View Full Version : Lights Of Orion

Super Cena
11/05/16, 08:08 AM
Why were they on Terra Venture? That made no sense. Especially when Scorpious just assummed they were on the station.

Also it was strange how the villains stopped careing about stealing the Quasar Sabers.

Goldar's Revenge
11/05/16, 11:51 AM
This is the effect of having to adopt a lot of Sentai Footage. As it was a main element in the sentai counterpart. Which was set on Earth, so it didn't have that problem. A lot of people love Lost Galaxy. But its because of the second half. The first half was actually pretty disjointed and bad.

Space Nerd
11/05/16, 11:54 AM
I always thought this was odd. I guess the lights got there after the fact. I don't know why they just didn't have them be on some planet. The Lights ended up flying away to one anyway.

Ashley Andros
11/05/16, 11:55 AM
Instead of Terra Venture. Perhaps the Galaxy Rangers should have been based on the Megaship, going from planet to planet.

11/05/16, 11:56 AM
Maybe they could have had the Space Rangers in it instead. Even if they still had to change suits.

Lord Leo
11/05/16, 05:45 PM
As long as Leo wasn't Lord Of The Rangers.

No Green Spandex
11/05/16, 05:45 PM
Were the Galaxy Rangers Thundercats?

Astro Delta
11/05/16, 05:48 PM
I always assumed they just followed Megna Defender around , waiting for him to redeem himself or a new worthy worrier(s).

11/05/16, 07:14 PM
Why were they on Terra Venture? That made no sense. Especially when Scorpious just assummed they were on the station.

Also it was strange how the villains stopped careing about stealing the Quasar Sabers.

unfortunately there's really no explanation for why they were on Terra Venture that's just one of those things that's an artifact from the Sentai that just didn't translate well since Gingaman was a nature Sentai that had remained on Earth whereas MMPR Productions had wanted to go with another Space season but because they had very little info about Gingaman they had no clue how out there their stuff was going to be.

Sentai Envy
11/05/16, 08:52 PM
Thats why they should have stuck with the Sentai. Luckly, they started to understand this with Lightspeed.

Sentai Snob
11/05/16, 08:53 PM
And even then it took until Time Force for them to get behind it fully.

Power Rangers Forever
11/05/16, 08:56 PM
I still think it was worth going original with the space theme. Its too bad they couldn't find a a better way to adapt the Orion plot.

11/05/16, 08:58 PM
Lost Galaxy took itself way too seriously.

The Orion plot was just plain confusing anyway.

Lord Leo
11/05/16, 09:00 PM
At least all the Rangers ended up with it and not Lord Leo.

Ranger Sentai
11/05/16, 09:02 PM
I've been watching Gingaman. Its been awesome so far! I went back and watched some Galaxy. And I have to say Gingaman is shaping up to be better

Sentai Is Forever
11/05/16, 09:02 PM
Glad you're enjoying it!

11/05/16, 09:04 PM
At least Saban wasn't cheap in Galaxy. I will give him that.

Massive Ego
11/05/16, 09:06 PM
Gingaman sucks from what I have seen. When I sampled Timeranger and loked it better tha. I thought...I had hope for more Sentai. But this isn't doing it for me. Lost Galaxy was the way to go. It was one of the best seasons ever produced.

Space Seasons
11/05/16, 09:07 PM
Yeah, Space and Galaxy were the best seasons PR ever produced.

Terra Venture
11/05/16, 09:09 PM
Land from Earth was probably placed on Terra Venture. Some of that land contained the lights. The Lights were originally hiding on Earth.

11/05/16, 09:10 PM
I thought about that too. But it seems far fetched and a little convenient.

Captain Codfish
11/05/16, 09:12 PM
They probably didn't plan for this. But the fact the Lights ran from the station to another planet shows that they could easily moved. The Lights travelled to Terra Venture themselves. Perhaps drawn to the Quasar Sabers or the Rangers themselves.

Goldar's Revenge
11/05/16, 09:18 PM
Thats why they should have stuck with the Sentai. Luckly, they started to understand this with Lightspeed.

As great as it ended up being , Lost Galaxy got lucky in a lot ways. They started off on the wrong foot when the Sentai wasn't going to match the Space theme very well. Nor the very concept of Terra Venture. There was a lot of production problems..They had to replace Valerie for health reasons. And the first replacement didn't work out. But at the end of the day LG was a success when you look at things purely creatively.

MMPR Forever
11/07/16, 01:01 PM
Lost Galaxy was just too science fiction based. It didn't feem like Power Rangers.

Sentai Master
11/07/16, 01:06 PM
Thats why they should have stuck with the Sentai. Luckly, they started to understand this with Lightspeed.

GoGoV was a much different Sentai than Gingaman. You really need to take things on a case by case basis when you decide how to adapt a Sentai.

Captain Codfish
11/07/16, 08:45 PM
This is very true. Timeranger was another great Sentai to copy. But there are other ones that weren't. Carranger was a headache for instance. Gingamen as Galaxy worked out great in the end.

11/07/16, 09:03 PM
I didn't think any of those seasons were that good. They were way too serious and the characters weren't too likeable. The older seasons were a lot better. Some of the Disney series got it right. Neo Saban has been okay with Dino Charge.