View Full Version : Zeo Season 2

Lightspeed Zeo
11/25/16, 11:56 AM
Come up with a way to continue Zeo with a second season, instead of Turbo being season 5.

Zeo Power
11/26/16, 08:16 AM
Gasket comes back to take Rita and Zedd out of power and become Machine King. He has the Rangers zords destroyed and captures Trey. The Rangers get new Turbo Zords. Jason becomes Zeo Blue when Rocky breaks his back.

Zordon and Alpha 5 don't leave. Ernie stays on at the juice bar. Bulk and Skull have spy exploits in France. And our surprised to find out that Stone was secretly a spy and has become their "new boss". Thats why he was having them do all the those menial investigations. He was too busy as a spy .

The Rangers find the Phantom Ruby. After Rocky recovers he becomes the Phantom Ranger. Billy returns to Earth to give the team their new Rescue Zords. The Rangers are able to save Trey. All seven Rangers defeat Gasket. Mondo returns with his family to become King once again. Archina joins him to avenge her husband. Trey and Rocky are called away on an important missing in outer space.

MMPR Forever
11/26/16, 11:57 AM
Make it more like MMPR. Kimberly and Billy diffinitly come back. They would switch back to the MMPR suits with Jason as Red. Tanya, Kat, and Rocky are out. Kat could be the main villain once Zedd and Rita are defeated.

11/26/16, 12:01 PM
They should have shot a completely American Produced Zeo season 2. Or at least pay Toei to produce Oh-2 footage. Of course Saban was too cheap for that.

Goldar's Revenge
11/26/16, 12:04 PM
Zeo failed they weren't going to pay all this money to do more of it, when they had Carranger footage to use. Tzachor didn't even want to touch the Zeo finalie cliffhangers.

White Tiger Fan
11/26/16, 12:05 PM
Its a good thing Amit and Derik gave us an ending with "Scorpion Rain".

11/26/16, 12:18 PM
They could have done a spin off of Power Rangers with the Arranged footage.. But they were too cheap to do two shows.

Massive Ego
11/27/16, 12:24 PM
That was never in the cards. They already had spin offs or take offs like VR Troopers and Masked Rider. And Fox Kids rejected VR Troopers. Masked Rider didn't last long. They did end up picking up Beetleborgs but whose to say they would of greenlit yet another spin off?

Zeo Power
11/27/16, 12:26 PM
They could have done a spin off of Power Rangers with the Arranged footage.. But they were too cheap to do two shows.

I like this idea. Turbo would have been more acceptable as a spin off. And would have been different enough from Zeo Season 2.

Massive Ego
11/27/16, 12:30 PM
And Saban was so cheap he produced Mystic Knights which required all American Footage.

11/27/16, 12:44 PM
And Saban was so cheap he produced Mystic Knights which required all American Footage.

not to mention creating a bunch of original creations for Power Rangers - Lord Zedd, Z-Putties, P-trons, Maligore/Dark Specter, P-pods, Q-trons, Elgar's American suit, Rygog's American suit, Scorpius, the wardrobe for Divatox, Dimitria's wardrobe, Astronema's wardrobe, Trakeena's wardrobe, they had to create a wardrobe for Vypra but it had to match her counterpart's outfit and while this wasn't under Saban's ownership the same things were done wardrobe-wise for Kapri and Marah and they made a new suit for Lothor, they made Mesogog and a new wardrobe for Elsa, new wardrobe for Mora and new suit for Gruumm, etc. Need I say more?

Kimberly Cares
11/27/16, 04:55 PM
I think Saban did a good job spending money on the show in the early days. The show doesn't suffer due to lack of money. The campiness helps make it more fun anyway.

Kimberly Hart
11/27/16, 04:56 PM
Kinberly definitely should have came back in Zeo Season 2. Then Tommy and Kim could get married.

Usagi Reborn
11/27/16, 05:02 PM
The logical continuation would have Rita and Zedd leading the Machine Empire against the Zeo Rangers. After their zords are destroyed , they would get new Turbo Zords. Trey would stick around as Gold Ranger and get more characterization. Having Jason take Tommy's place wouldn't have been a bad idea if JDF still had to leave.

True Blue
11/27/16, 05:07 PM
Jason could have replaced Rocky since Steve Cardensa would probably still leave. Either get a new Red for Tommy or move Jason to Red and get a new Blue. If Sutherland leaves you could bring in the actor who played Enily or someone else. But aparently, Sutherland said she actually didn't want to leave despite whats been rumored. So who knows.

Forever Jason
11/27/16, 05:13 PM
Definitely should have been brought back as Red when Tommy left. Have someone knew be Blue If you can't get Yost back.

Blue Ranger Gone Bad
11/27/16, 05:16 PM
Yost wasn't coming back at that point. He left on bad terms.

Power Sentai
11/28/16, 10:40 PM
I don't think the old Rangers were coming back. The only one of the originals that did in that era was Jason. Kim only came back in the second movie since she had a promise to do another Levy movie. And that wasn't on the show like Jason's return. It took several years for Tommy to return and longer for him to return full time for a year.

Zeo season 2 probably would have still heavily used the Carranger footage. Which means the villains we got or some other variation different from the Machines. The only think that might have happened was using the Zeo Suits instead of the Turbo Suits that we got.