it did seem hypocritical for the Rangers to be so high and mighty about him stowing away. Since Leo, Damon, and Maya weren't supposed to be there.

MMPR Supreme
12/05/16, 01:14 PM
It was also pretty bad that they wouldn't bring him home themselves. The kid was wrong but punishing him by not letting him go home was cruel. If it weren't for his heroics they would have just left him there.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
12/05/16, 01:20 PM
The LG Team had no mentor but they coule he just as ruthless as Zordon at times. The situation. with the stowaway was one of them. I don't know if Zordon would like that about them or feel threatened since they mught disobey him. We saw what happened to Zordon felt no longer were going to follow in orders unquestioned. The LG Rangers certainly operated like they were above the law various times.

I still say there was an unseen force in the Terra Venture hierachy that protected them. Since they knew they were Rangers. It makes too much sense and has some implicit on screen evidence. But I already posted about this.

No Green Spandex
12/05/16, 01:27 PM
I think the problem with taking Matthew home was the fact it left the station at risk to Scorpious' potential attacks..Plus the journey back might be dangerous to the Rangers. As they themselves never took The Megaship out that far. There was probably a lot of debate about it that we didn't see. It was a much more complicated issue .

They had to weigh what was the right thing to do with Matthew versus what was the best thing to do for Terra Venture. To be frank, Matthew caused his own problems by stowing away. But at the same time he was just a kid so the Rangers had to wiegh that too. The fact Matthew helped to save the day was just another reason to put the idea of bringing Matt home over the top.

Space Nerd
12/05/16, 01:29 PM
To add to what you said, the preperations for a long journey back to Earth probably took time and careful planning. The Colony had to be pretty far away by that point.

Space Hero
12/06/16, 11:32 PM
I can buy that there was some sort of knowledge high up on who the Rangers were. The same way that NASADA guy knew to listen to Justin in Turbo.

Kimberly Hart
12/08/16, 09:12 PM
Leo always rubbed me the wrong way. I am not sure why.

Green Saba
12/08/16, 09:23 PM
Leo slipped through the cracks. Once the ship got going the focus was elsewhere and not on the stowaway search.

Krypto Ranger
12/08/16, 09:35 PM
It didn't really make sense. But a lot of stuff in LG's first half or so didn't make sense.

Summer Is Rich
12/20/16, 05:17 PM
Terra Venture didn't seem to be very organized at all. Its kind of funny when you think about it.

Hexagon Ranger
12/21/16, 12:29 PM
Hexagon infulences on Terra Venture made sure Leo was protected once he became a Ranger. I think the idea that the Chancellor was part of Hexagon is correct. This is also why she protects Mike when he returned.

Sailor Moon Ranger
12/21/16, 12:52 PM
I think she was just being nice since she trusted Mike to do the right thing. Plus she knew Terra Venture needed good men like him.

Dayu's Tears
12/21/16, 07:57 PM
Something must have happened off screen. Its too wield for them to just forget about Leo stowing away. Leo should have had to do something to make it up to the station.

Itzy Bitzy Carter
12/21/16, 08:36 PM
Damn Lord Leo is right. Leo as almost as bad as Carter. Its amazing how much over focus the Reds got in those seasons. Of course Carter takes things to a whole new level.

Rita's Pita
12/21/16, 08:56 PM
They must have seen how useful he could be. He did join the GSA after all. Even if it was for only a little while.

Dic Dubber
12/22/16, 12:09 PM
I wish we would have got an episode about this. It could have been a comedy episode. Galaxy needed more of those.

12/28/16, 12:44 AM
The GSA had a lot more important things to worry about. Its also Kendrix and Kai forged some documents to show Leo was "legal". As they probably did with Damon and Maya.

Chloe Sullivan
12/28/16, 12:10 PM
Leo probably had to get a job to work off his crime. The GSA was one of his attempts. He likely got another job off screen.

Sailor Moon Ranger
12/28/16, 12:15 PM
Kendrix and Kai put in a good word for him and got him cleared. Plus that old lady he saved would have given him a reference.

Chaos Ranger
12/28/16, 12:30 PM
Mike had an extra person he could bring.Mike just didn't invite him to protect Leo. The Rangers convinced Terra Venture Officials that he was Mike's guest.

Ashley Andros
12/29/16, 12:37 PM
There is a ton of inconsistencies like this in Galaxy. Remember how Leo seemed to act like he was at the UAE invasion as a young child?

I Love Lothor
12/29/16, 12:38 PM
It was very hard to get into Lost Galaxy. That was one of the reasons why. That and it was too serious and boring.