View Full Version : How would the timeline be saved with just Wes?

Usagi Reborn
10/04/16, 11:29 AM
In the TF finalie we know the Rangers die in original history. When they return to the future they learn that Wes succeeded but died in the proccess. I don't get why pulling the team was even an option? How did Wes stikk succeed without them?

10/04/16, 06:54 PM
That confused me at the time too. I didn't get why pulling the Rangers wouldn't damage the future.

10/04/16, 10:53 PM
that's a good question since how could Wes' efforts even do anything to save them and keep the timeline intact if he was killed?

10/04/16, 10:55 PM
And if the Rangers aren't there to help like the originally there, it makes it more unlikely.

Usagi Reborn
10/04/16, 10:59 PM
It also defeats the whole purpose of sending the TF Rangers back in the first placce. Since they just left Ransik back in time anyway.

Tommy Angel
10/04/16, 10:59 PM
This time travel stuff gives me a headache.

Captain Codfish
10/04/16, 11:03 PM
For whatever reason the future wouldn't be changed. Alex must have saw that Wes was still able to win without the others. So nothing would change except for the Rangers being alive. I would assume Ransik and Frax would have died too.

Goldar's Revenge
10/04/16, 11:06 PM
And then the Rangers return to the future anyway once the timeline is fixed. What ever happened to the making their own destiny. "End of Time " suffered from what a lot of Time Force did. It veered to close to the Sentai and undercut its own original ideas in the process.

Cameron Sensei
10/04/16, 11:07 PM
Alex was just being selfish and only cared about saving Jen.

Goldar's Revenge
10/05/16, 11:30 AM
Alex us the most sympathric character on the show. He got injured in the line of duty and returned to find himself replaced by a doppleganer. Who fell in love with his fiancee . Too it off with the burden of having to preserve the timeline. In the end Alex does whats best and lets Wes be Red. And allows Jen and the team to return to the past to save Wes in the end. And to top it all off loses Jen as his fiancee.

A Gia To Remember
10/05/16, 11:31 AM
It was sad who Alex and Jen were engaged but never got to get married.

10/05/16, 11:34 AM
Its funny...When the first episode aired,I was really sad anout Jen losing Alex. But by the time Alex came back, I was a Jen/Wes shipper. And of course the show ends with niether of them together lol.

Forever Pink
10/05/16, 06:57 PM
Alex and Jen probably got back together later on. Jen would have had to move on eventually.

10/05/16, 09:06 PM
I agree that she would've needed to move on eventually but I do not believe she would've went back to Alex since as we saw in Time Force while she did have feelings for him in the beginning she had lost those feelings due to his hardened attitude.

Super Cena
10/05/16, 09:35 PM
Alex and Jen couldn't get back together. Too much had changed. Especially on Jen's end.

Omega Black
10/06/16, 07:50 PM
Wes probably figured out how to cancel the crystal power source out without the Rangers. I'm not sure how Ransik was taken down.