View Full Version : End of Extinction Episode Discussion

11/17/16, 10:53 AM
Here's the discussion thread for this Saturday's new episode.

11/19/16, 01:31 PM
Selling the planet for scrap, is a rather practical bad guy plan in the end. That's a though through villain scheme. "I wanna conquer! I wanna destroy" methods have no end game, Sledge at least has a long term plan.

Are they going to use the Spirit Bomb?

A black hole is a new way to dispose of the bad guy. It leaves a sci fi opening for a team up if they even do that again, though.

Oh man, we've seen the Earth conquered and attacked in bad future's before, but eaten by a Black Hole? That's a new one for PR.

Last episode surprise exposition is going to cost some points.

Time travel is the ultimate power? That's not even that unique of a power. You can get that far easier in the PRU, seems like a cheap ultimate power. Omniscient Reality Controlling Godhood, that's the kind of power I expected.

Still a little bummed the plan wasn't just to let Heckyl use the Dark Energem as a charger. Could easily claim he's immune to it now and have him morph to use the power to break Sledge's ship. A little weak explanation to get to the time travel deus ex machina.

Nice original fight footage for a last Sledge fight. Sledge's "hey how did you know?" was pretty good, too.

So wait, if they blew up Sledge and his forces in the sun, including the meteors. Does that mean the Dinosaurs don't die?

Ivan and Koda go home? Really thought they'd turn that down. James doesn't get to go redo the missing 20 years though? Deadbeat dad.

So, wait, Heckyl should be dead because of what they just did to Sledge's ship. Xenowing should be in space somewhere fighting Arcanon. I guess going back further fixes that for them. But what happens to Xenowing? Heckyl's a Keeper now, does Xenowing just go back to being random heroic alien warrior?

Shelby acknowledging calling Kendall, Kendall is weird. I laughed.

Dino Zoo? Whaaa. They broke time. So either DC is going to be its own universe from here on out, or the Christmas special fixes everything.

What happens when Ivan and Koda go home and find dinosaurs trashing their homes? Doesn't this mean Arcanon is still out there? If Heckyl is keeping the Dark Energem now, doesn't that mean they don't break it and the time travel power is undone? For such a good season the writing sorta of crapped out in the end.

As far as endings go, this was a little crammed feeling. Too much at once. The time travel should have been cut and they should have been able to use the Energems to close the black hole instead. Use the remaining time to wrap up and send off the characters.

It was a fun ride and a great cast and writing for a series overall, even if the ending crapped out a bit.

I'm going to freak out if Ninja Steel opens with a throwaway line about dino zoos though.

11/19/16, 01:33 PM
The whole "go back in time to stop Sledge" thing, in theory, was a decent plot scenario. However, having the heroes destroy the planet, pull a deus ex machina with the magical time-portal-inducing Energems, and return the Earth to the age of the dinosaurs - while it's still 2016 and all of the evolutionary things that normally happened did, mind you - was a very poor execution. Yes, we got the makings of a decent battle with Sledge, but everything seemed to be a case of "How many pages do we have left? And, how many things do we need to do? SIMPLE FIX, SIMPLE FIX, SIMPLE FIX, GO!"

This is like taking "The End of Time" and cramming it all into a 20-minute timeframe: Base destruction (again), huge major Earth-shattering plot point, major end-all battle with the lead villain, peaceful resolution... And, what's the payoff here? The Rangers now have to clean up after a triceratops with indigestion.

Unless I'm already having "nostalgia goggles," it really does seem like SuperC was the poorer of the two halves of the series. I'll have to revisit Dino Charge proper to make sure, but it really did seem like it was the better half. So, what went wrong this time? Writing bullpen shakeup? Network exec interference? Will we ever really know?

Coming out of this, I really want to have high hopes for Ninja Steel. DC did start off really nicely (again, unless I'm remembering things incorrectly), and so did SuperC, but, after a few episodes of SuperC, things really took a nosedive. If things stay the same, should we have high hopes for the future of the series?

Massive Ego
11/19/16, 01:36 PM
The time travel stuff was ridiculous. Franchise destroying level bad. I told you guys Dino Charge sucked.

11/19/16, 01:37 PM
The time travel stuff was ridiculous. Franchise destroying level bad. I told you guys Dino Charge sucked.

