View Full Version : Zedd and Rita post Zeo

Super Cena
10/31/16, 04:32 PM
Excluding the real life production reasons...Why did Zedd and Rita abandon there plams to conquer Earth post Zeo?

Zeo Power
10/31/16, 04:33 PM
That made no sense to me. Since they took out the machines and looked poised to come back stronger than ever.

MMPR Forever
10/31/16, 04:35 PM
If Zedd and Rita came back maybe Turbo would have been more like MMPR. What a shame.

I have no reason why they would have left. Divatox wouldn't scare them.

Viva La Divatox
10/31/16, 04:36 PM
I'm glad we got Divatox instead. Maybe she paid them off to go away?

Massive Ego
10/31/16, 04:39 PM
The writers were too lazy to clean up the plotholes. But thats another thread .

I agree it made no sense. It would take a fan fic to come up with a reason why. And that wouldn't count anyway.

Sentai Is Forever
10/31/16, 04:40 PM
They should have just stuck with the Carranger villians to save money. I can't tell you why they left because it made no sense. Thats why Sentai is smart to tie up the loose ends every year. Just like PR does now.

Sentai Envy
10/31/16, 04:42 PM
Yeah you guys should diffinitly watch some Carranger.

Massive Ego
10/31/16, 04:43 PM
I have been watching it and so far Carranger is garbage.

Green Saba
10/31/16, 04:46 PM
Vile probably wanted control since he helped them when they had no where to go. And they rather had Divatox have it than lose it to "Dad".

Goldar's Revenge
10/31/16, 04:50 PM
There was a lot of movement in the UAE. Zedd and Rita already got called back. For whatever reason Divatox didn't get the call until much later. Zedd and Rita didn't want this to happen but Specter wasn't to be messed with.

No Green Spandex
10/31/16, 04:53 PM
Zedd and Rita got called back to help Daddy Vile to build a fence in his Dark Galaxy. And by the time they got back they lost out to Viva La Diva.

10/31/16, 09:12 PM
I think they had other galaxies to conquer. Its too bad they didn't stick around. It was silly to get rid of Rita and Zedd.