View Full Version : Gingaman instead of Galaxy

Sentai Is Forever
11/05/16, 11:36 PM
Gingamen should have been adapted more throughly. The Galaxy stuff didn't work. Not keeping the nature theme and made things a disjointed mess. They should have just followed the Sentai closely. It would have saved them a lot of trouble.

Usagi Reborn
11/06/16, 12:41 PM
No way, we woud have had a Wild Force situation on our hands.

Space Seasons
11/06/16, 12:43 PM
Why get rid of one of the best seasons in the franchise? The only way I would consider rewriting Galaxy is if it continued with In Space.

Sentai Envy
11/06/16, 12:44 PM
At least Tzachor learned his lesson. Its a shame Saban Brands lost sight of his value in the last few years.

Goldar's Revenge
11/06/16, 12:45 PM
Tzachor only took to adapting sentai because it was cost effective. The idea he was some kind of Sentai fan was later debunked.

Power Rangers Forever
11/06/16, 12:46 PM
At least Tzachor learned his lesson. Its a shame Saban Brands lost sight of his value in the last few years.

That wasn't the lesson to take out of galaxy.

Phantom Stranger
11/06/16, 12:47 PM
We got our nature themed PR season with Wild Force.

Massive Ego
11/06/16, 12:49 PM
Again, Gingaman sucks like I always thought it would. They woukd have been morons to go with an adaption like that over the LG we got. Its a dumb decision the writers wiukd have made today.

Doctor Dana
11/06/16, 01:15 PM
It worked with Lightspeed. But didn't as much with Wild Force. I don't think closely following the Sentai woukd have worked out as well for season 7.

Massive Ego
11/06/16, 01:18 PM
It has to be a good sentai like Timeranger. You can't just copy a bad Sentai. Wild Force was still decent because they had enough originality. I am going to give Gaoranger a try soon. But I don't have high hopes and have to finish the suck that is Gingaman first.

Jen's Revenge
11/06/16, 03:29 PM
Why would anyone want this to happen ? Lets replace an original season with a carbon copy of a Sentai no one cares about.

Sentai Is Forever
11/06/16, 03:30 PM
Why would anyone want this to happen ? Lets replace an original season with a carbon copy of a Sentai no one cares about.

You wouldn't have had Time Force without the greatness of Timeranger.

Jen's Revenge
11/06/16, 03:32 PM
I didn't say to never copy Sentai. Just don't copy a bad or boring Sentai.

Sentai Is Forever
11/06/16, 03:34 PM
All Sentai seasons are at least good. And I actually think they are all better than there Power Rangers counterparts. Especially the ones that deviate heavily from the Sentai.

11/06/16, 03:37 PM
Thats silly, in highly doubt its that simple.

Captain Codfish
11/06/16, 03:37 PM
Thats silly, in highly doubt its that simple.

Sentai Envy
11/06/16, 03:38 PM
Its silly to you maybe. But not to us Sentai Snobs. Its a fact that Sentai is better than Power Rangers.

Dark Specter's Revenge
11/06/16, 03:41 PM
It worked with Lightspeed. But didn't as nuch with Wild Force. I don't think closely following the Sentai woukd have worked out as well for season 7.

Lightspeed sucked and set the precedent for the franchise to take an awful direction. It hasn't been the same since.

Sentai Envy
11/06/16, 05:30 PM
Lightspeed set the precedent for PR to do its job and copy Sentai. Power Ranges s fans are just jealous that Sentai is better than Power Rangers.

Ranger Sentai
11/06/16, 05:31 PM
Gingaman is really turning out to be great. I think it might have been better if they adapted it more closely.

Goldar's Revenge
11/06/16, 05:35 PM
Lightspeed was good. But it started the terrible trend of Power Rangers copying Sentai needlesly. Thankfully they got away from it at times afterwards, and seem to be away from it permanently now.

Sentai Envy
11/06/16, 05:37 PM
To tell you the truth I think Dino Charge has really misrepresented the Sentai and is starting a troubling trend. Without Tzachor there American Sentai will suffer.

Goldar's Revenge
11/06/16, 05:38 PM
Dino Charge has been great at adapting the Sentai while still being original.

Sentai Snob
11/06/16, 05:51 PM
Dino Charge has been great at adapting the Sentai while still being original.

Sorry, have to agree with Sentai Envy. Dino Charge has not represented the Sentai well enough.

Good job Envy, on coining a great term, American Sentai. Much better than using Power Rangers. And let me just compliment all the members of the Sentai Snob Clan for making great arguements here.

Massive Ego
11/06/16, 05:54 PM
You all made horrible arguments. Just because you like Sentai better, it doesn't mean its better. I like Timeranger and will check out more Sentai....But I am not joining your club. So stop Pming me about it.

Sentai Snob
11/06/16, 05:57 PM
I'm sorry to here that. Just don't post in our thread and we will leave you alone.

Massive Ego
11/06/16, 05:59 PM
I have only posting in your thread once, so that won't be a problem.

I will credit them for keeping the Bull Black storyline. Thats the only part of the Sentai I like so far.

Sentai Envy
11/06/16, 06:00 PM
And I would say it was the only storyline I liked in LG until the Lost Galaxy arch.

Sentai Is Forever
11/06/16, 06:03 PM
This is exactly what I envisioned when I dreamed up the Sentai Snobs. Good to see it come true. Sorry you won't be joining us Ego. But like Snob said we will respect your wishes. Betts good to here you coming around to Sentai. I hope you can officially join us and get in uniform. Which is a term Sentai Snob came up with. I love American Sentai from Envy too.

11/06/16, 08:42 PM
I'm sorry to here that. Just don't post in our thread and we will leave you alone.

only the Mods and the Admins here have the authority to say that which you are neither.

I have only posting in your thread once, so that won't be a problem.

I will credit them for keeping the Bull Black storyline. Thats the only part of the Sentai I like so far.

the Magna Defender storyline was definitely one of the great things that we had seen in Galaxy that's for sure.

11/06/16, 09:24 PM
I allowed them to have that club specific thread that is exclusive to them. I am still working on how to do the club thing. However, I don't want them to abuse the privilage and bother members. So they better stop pming Ego .

Sentai Snob
11/06/16, 09:24 PM
We will respect his and your wishes.

11/07/16, 09:27 PM
That's good, thank you.

I really don't want a scenario where Lost Galaxy never existed. I am glad we got that instead of a nature PR seasons beholden to the Sentai.

Lord Leo
11/11/16, 11:09 PM
I would have just toned down the story they adapted for Leo. He hogged the spotlight.

Tommy Angel
11/11/16, 11:13 PM
Lost Galaxy was just boring. I don't think Gingaman would have helped.

Ultra Mega
11/11/16, 11:14 PM
Galaxy was basically Gingamen in Space anyway.

Starlight Starbrite
11/12/16, 07:23 PM
I wouldn't want to give up Lost Galaxy. It was a unique season that was one of the best.

Quantum Hunter
11/13/16, 11:17 AM
Galaxy was a great season! There is no way that a striaght up Gingaman adaption would have been near as good.

Sentai Is Forever
11/13/16, 11:19 AM
But Sentai is always better than American Sentai, so I fail to see how a Gingamen adaption wouldn't be way better than the American hack job that was Galaxy.