View Full Version : Why did Rocky get demoted to Blue?

Everyone Loves Rocky
09/24/16, 12:33 PM
It seemed kind of odd. Since it would have made more sense to make him Green. It seemed like Adam was second in command in Zeo. Rocky should have been like he was in seasons 2-3.

No Green Spandex
09/24/16, 12:35 PM
I wish Tomny woukd have been devoted to Blue. Not that something like that would have happened.

09/24/16, 02:50 PM
because he was never the leader. Tommy became the leader in Season 2 once he gained his White Ranger powers and when the Zeo Crystal gave them their powers it just so happened that Red was the color that was meant for their leader of their Zeo Ranger team. Rocky wasn't a leader and wasn't leader material so he was demoted to the lesser color which was blue.

Everyone Loves Rocky
09/24/16, 05:07 PM
I know but he was second in command and demoted to third.

Captain Codfish
09/24/16, 05:09 PM
There are no ranks in Power Rangers besides leader. And sometimes those aren't even official. Green just happened to do more in the Sentai so as a side effect Adam appeared to be Second In Command to some. But there are no ranks.

Adam White Tiger
09/24/16, 05:10 PM
I think Adam just did such a good job in MMPR that Zordon promoted him. It wasn't much to do with Rocky.

Chef Mia
09/24/16, 05:13 PM
I think Kim was actually second in command in Season 2 and most of season 3. Billy got the job once Kat joined. And in Zeo Adam was in fact second in comnand Rocky was never demoted.

09/24/16, 08:08 PM
I know but he was second in command and demoted to third.

no he wasn't. Being MMPR Red doesn't automatically make you second in command.

There are no ranks in Power Rangers besides leader. And sometimes those aren't even official. Green just happened to do more in the Sentai so as a side effect Adam appeared to be Second In Command to some. But there are no ranks.

that's not always true some teams did have second in commands namely the Alien Rangers and Time Force. Delphine was the leader and Aurico was their second-in-command since he was their field commander, this applied in Time Force too with Jen and Wes she was the leader and he was the field commander. S.P.D. is another instance of them having a command structure.

09/24/16, 10:52 PM
Rocky wasn't demoted. The Zeo fragment that connected to his heritage just happened to be blue.

Hailey Hartford
03/03/17, 03:09 PM
Actually because Red was former leader it should of made the Red Ranger second being that despite being demoted to second-in-command once Tommy joined as White, Jason was second-in-command as Red Ranger but after he left that role went to the next Veteran Ranger which happened to go back and forth between Kim and Billy(Pink and Blue). As of Zeo it usually went to whoever happened to step up into the role.

Polly Want A Megazord
03/03/17, 09:22 PM
I don't think Rocky was supposed to have any kind of a rank. He became Zeo Blue because that was the shard he bonded with. It wasn't a demotion. Tommy was the leader by the time Rocky joined.

Bratty Katty
03/04/17, 12:26 PM
The only rank is the leadership position. And even that was unofficial sometimes.

03/04/17, 07:06 PM
Why is being made blue demoting anyone?

SPD Emergency
03/04/17, 07:11 PM
Well Blue does clearly rank less than Red in SPD.

Forever Jason
03/04/17, 07:14 PM
Rocky was never second in Command. He inherited Jason's powers, not his place in the command hierarchy. Rocky was never meant to have any real power over the rest of the team. He was just a good soldier like the rest of the team under Tommy. It was ridiculous that Jason was demoted. But thats another matter.

Racecar Ronny
03/04/17, 10:43 PM
I think its because Red is usually so important. When a character changes to blue or another color after being red, it feels like a demotion.

Kimberly Cares
03/06/17, 10:41 PM
I don't think he was a strong enough character to be leader. Zordon probably thought he was a better fit for Blue. Tommy was perfect for Red since he was already the leader.

Zordon's Legacy
03/07/17, 05:05 PM
The new Rangers were never going to be given leadership positions right away. Rocky was just best suited to taken over Jason's powers. And probably felt pressure to fill Jason's shoes. Once he heard more about the former's role. Which is part of why he was so insecure when. Jason came back. Rocky could be an insure guy at times. Which is one of the reasons why he was never leadership material. But in any case, Tommy was always the leader when Rocky was around.

A Gia To Remember
03/07/17, 05:09 PM
I always liked Jason better. Not that Rocky was bad, but he wasn't a good leader.

Ivan The Terrible
03/08/17, 07:44 AM
Rocky really wasn't even a good character. He had no real personality of his own. And was just there to be the generic Red Ranger. He comes off even more poorly following Jason. His lack of personality is why he was glorified comic relief in Zeo. Which is the only way they could make him work.

Dark Specter's Revenge
03/08/17, 07:15 PM
I don think Rocky was ever supposed to be another Jason..Making him Blue Just fit the dynamic they were going for. It wasn't a demotion since he was never in command.