View Full Version : Green Ranger Powers confusion

Super Cena
11/11/16, 11:48 AM
Anyone find the way Tommy got his powers back strange?

He lost the ability to use the Green Ranger Powers because of the Green Candle. Rita didn't actually get them back because they were passed to Jason. Yet when he returns the problem is that the Green Coin has no power left. Wouldn't the power be there still and be transfered to Rita once he morphed?

No Green Spandex
11/11/16, 11:50 AM
Yes, I thought that was stupid and made no sense. And that was before I turned on Tommy.

11/11/16, 11:52 AM
It made perfect sense..The powers were mostly gone. But Zordon was able to being them back.

No Green Spandex
11/11/16, 11:53 AM
Then why did he wait so long to do so?

11/11/16, 11:54 AM
Because he didn't want to risk Tommy's life unless he had too.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
11/11/16, 11:57 AM
It was more that he didn't want to risk using a potential asset in Tommy. So he kept the chance of using Green for one battle as a back up plan.

Ranger Master
11/11/16, 10:14 PM
Yes, Zordon viewed Tommy as a secret weapon. Once he knew he had his undying loyalty, he made him White.

Captain Codfish
11/11/16, 10:26 PM
The powers themselves went into the void when Jason took the coin. The power transfer to Rita didn't happen. Whatever powers were put in after wouldn't be transferred. It was just very hard and dangerous. And it only lasted so long because Tommy mistakenly got blasted by the other coins.

Forever Jason
11/11/16, 10:50 PM
Zordon should have made Jason the Green Ranger to get the coins back.

11/12/16, 10:40 AM
Anyone find the way Tommy got his powers back strange?

He lost the ability to use the Green Ranger Powers because of the Green Candle. Rita didn't actually get them back because they were passed to Jason. Yet when he returns the problem is that the Green Coin has no power left. Wouldn't the power be there still and be transfered to Rita once he morphed?

not all it makes sense once you think about it. Rita gives him the powers but once he defects she casts a spell over them to get the powers back but then he blocks this transfer by giving the coin to Jason. I think it was part of this act right here that had stopped the transfer of powers but I do think there was more to it than that. I think because Zordon had used some of his own energy to re-power his coin that his powers had also prevented Rita from gaining control of the powers.

It made perfect sense..The powers were mostly gone. But Zordon was able to being them back.

It was more that he didn't want to risk using a potential asset in Tommy. So he kept the chance of using Green for one battle as a back up plan.

exactly Zordon could have used his energies at any point in order to re-power the Green Coin but he wasn't going to unless it was absolutely necessary and they had no other options.

Ranger Master
11/12/16, 12:05 PM
The Green Candle really would have killed Tommy. Rita was just bluffing to get Tommy to join her. Zordon didn't tell Tommy the truth so he wouldn't be hindered by the fear of death. Once Tommy gave Jason the coin the spell was negated but the coin lost most of its energy in the proccess.

Starlight Starbrite
11/12/16, 07:15 PM
No, Tommy clearly lost his powers. His life was only in danger because of the battle he was in. When Tommy gave the coin to Jason it stopped Rita from getting it. However she did get most of the actual power. She just couldn't use it until the Wizard made the duplicate coin.

Quantum Hunter
11/13/16, 11:29 AM
The shows writing at this point was very insistent with stuff like this. It was more about getting Tommy back and dealing with the fact there was limited Green Ranger footage even with Zyu 2. So they did whatever they coukd to make it work.

Mesagog Lives
11/13/16, 09:56 PM
The whole Green Rangers powers plot sounds like it was all over the place.

White Spandex Rules
11/13/16, 09:59 PM
It was actually quite good and carried the first year and a half. It really got Tommy over.