I don't think the ending was really that bad. A little rushed and illogical time travelling, but it's not "Franchise ending disaster" by any means. Maybe a low note for a great season to end on, but not a season ruining ending. Just sub par compared to the rest of it.

Which, honestly, is how most PR seasons en

Sledge's Bounty
11/19/16, 01:38 PM
Its obviously an AU. So I don't mind the ending at all.

11/19/16, 01:40 PM
Its obviously an AU. So I don't mind the ending at all.

Is this going to be the solution to everything now? "It's in an alternate universe." I'm still of the mindset that RPM is sitting comfortably somewhere in the future - and, there's enough of a timeline gap ALREADY ESTABLISHED IN THE PRU that supports it - where it doesn't mess with anything that's already happened. Why couldn't it happen somewhere in the 2800s and lead up to the vast wasteland that exists in which Ransik creates the Mut-Orgs in the 2900s before the leadup to Time Force in the year 3000? (Although, the consequence of a few very self-centered groups of citizens completely ignoring the Venjix takeover throughout Mystic Force through Jungle Fury that leads up to RPM happening actually IN 2009 is very funny to think about.)

This would, truly, be the only season that doesn't fit anywhere, unless you stick it even further into the future. The 2600s, perhaps? It'd need to be before the Venjix takeover, after the latest time in SPD (2135), and before Ransik creates the Mut-Orgs in the 2900s. We can likely rule out a crossover with the Ninja Steel kids, so there's no need to keep it in 2015/2016 (if they even stated a year). Instead of parallel dimensions being our go-to answer for things, why not muck up the future? The franchise won't last the next 500-700 years, so who's going to know?

11/19/16, 01:42 PM
If Sledge, Poisandra, Wrench, and the Viviks are gone, then Lord Arcanon could still be around.

Also, no Ninja Steel promo.

Usagi Reborn
11/19/16, 01:44 PM
Wow what a disapointing finalie to what has been a great season. So disapointed, this one os going to take a while to sink in.

White Tiger Fan
11/19/16, 01:45 PM
They tried to get too cute. Amit wasn't around to make sure things were done the right way.

Massive Ego
11/19/16, 01:46 PM
I'm not surprised at all. The show has sucked for years and years. Not even Judd Lynn knows how to save it.

Smarty Pants Rose
11/19/16, 05:17 PM
I thought the twist was pretty clever myself. The finalie was a lot of fun. Its diffinitley added something unique that other finalie's didn't have. Dino Charge was awesome!The wait to Ninja Steel is going to be tough

Super Cena
11/19/16, 05:18 PM
Are the Rangers still connected to the Energems after all that?

11/19/16, 05:22 PM
It's a paradox. The Dino Gems never fell to Earth, so Tommy never found them, so Dino Thunder doesn't exist - which means Mesogog won, which means the Dino Charge team shouldn't exist...

tl/dr: Dino Charge and the prior seasons can't co-exist. Must be an alt universe like RPM.

11/19/16, 05:22 PM
I don't mind the paradoxes the whole time traveling shenanigans caused and after the build up in the last few episodes showing that Koda & Ivan both have something to live for back in their times. The ONLY thing I have a problem with is the last minute. Literally nothing else, I am fine with the rest. I would have even accepted like a tongue and cheek for them expecting the dinosaurs to still be alive when they came back to the forest only to run to the Museum to see nothing has changed and Kendall pulls out her phone and spouted another reason why they went extinct. "Oh, Sledge's asteroids were just the first ones that hit/Oh dang, that's right the Ice Age still happened/etc."

The dinosaurs being there still is stupid, incredibly stupid. Jurassic Park was also for kids, but they didn't try to pass off dinosaurs just surviving, they scienced that shit. If that's what happened here then fine, but more explanation please.

As for the Talon thing, I think we're going to get a team up or summer Dino Charge special. Bandai has shown that they did want Talon involved in the show and in any other instance if they wanted it to happen, they made it happen. There's definitely more down the road involving those powers especially with making Heckyl the guardian of the dark energem.

Rito Revolto2
11/19/16, 05:24 PM
That was infuriating.

