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I Love Lothor
11/18/16, 11:14 AM
Why did they work for Lothor if they knew he kidnapped all the Ninja Students and their own master.

Massive Ego
11/18/16, 11:15 AM
Because they were dumb as dirt or selfish to the point they put there need for revenge over everyone else. I think it was a little bit of both.

Goldar's Revenge
11/18/16, 10:20 PM
The Thunders were blinded by revenge. Thats the best I can come up with. They really should have done better job given a good reason for them to trust Lothor.

Usagi Reborn
11/18/16, 10:23 PM
This is one of the more baffling parts of Ninja Storn. Having Rangers against the Winds who felt right in there own mind...Knowingly working for the guy that destroyed their school and captured their friends made no sense.

Inner Senshi
11/18/16, 10:24 PM
I think they were gonna deal with Lothor after defeating the Wind Ninjas.

11/18/16, 10:25 PM
But how could they think they would have a real chance by themselves? Lothor would hold all the cards.

Ranger Master
11/18/16, 10:27 PM
They were going to double cross Lothor with the power of the gem of souls. Taking out all their enemies in one fell swoop. While rescuing their comrads.

White Tiger Fan
11/18/16, 10:29 PM
I really wish they would have followed Hexagon NS. The intentions of the Thunders would have been better explained.

Captain Mutiny
11/18/16, 10:30 PM
We don't know that though. Hexagon NS was in the early planning stages before Disney shut fown MMPR Productions.

Usagi Reborn
11/18/16, 10:32 PM
The Thunders should have been antagonists longer. Either make then rogue Ninjas with no attachment to any acadamy or have Lothor make them belief Sensei was the one who attacked the schools.

Gold Ranger In Danger
11/18/16, 10:34 PM
It was because of Blake. Hunter said Blake could become blinded by anger when he felt he was wrong.

Itzy Bitzy Carter
11/20/16, 12:03 PM
The Thunder Rangers were used poorly. They had the opertunity to use fresh concept. Rangers with complicated motivations who were against our heros. The Thunders joined the Rangers way too quickly. And it was overkill that they were brainwashed back to Lothian's side to turn again, right after they had just switched sides to begin with.

It was poorly written why they even worked for Lothor in the first place since he kidnapped their friends too. It would have made more sense if they rejected Lothor even after he told them the lies about their parent's murderer. They could have plausibly been led to believe the story was true and refuse to work with him. That way they could have still been against the Winds, yet against Lothor from the beginning. Then the brainwashing plot would have at least been not as overkill. Since they wouldn't have already been working for Lothor when they were antagonists to the Rangers.

Lightspeed Zeo
11/20/16, 12:04 PM
Agreed, they missed out on a great opertunity there.

MMPR Supreme
11/20/16, 07:12 PM
Ninja Storm had promise. But storylines like this didn't hold up well to MMPR.

Sentai Is Forever
11/20/16, 07:24 PM
They really messed up the sentai plot. Its too bad, they were close at times to being a pure Sentai adaptation. But a lot of the original plots just bogged all that down.

Power Rangers Forever
11/21/16, 12:07 AM
Actually, I think Ninja Storm did a great job honoring the sentai while doing a lot of original plots. It was actually pretty clever. Sloan and Ann knew what they were doing.

Spike Hart
11/21/16, 09:14 PM
I think the Thunders made a big mistake. They knew they were wrong after the fact. I am sure working for Lothor made them sick and they intended to find a way to free the students afterwards.

Kameron Poe
11/21/16, 09:26 PM
This was a big issue with early NS. The Thunders were fine afterwards though and blended in well with the rest of the team.

Mystic Ranger
11/21/16, 09:28 PM
The Thunders were definitely wrong to work with Lothor. Even if they thought Sensei murdered their parents. Saving the Ninja Students was more important and Lothor was a threat to the whole world. They were selfish and should have been punished for there actions. Unfortunately, the Winds needed them to win the war.