View Full Version : Edge of Extinction Episode Discussion

11/10/16, 02:59 PM
Here's the discussion thread for this Saturday's new episode.

11/13/16, 11:04 AM
course? Man those guys are bad co workers, but also, yeah I'd leave Chase to do all the work whenever possible too.

I do like the excuse to get every Zord on screen at once. Feels like we don't get that enough. I also really like that we got the Spinozord without having to go through another bad guys control the zord first story. Though a part of me wishes they had thrown in some easter eggs here and instead of real major cities, the Greenzillas were in former PR cities.

Heckyl out of steampunk attire is so weird. But also, that's kind of crazy when you consider he's so despondent about the earth about to be destroyed he's hitting the bucket list and giving up. This is a guy who expects to die by the end of the day.

Sledge's tuxedo is amazing and should have been his costume the whole time.

Mandatory "Ay yi yi" snuck in at the last second.

What the hell is going on with Snide's eye?

Were they going to get married with Arcanon's book gem holder?

Keeper, seriously man, stop letting rocks fall on you.

I like that helmet back to action morph. The suit just reforms around her when she brings it over her head. We never get to see what it actually looks like when they do that. It's bugged me since childhood, especially when the rangers have long hair sticking out over their shoulders.

Man, this is a lot of stuff shoved into the episode and it doesn't feel cluttered or rushed at all. This quality of writing and producing is why DC is one of the best seasons of this franchise.

11/13/16, 11:05 AM
The ultimate payoff of seeing Kendall FINALLY doing some decent fighting was a plus, after the 10-Ranger-morph and "I'll stay here to monitor things with Keeper." Snide figuring out where the base was was a plus, too, since nobody else did. Poor guy destroys the base, and what's his payoff? Death.

Heckyl's quick turnaround, though, was reminiscent of Nadira's sudden turnaround back in "Time Force." (Also, did the kid's name HAVE to be 'Becca'? I know writers do self-insertion into stories to come up with names for things [a lot of the newer Disney sitcoms do that], but, really, 'Becca'? It's a very minor nitpick, I know.) It was a little sudden, but they did show signs of it beforehand, so it works.

The Megazords, though... I know that it's the footage to blame here, but why did certain attacks suddenly work when they were in a different Megazord configuration? The Ptera Charge Para Blast/Raptor Swipe things were useless, while the Spino Charge versions of those attacks were 300% more effective. Is it the base Zord that lends power to the attacks? (Also, I'll bet Rexy's feeling pretty jealous that Tyler's loving the new Spinozord and not him.)

Now that I know the buildup going into the finale, maybe it won't seem so bad...

11/13/16, 11:06 AM
I think it was supposed to be that the other zords were worn out and draining their chargers before getting a fresh boost in an extra zord. One of them even said they needed more chargers.

Sledge's Bounty
11/13/16, 11:09 AM
Things are shaping up to be an exciting finale.

Dino Charger
11/13/16, 11:12 AM
I loved seeing Shalby finally kick but too.

Massive Ego
11/13/16, 11:14 AM
Shelby's annoying and shouldn't be that strong. Also needing so many Rangers makes the Dino Charge Rangers look like a joke. Quite possibly the weakest tean ever.

11/13/16, 08:11 PM
'Edge Of Extinction' is a super charged episode. The fight with the 5 Greenzillas was fantastic. Snide found and destroyed the base, causing him to be destroyed without becoming a giant. It didn't help that Snide's Sentai counterpart never became a giant. Then, the rangers got news that Fury is attacking the base, and they ran to rescue Keeper. I can't wait for the next episode. :D

A Gia To Remember
11/13/16, 09:36 PM
Me neither..... The final episodes are going to be amazing!

11/14/16, 12:08 PM
'Edge Of Extinction' is a super charged episode. The fight with the 5 Greenzillas was fantastic. Snide found and destroyed the base, causing him to be destroyed without becoming a giant. It didn't help that Snide's Sentai counterpart never became a giant. Then, the rangers got news that Fury is attacking the base, and they ran to rescue Keeper. I can't wait for the next episode. :D

the episode was good and I did like the 5 different zord fights that they had.

wasn't a big fan of Snide finding the base and attacking it but we haven't had that since RPM so I guess it's not that big of a deal.

regardless of Snide's counterpart being a Giant or not that wouldn't have made a difference since they could have elected to shoot an original zord battle if they had wanted to they just opted not to due to the expense of it although the Dino Ultrazord (ugh I hate that name since it's not an Ultrazord) was briefly seen in original footage.

11/14/16, 06:27 PM
They were too cheap to shoot another zord battle then. Typical Saban.....

11/14/16, 09:10 PM
They were too cheap to shoot another zord battle then. Typical Saban.....

it's also possible they didn't have what they needed. You need a suit in order to be able to film something if you don't have that suit then it's just going to look pathetic much like most of the Season 2 fights did.

Captain Codfish
11/14/16, 10:26 PM
There not going to go shooting original zord battles that they don't need to. That is hardly being cheap.

Massive Ego
11/14/16, 10:30 PM
I don't care about the zord battles, just the story. And the story has sucked like it has for over a decade.

Dark Specter's Revenge
11/14/16, 10:31 PM
The show hasn't been good since Lost Galaxy. Its too bad. Everything since than has been mostly mediocre. I thought Saban Brands would bring back the greatness of the old days but it hasn't happened.

Inner Senshi
11/14/16, 10:32 PM
Why can't you guys just enjoy the season for what it is? It's really a great season!

Mesagog Lives
11/14/16, 10:33 PM
I liked all the zord battles. It was really neat. Especially since we are getting to where we are going to see the last of these zords.

11/15/16, 01:21 PM
There not going to go shooting original zord battles that they don't need to. That is hardly being cheap.

exactly besides it was funny that Snide wanted to grow but Sledge said no you don't usually see that.