View Full Version : MMPR Multi-Parters

10/28/16, 09:26 PM
Those MMPR multi-parters were so good. it really made the show feel like a serial. They really don't do nulti-parters like they did in season 2 and 3 anymore.

Space Seasons
10/28/16, 09:30 PM
Those episodes had too much filler for time. They obviousky were trying to stall for time. That wS the real function of Bulk and Skull.

MMPR Forever
10/29/16, 08:12 AM
MMPR definitely had the best episodes. Those miniseries episodes were great!

Goldar's Revenge
10/29/16, 12:03 PM
This is why season 2 is my favorite season.

Destiny Defeated
10/29/16, 12:05 PM
The multi-parters were horrible. They were just there to fill time because they had footage issues. Most of their plots could have been resolved in one part if it weren't for all the stalling.

Jen's Revenge
10/29/16, 12:06 PM
The Green Ranger clone was pretty good. The rest were kind of just there.

Captain Mutiny
10/29/16, 12:07 PM
The Master Vile three parter was amazing. Its really the crown jewel of MMPR. The only other thing that comes close is "Mutiny".

A Gia To Remember
10/29/16, 12:09 PM
I think they were all good and exciting.

Inner Senshi
10/29/16, 12:10 PM
Me too. How can anyone not like them?

Adam White Tiger
10/29/16, 12:12 PM
I wonder why the Wild West episode wasn't three parts?

Destiny Defeated
10/29/16, 12:13 PM
And that one was much better for it. There wasn't as much of the stalling. It still should have been one episode though.

Captain Codfish
10/29/16, 12:15 PM
The three parter with Kimberly losing her powers and possibly her life was one of the better ones. It was the darkest MMPR got.