View Full Version : Another Space Season?

Space Seasons
10/02/16, 12:18 PM
Its been way too long since we had a Space team. SPD wasn't even a true Space season. I think its time we get one. The shows always been its its best in Space.

Tommy Angel
10/02/16, 05:18 PM
I didn't really like the Space Seasons all that much. They didn't feel like Power Rangers. I am glad they went back to normal with Lightspeed.

10/02/16, 09:59 PM
I'd like another Space season but something that's actually a real Space season not something like Space where they travel to a few Planets but still go back to Earth a lot and I wouldn't want something like Galaxy either since they really didn't travel much in regards to traveling to other planets.

Destiny Defeated
10/02/16, 11:01 PM
I wouldn't mind another Space season. Its been a long time since we have had one.

Rita's Pita
10/02/16, 11:02 PM
I like it better when the Rangers our on Earth. Power Rangers isn't Star Trek.

Blue Ranger Gone Bad
10/02/16, 11:05 PM
Were just lucky they didn't keep the nature theme for Galaxy.

Captain Codfish
10/02/16, 11:10 PM
Space was when PR really hit its prime. Galaxy was a good follow up. I would love to see another Space season done right.

Blue Ranger Gone Bad
10/03/16, 05:39 PM
I do think Power Rangers is more than just a Space series. Space and LG work because they are special. If you have every season invovle space it ceases to be special. Not to mention becomes too expensive.

Goldar's Revenge
10/03/16, 05:43 PM
Lets not forget that the space seasons happened on accident. The producers thought Megaranger was a Space Sentai. When they found out it wasn't the case Jonathon and Judd just made the calk to do Space. Similarly made the decision to go with Lost Galaxy when Gingamen seemed underwhelming.

No Pink Angel
10/03/16, 11:14 PM
The Space seasons were way overrated. Space gave us that awful finale in C2D. "Journey's End" wasn't much better. It just didn't feel like Power Rangers. The show really took a detour here. Which led to its decline and near cancellation.

Captain Mutiny
10/03/16, 11:15 PM
Space did no such thing. Ratings remained consistent with Turbo which stabilized the series. Lost Galaxy's first had had the best ratings ever.

Captain Codfish
10/03/16, 11:17 PM
Space and Galaxy were both awesome! And they had great endings. I really loved all the drama. But at the same time there was still the fun we all associate with PR. The series needed something different at the time. Space and Galaxy didn't nothing to damage PR. PR died off for awhile because of the Sentification and the Saban on his way out of television.

10/03/16, 11:20 PM
There seems to be a few people out there who try to say C2D is overrated. A lot of times they are people who saw it after the fact and don't quite grasp what it meant at the time. The episode still holds up well for me.

Space and Lost Galaxy were tremendously fun times for the show. I wouldn't give them up for anything. Space also tied up most of the loose ends of the first six seasons. Galaxy was amazing in its second half. Its a shame ratings went down. But that was more due to lack of promotion and Digimon.

Massive Ego
10/03/16, 11:21 PM
Agreed, these are the two best seasons. Actually calling "Countdown" and "Journey's End" overrated is just crazy. They are some of the best episodes the show has ever produced. The show will never come close with the current crappy writing. I would like another Space Season. But I don't think they'd get it right. Last time it looked like we were finally getting another one we got SPD. Not only was it not a Space Season. It just plain sucked!

No Pink Angel
10/03/16, 11:32 PM
I didn't like the Space Finale because they tried to do a big movie budget for TV and failed. Power Rangers can't be like that. The whole thing just felt forced and had way too much going on.

Killing off Zordon was terrible. He was the life of the show. Its like killing off Optimus Prime without bringing him back. The Astronema/Andros stuff was just so played out. It was unbelievable that Karone could come back to life like that. Plus the whole death scene never should have been part of the show anyway.

The whole notion of Zordon's Wave destroying everything made no sense. I hated seeing all those villains washed away. It came back to bite them with Rita in MF. Which was a show that at least felt like PR. Space didn't.

I don't get why people loved this episode so much. The Zeo Finale was so much better. People just don't like it because of the plot holes in Turbo.

Kimmy Repulsa
10/03/16, 11:33 PM
I didn't like the whole Zordon thing either. It was just way too easy. I would rather still have Zordon around too. A lot of Countdown did feel rushed. I didn't totally hate it though. Space was ok, not the be all and end all of PR. I don't think its anything close to the worst season. Far from it. Galaxy was just boring at times. At least it got more interesting in the second half.

Space Nerd
10/03/16, 11:36 PM
Karone was brought back to life by latent energies of Zordon's Wave interacting with Andros' love. Zordon's had tremendous power so him using it to defeat all the evil made sense. Its not something he would do lightly. Since it could only be done once. It would not only cost him his life but would prevent it from being there for another said invasion.

Time Force Traitor
10/06/16, 11:26 AM
I would love another season with the tone of Space and Galaxy. Kinda like Time Force and most of RPM.