Dino Charge is a paradox. The rangers used the energems to go back in time to stop Sledge and Fury from attacking Earth 65 million years ago. By succeeding, they negated the need for Keeper to give the gems to dinosaurs, negating the need for the rangers to ever have gotten their powers in the first place. Ivan and Koda should have vanished and James should have gone full Zeo Billy...or maybe the entire universe should have folded in upon itself. Shit, somebody call Neil deGrasse-Tyson.

Also, dinosaurs never went extinct. Therefore, humans should not be the dominant species and dinosaurs should have evolved beyond what they were in the Triassic period. I'm talking not just Flinstones. I'm talking Dinohattan.

I wasn't OK and remain not OK with RPM being retconned into an AU. But in my headcanon, Samurai and Mega are one AU and Dino Charge must be another. The ending gave us no sense of where these characters were going after the finale besides back to their proper time periods and oh god here comes another headache.

I'm giving it a second star for some nice visuals but that's about it. At least, since Overdrive and Super Megaforce remain things that happened, it isn't the worst finale in PR history.

Inner Senshi
11/19/16, 05:27 PM
You guys are reading way too into this its just a kids show. Dino Charge is just as good as all the other seasons.

11/19/16, 05:29 PM
So, does someone want to explain to me why everyone hates this episode so much? What part of the time continuity bothered everyone?

--They really made a new narration for one episode? OK.
--It was a nice touch seeing various allies throughout the season return.
--How...did Tyler use Super Charge T-Rex Mode in the past?
--The scene where Koda and Ivan leave definitely brought out all the feels.

As an episode, it was good. But in the greater picture? I understand it had some struggles. The whole time-travel concept never woo'd me over to begin with. I didn't think a season like this needed to dabble in time travel because of the mess it often causes.

As a whole, Dino Charge was pretty middle of the road. It started strong, had tons of potential, but will be remembered for ultimately floundering big in Dino Super Charge. But still, it's a big mark above Samurai and Megaforce. So potential is definitely there for Ninja Steel, but also caution because it feels like they're getting overly ambitious with that season (combining ninja powers with a game show with school?).

I'll miss the Dino Charge cast. They were a likable bunch. But a part of me is finally glad to see this season end. Dino Super Charge has been a struggle.

Mr. CD
11/19/16, 05:31 PM
So, does someone want to explain to me why everyone hates this episode so much? What part of the time continuity bothered everyone?

--They really made a new narration for one episode? OK.
--It was a nice touch seeing various allies throughout the season return.
--How...did Tyler use Super Charge T-Rex Mode in the past?
--The scene where Koda and Ivan leave definitely brought out all the feels.

As an episode, it was good. But in the greater picture? I understand it had some struggles. The whole time-travel concept never woo'd me over to begin with. I didn't think a season like this needed to dabble in time travel because of the mess it often causes.

As a whole, Dino Charge was pretty middle of the road. It started strong, had tons of potential, but will be remembered for ultimately floundering big in Dino Super Charge. But still, it's a big mark above Samurai and Megaforce. So potential is definitely there for Ninja Steel, but also caution because it feels like they're getting overly ambitious with that season (combining ninja powers with a game show with school?).

I'll miss the Dino Charge cast. They were a likable bunch. But a part of me is finally glad to see this season end. Dino Super Charge has been a struggle.

Cuz it made Dino Charge out to be the worst team to ever exist for doing, by accident mind you, the one thing every past villain had failed to do: destroy the Earth. Also it made watching the season out to be a complete waste of time as it gets invalidated by the end.

Again, it made the last two years pointless as both seasons are made to be completely invalidated. And unless we get told this was on it's one universe, Dino Charge also erased the last 20+ years of the show. And before anyone tries to say "But Power Rangers never had tight continuity!" Yes, but never to this amount? Sure SPD shot itself in the foot by giving itself a specific date and time but nothing so far contradicts it.

11/19/16, 05:34 PM
I'm going to play devil's advocate just for the sake of understanding why everyone's up in arms.

How did it erase 20+ years of the show? While dino's now walk the Earth, couldn't the other events of other seasons still have happened?

Maybe I'm just not seeing something.

Mr. CD
11/19/16, 05:35 PM
They still destroyed Earth man. Even if it gets fixed, they're still responsible for causing the Earth's destruction. This isn't like accidentally breaking a window and then replacing it. Millions of lives were crushed, whipped, and torn apart when Earth got sucked into the blackhole.

