View Full Version : the end of Overdrive

Itzy Bitzy Carter
11/25/16, 12:05 PM
Did anyone else feel like the final battle with Flurious was anti-climactic?

Captain Codfish
11/25/16, 09:07 PM
It was very anti-climatic. They spent all year looking for the Carona Aurora and they were still able to be Flurious when he used its power. Totally undermined the power the crown was supposed to have and the whole mission of the series. OO's finalie was produced in such a way that felt like they got to the last episode and remembered they had to come up with a finale. It really damaged the story of OO.

Lightspeed Zeo
11/25/16, 09:09 PM
The Carona Aurora had nothing on the Zeo Crystal.

Zeo Power
11/25/16, 09:14 PM
They should have had the OO Rangers get there powers from the Zeo Crystal. In Once A Ranger you could have brought back the original Zeos.

Adam White Tiger
11/25/16, 09:15 PM
Adam should could have been the mentor instead of Hartford. Maybe Billy could so up and help. Rocky could be in the Spencer roll.

Blue Ranger Gone Bad
11/25/16, 09:17 PM
Billy was stuck on Aquitar. I don't think he could really live on Earth anymore. He just didn't want to hurt his friend's feelings.

Forever Jason
11/27/16, 12:38 PM
I wish they had a better Red Ranger than Mack. Maybe the final battle would have come off better.

Massive Ego
11/27/16, 05:29 PM
The ending was a total insult to the fans. It was probably the worst thing Disney did and thats saying a lot. Since their run was horrible.

Goldar's Revenge
11/27/16, 05:30 PM
Overdrive was just a poorly conceived season. The final episode ( as messed up as it was) was the least of their worries.

Turbo Guy
11/27/16, 09:24 PM
I liked Overdrive. But I tend to like the vichule themed seasons.

Goldar's Revenge
11/27/16, 09:29 PM
The characters were selfish and not very likeable. The robot plot really made Hartford look like a jerk. Nobody was likeable. The mutli villain storyline was wasted. Thrax was a big bus that made no sense. The team up was lackluster. They became slaved to the Sentai Footage by the end like most Kalish seasons. The ending also made no sense in keeping with the topic of this thread.

Starlight Supreme
11/27/16, 09:30 PM
None of the characters really grew or learned anything in the end. Any attempt to demonstrate this in the finalie felt forced and fake.

Destiny Defeated
11/27/16, 09:34 PM
Overdrive just never felt like there was anything really on the line. And this is demonstrated in the last elisode. Which features the Rangers defeating a Crown powered Flurious rather easily. Which was ridiculous given that the Carana Aurora was built up as a big deal and the very thing all fctions were trying to obtain for unlimited power.

11/27/16, 09:36 PM
The final battle was very lacking. It just didn't feel big enough. Especially with the crown involved. The whole finalie felt rushed too. Which is a shame since they had all year to tell the story.

Quasar Saber
11/28/16, 09:10 PM
Flurious didn't know how to properly use the Carona Aurora. If he would have been a allowed to possess it longer he would have. Which would have made him impossible to beat. Which is why it was crucial for Mack to sacrifice himself when he did.

OO was always more about the search for the jewels and not as much the bad guys. The villains were just a road block to this.

Titanium Black
11/28/16, 09:40 PM
Overdrive was pretty boring. And the ending made it feel even more pointless. The Crown should have given Flurious instant power. Power so great that he should have been just about invincible. Otherwise why was it so crucial to stop the villains from finding it? Any old Ranger team could have defeated Super Flurious.

Tuxedo Moon
11/28/16, 09:54 PM
The season was actually fine. The ending was just so lackluster. The final battle was just so ordinary and really a cop out. The only worst fight is in "Time For Lightspeed". Where Vypra and her monster are defeated in a very lame way. But the end of Overdrive is still pretty bad.

Power Sentai
11/28/16, 10:30 PM
Flurious just wasn't an interesting villain. They would have been better off keeping Thrax around and having him be the main villain. With a more consistent back story.

Space Hero
12/06/16, 11:44 PM
Overdrive should have been a Space Season. The multiple faction angle would have been perfect. Thrax could have been Dark Specter's son trying to build a new UAE.

Krypto Ranger
12/08/16, 09:43 PM
The final battle was very lackluster. It felt like the battle at the end of a typical episode. Flurious felt like just another monster of the day when he was supposed to be the big bad. I don't think he was the best choice. Miratrix should have ended up in the spot. Since they could have done an American produced sequence with her and Matt.

Dark Specter's Revenge
12/09/16, 11:11 PM
Overdrive was a narrative mess with no likeable characters. And really no character development at all. The ending serves to contradict the little plot they had. The most interesting aspect of the show was the robot plot. And that was released solved haphazardly.The whole thing also made Hartford unlikeable.