View Full Version : Turkey Jerk Monster

11/24/16, 06:45 PM
In honor of Thanksgivening lets have a thread about Turkey Jerk. Who was the monster Bulk and Skull "created ".

Ginger Snap
11/24/16, 06:49 PM
Such a wierd name. What were they thinking?

No Green Spandex
11/24/16, 06:50 PM
He was a real jerk

MMPR Forever
11/24/16, 06:54 PM
I liked the way the MMPR monsters were so memorable. You don't get the in the other seasons.

A Gia To Remember
11/24/16, 06:58 PM
So fitting since Skull gave Bulk a Turkey making book rather than the monster one Bulk thought of.

Kimberly Cares
11/24/16, 08:17 PM
I don't know what to make of this thread.

Captain Mutiny
11/25/16, 08:00 AM
Its interesting how they recycled Pudgy Pig and another monster to make the monster suit for Turkey.

11/25/16, 08:05 AM
When the episode aired I was trying to figure out how Bulk and Skull would be able to actualoy create a monster. Of course there was the possibility it would have been a total joke in the end. It made sense Zedd finished it for him.

11/25/16, 08:05 AM
Too bad Saban was too cheap to film a new zord battle for him.

Massive Ego
11/25/16, 08:07 AM
There were other Zord battles in episode. We didn't need another one. Plus the monster was original footage. So its not far to call them cheap.

No Green Spandex
11/25/16, 08:08 AM
I actually agree with Ego. Well put.....

11/26/16, 10:58 AM
not to mention not every monster had zord battles to begin with anyway so are you going to call Toei cheap because not every monster gets a zord battle?

11/26/16, 11:54 AM
Wasn't Turkey Jerk made by Saban Entertainment? Your point stands of course.

11/26/16, 12:03 PM
Wasn't Turkey Jerk made by Saban Entertainment? Your point stands of course.

it was one of Saban's many many many many recycled costumes that they had used in order to create a new monster or villain.

11/26/16, 09:28 PM
Because they were too cheap to make more of there own.

Massive Ego
11/26/16, 09:29 PM
Why not spend a billion dollars to make back a million. Brilliant business strategy.

11/26/16, 09:30 PM
Because they were too cheap to make more of there own.

why waste money to create a new suit when you can just use existing suits to create a new suit? that is what a good business man does you just don't blow money just because you want something brand new when there are other avenues to come up with the creation.

Sentai Is Forever
11/26/16, 09:55 PM
Yes, this is what we have been trying to tell you American Sentai fans. I am glad you agree. Hopefully we can get a ton more Sentai Footage than we are getting now. Its time to leave the civilian scenes as is.

Usagi Reborn
11/26/16, 09:56 PM
Are you suggesting dubbed Sentai? That would be taking it to far in the other direction.

Sailor Dragonzord
11/28/16, 09:29 PM
He wasn't really that memorable of a monster. But he was just a side plot anyway.

Sentai Master
11/28/16, 10:12 PM
You really got to give them credit for being resourceful. Back then even more so. MMPR was so interesting because of this.

Too bad Saban was too cheap to film a new zord battle for him.

I don't think there needed to be. He was more of a B monster. Not every monster needs a zord battle.