The Mighty Morphin Powers were based of off dinosaurs. Since Dinos never went extinct, Ninjor probably never made those coins meaning no MMPR and probably no Zeo through Lost Galaxy. Lightspeed might still exists, but Time Force doesn't, Wild Force might not, Ninja Storm might not. Dino Thunder definitely not. SPD not. Mystic Force maybe since their powers resided in the Mystical Realm. Overdrive possible might stiil exist. Jungle Fury probably doesn't. Samurai and Megaforce not. Only RPM really safe since it resides in another dimension.

11/19/16, 05:38 PM
But we can assume that since the destruction of Earth was reversed...all those lives are now fine present day?

Why do dino's have to be dead for MMPR to exist? I'm trying to form a "solution" in my head for how today's events didn't necessarily have to erase everything else in the show's history. How it could all remain intact.

Mr. CD
11/19/16, 05:38 PM
But they still destroyed Earth by not thinking their plan out all the way through. Even though they reversed it, they still destroyed the very planet they've been protecting all Summer long. If the Mega Rangers, Samurai Rangers, or even any of the Kalish teams pulled this, people would want their heads on a pike,

Gold Ranger In Danger
11/19/16, 07:45 PM
The whole thing just seems too convoluted. Dino Charge worked because it was a nice simple story that just worked well as a pr season. They totally ended things on a sour note that leaves most of us confused .

Space Seasons
11/19/16, 07:47 PM
They tried to get too cute. Amit wasn't around to make sure things were done the right way.

Considering the fact Judd Lynn is widely regarded as one of the best writers in PR history , I doubt he could have done better.

Mega Mission
11/19/16, 07:50 PM
And people bashed Super Megaforce's finale. That was an awesome finalie! Much better than this mess.

Sailor Saban
11/19/16, 07:51 PM
I think the finalie was good. Saban hasn't let me down yet.

11/19/16, 07:53 PM
The episode sucked! What a disapointment. Why did they have to ruin such a great season?

Blue Ranger Gone Bad
11/19/16, 07:55 PM
This is what happens when you try to outsmart yourself and get too cute.

Dino Charger
11/19/16, 07:57 PM
I don't get the outrage. The episode was fine. it wasn't what I was expecting but it wasn't bad. Dino Charge is still the best season we have had in awhile. The timeline may have changed but it doesn't mean we didn't see the old timeline happen. Its not like it was all a dream.

Ranger Sentai
11/20/16, 06:48 PM
Its over guys, there is no hope for Power Rangers. Some of you thought DC was the season that would save it. I didn't really think it was all that great and now the finalie has killed any chance of that. I am joining the Sentai Snobs officially and turning fully to Sentai. Power Rangers just isn't worth it anymore.

11/20/16, 09:53 PM
'End Of Extinction' was a decent episode. The rangers made a plan to save the Earth, but it backfire on them by destroying the Earth though a black hole. Then, they have to go back in time to stop Sledge from endangering the Earth, which they has to send his ship toward the sun. After defeating Sledge, the rangers returned to an altered present where the dinosaurs are still alive. (At least the plant eating ones) :shock:

Galaxy Supreme
11/20/16, 11:59 PM
Some of you guys are getting way too worked up about the ending. It was perfectly fine. DC is just another AU.

11/21/16, 12:00 AM
The idea of Dinosuars being alive does sound interesting.

Sledge's Bounty
11/21/16, 12:03 AM
Its over guys, there is no hope for Power Rangers. Some of you thought DC was the season that would save it. I didn't really think it was all that great and now the finalie has killed any chance of that. I am joining the Sentai Snobs officially and turning fully to Sentai. Power Rangers just isn't worth it anymore.

Stop being overdramatic. This finalie can't be bad enough to give up on the show over. I think it was good. Power Rangers is just fine right now.

11/21/16, 12:05 AM
Its something different. At least its not the same old same old.

Spike Hart
11/21/16, 09:11 PM
Yeah I didn't like the twist and the ending was just plan weird. But it doesn't ruin the whole season for me or effect my anticipation for Ninja Steel.

Mystic Ranger
11/21/16, 09:42 PM
I really like the episode. It was an exciting adventure and no one expected it. The ending was really cool. I don't mind having some seasons turn out to be AUs. Dino Charge is no obviously one of them. Ninja Steel will probably be in the regular PRU.