View Full Version : Should Tommy have come back?

No Green Spandex
11/04/16, 11:46 AM
I think the show would have been better off if Tommy didn't come back after he lost the Green Ranger powers for the final time. He stopped being an interesting character by this point and started to tottally take over the show. Tommy did all he needed to do by that piont. And he already got a second life when he temporally got his powers back. It would have been better to let Tommy ride off into the sunset and make someone else the White Ranger.

Goldar's Revenge
11/04/16, 11:49 AM
Tommy was the most popular character on the show. Thats why they brought him back the first time. And really once they brought him back he was going to be around permanently. They were never going to get rid of Tommy at that point.

11/04/16, 11:51 AM
No way! We beeded the happy ending with Tommy becoming White Ranger. And not having Tommy around for as long as he was would have hurt the show big time. Its bad enough Kimberly left before MMPR was even finished..

White Spandex Rules
11/04/16, 11:52 AM
Tommy didn't overtake anything. He got a ton of focus in season 2 once he came back. But that made sense to reward the fans for everything he went through. In season 3 other characters got focus too.

Turbo Black
11/04/16, 11:53 AM
Why would they write off the most popular character? The only reason he left the first time was because it was the original plan.

A Gia To Remember
11/04/16, 11:55 AM
I liked having Tommy back. Maybe they coukd have wrote him off after Zeo to give him a better send off then what he got in Turbo.

Everyone Loves Rocky
11/04/16, 11:55 AM
At least he wasn't replaced by a kid like Rocky was.

MMPR Forever
11/04/16, 11:56 AM
I thought Richie was going to be the White Ranger. I'm glad it ended up being Tommy.

11/04/16, 12:02 PM
Too bad Saban was too cheap to produce new Green Ranger footage.

11/04/16, 01:31 PM
I think the show would have been better off if Tommy didn't come back after he lost the Green Ranger powers for the final time.

how would you explain the Zyu2 footage that required the Green Ranger then?

but I disagree I still think he was an interesting character. He came back but with temporary powers which was an awesome storyline for him but then his powers were fully exhausted against Turban Shell. He was chosen to be the new White Ranger which made sense and I understand your complaint that he was a power hog but I think that was more to do with the powers that he had as the White Ranger. His power level severely diminished when Ninjor gave him new powers since it wasn't a Ranger that he created and he didn't have access to Zordon and Alpha 5's Light of Goodness. Also although he was the Red Ranger in Zeo and Turbo he really didn't have much of a spotlight and even when he came back in Dino Thunder the spotlight went to the new characters except for like maybe 3 episodes.

No Green Spandex
11/04/16, 06:07 PM
I'm talking about Tommy leaving after "Green No More". I'm not talking about not being Tommy back after "Green Candle."

Green Saba
11/04/16, 06:08 PM
I still agree with Matt. Getting rid of Tommy during MMPR or Zeo would have been foolish.

Red Spandex Forever
11/04/16, 06:10 PM
Besides they ended up having to write off three of the originals. So it would have back fired big time if they couldn't get Frank back.

Gosei Great
11/04/16, 06:27 PM
Frank would have been brought back to replace Austin worst case senario.

VR Master
11/04/16, 06:32 PM
Not if he did Cybertron. But I suppose that ship sailed well before "Green No More".

11/05/16, 12:31 AM
I'm talking about Tommy leaving after "Green No More". I'm not talking about not being Tommy back after "Green Candle."

either way my point still stands about everything that I had said in regards to what happened after that 2-parter.

11/05/16, 08:00 AM
Its good Tommy came back the second time. But it is fun to think about what might have been if they had a brand new White Ranger. But I woukd have been disapointed at the time if they did that.

Cybertron woukd have been cool if they actually were using the real Tommy character to make it a true spin off. Especially since we didn't have as much backstory on Tommy after "Green Candle". So the whole missing father thing could have been in play. We never saw Tommy's parents anyway.

Captain Codfish
11/07/16, 08:37 PM
Too bad Saban was too cheap to produce new Green Ranger footage.

They already bought new footage from Toei. What more did you want them to do? They had ready made White Ranger footage. Which also cost money in all the original footage they had to produce states side. So Saban was far from cheap in this instance.

Tommy was always going to come back after "Green No More". There was only doubt after "Candle" but that was quickly answered when he came back for another run as Green. It was just a matter of deciding how to keep him on the show. They bought as much time for him as Green as the could. So they made the transition to White.

11/07/16, 08:57 PM
Tommy on Cybertron wouldn't have been the same. And I don't see why he had to keep the Green Ranger Powers. He was just fine as the White Ranger. He was at his best as White Ranger anyway.