View Full Version : Who put the Quasar Sabers in the Stone?

Galaxy Forever
11/20/16, 11:07 AM
Who put the Quasar Sabers in the Stone?

11/20/16, 11:08 AM
Didn't an early script or series bible say it was Zordon?

Goldar's Revenge
11/20/16, 11:10 AM
Yes, it was the series bible I believe. But the idea was dropped before production. So its debatable whether it is in continuity or not.

Sentai Master
11/20/16, 11:14 AM
I think it was someone separate. Everything doeesn't need to be connected to Zordon.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
11/20/16, 11:38 AM
It was Zordon. One of his many contingency plans. If the universe was lost to the UAE the survivors could escape to the Lost Galaxy. A new team could have pulled the Sabers and protected the survivors. Zordon was sinister and cold hearted in a lot of ways but you have to tip your cap to his ability to always be prepared.

Massive Ego
11/20/16, 11:40 AM
The Sabers were probably put there by the Ancient Rangers. Who came from the ancestors of the Mirinoians .

No Green Spandex
11/20/16, 11:40 AM
I thought coming up with ideas were fan fic writing that you hated?

Massive Ego
11/20/16, 11:42 AM
Just using my common sense with what we saw on screen. I hate the ideas that start to use conjucture and completely made up shit. Besides, if anyone could come up with theories its me, since I am the number 1 fan. But I woukd never go as far to start spouting off fan fic level nonsense.

No Green Spandex
11/20/16, 11:43 AM
I see. You also seem to have a very low opinion of yourself.

Captain Codfish
11/20/16, 11:45 AM
So he is starting with his number one fan talk again. He used to mention it when he first got here. But I figured he got over that since he stopped mentioning it. His theory here isn't bad though.

Massive Ego
11/20/16, 11:47 AM
I stopped mentioning it since you guys felt threatened by me. So I decided just to make my points. Now that I am more established I feel you guys are ready to hear the whole truth. Ita no insult to anyone. I just have a lotbof self confidence and believe I am the number 1 fan. I also believe very strongly in what I believe is true about PR.

Captain Codfish
11/20/16, 11:49 AM
I see. Thats funny because you always seem to not be afraid to hold back your opinions. But its not personal from out side either. Well I don't think so, I can only speak for myself.

Gold Ranger In Danger
11/20/16, 11:50 AM
I see. You also seem to have a very low opinion of yourself.

He should really work on getting an ego. He is so humble.

MMPR Supreme
11/20/16, 06:12 PM
The whole thing with the Quasar Saber doesn't interest me. They should never have gone away from the Power Coins.

Massive Ego
11/20/16, 06:22 PM
The power coins were long gone by that point.

Power Rangers Forever
11/21/16, 12:10 AM
Based on the fact an ancient battle between the original Worriers/Rangers is alluded too, I would think they were the ones that left the sabers there. The Mirinoians were descendents of those that guarded the sabers.

Kimberly Cares
11/22/16, 03:16 PM
It would be cool if turned out to be Zordon. I hated how the LG was tottally unrelated to prior Ranger teams outside of the Megaship.

Super Zeo Omega
11/22/16, 06:02 PM
Lost Galaxy just didn't feel like Power Rangers.

Doctor Dana
11/22/16, 08:34 PM
It was most likely Zordon. It would be something he would do. Plus it is yet another connection to the past that LG seemed to mix in. The fact the Rangers use the Megaship makes thematic sense here.

Starlight Supreme
11/27/16, 10:06 PM
I think it was the Ancient Rangers who are aluded to with the Lost Glactabeasts.

Quasar Saber
11/28/16, 12:43 PM
I agree with that. It was the ancient worriers of the lost galaxy. I do think Zordon knew were they were and had them in his contingency plans. There is no coincidence that The Megaship wound up on Terra Venture.

Tuxedo Moon
11/28/16, 10:04 PM
The Sabers were put there a long time ago but I don't see any link to Zordon. The Ancient Worrier theory seems like the best idea.